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As I opened the door with the two coffee's on my hand, I felt a hand going on my shoulder down to my back.

"..What took you so long?" Levi grunted, moving next to me.

"Sorry Levi, I met with the others down and we sat and talked a bit.." I responded, handing him his coffee.

"..The others didn't miss a chance to find out about us, huh?" He snickered, taking a sip. "Come on now, we got some training to do."

"Yeah, you're right" I responded right away, leaving my coffee aside.

He placed his arms round my stomach and lower back, grabbing softly. "That doesn't mean we're not going to have some fun too, though.."

I turned back at him raising my eyebrows the same sassy way he always does. "..and what will the fun involve?"

He moved in front of the sack, leaning on it with his elbow. "We need to work on your weak spots. We'll start with bettering your attack speed. If you manage to reach the timing I want you to, I'll reward you."

I smirked, putting my gloves on. "Doesn't sound hard! How fast do you want me to hit?"

He smirked back, getting his timer out of his pocket. "I can never get enough of your confidence. Though it won't be easy, taking how fast you hit the sack before. I want you to reach fifty punches in ten seconds."

"Fifty..?" I gulped, "that's a pretty big number for only ten seconds, ain't it.."

"It is. But that's the only way to improve your speed." He continued, placing his thumb on the timer. "Start."

I pulled my arms forward and began hitting first with the left and then the right, as rapidly as I could. By the time he stopped his timer, I was already completely exhausted. I laid my hands on the sack, panting as I turned at him. "..how.. how did I do..?"

"33. You need to mix your upper with your lower punches. You use way too many upper and you end up getting too tired." He explained, wiping my face with a towel. "Try again."

I pulled myself back up, taking an 1-minute break and raising my fists. I began hitting as he pressed his timer, going even faster than before and punching the way he told me to.

I stopped right after the ten seconds, dropping my head on the sack. I was twice as tired, and thought that I didn't manage to reach fifty.

Before I managed to turn at him, I felt his hand caressing down my chest and his other giving me a hug from behind and kissing the back of my neck.

I smiled, placing my hands onto his. "So that's what you meant.."

After I took a small break, Levi walked in front of me pulling his fists up. "One more thing we need to improve is your defense. When you hit, you leave yourself too vulnerable."

"..so you'll attack me?" I questioned, pulling myself up.

"No. You'll attack me. But each time you pull your fist towards me, I'll come back at you on your most unprotected spot." He continued, pulling the hair that has fallen on his eyes back.

"You mean you'll hit me? That's gonna be a little painful.." I gulped, thinking how immeasurably strong he is.

He smirked, placing his hand on my cheek. "I'm not gonna actually hit you, babe. I would never do anything to hurt you, even if it was for your training."

I smiled, feeling his fingers going from my cheek down to my lips. "Oh damn.. don't make me fucking bite you.."

"Will you..?" He smirked. "I'm the boss during training, you know that. Now come at me."

I began hitting him at once, but obviously not one of my punches were able to reach him. Not only his defense was incredibly fast, but he immediately stretched his arm quick enough towards my chest. We kept on for a couple of more hits, and each time I attacked ge had already found my vulnerable spot.

"Woah.. how.." I huffed, wiping the sweat off my forehead, "..how the heck do you manage to attack so fast..?"

He raised his eyebrows on me. "Babe, you're opposing a kickboxing champion. You might be good, but don't think you'll put me down. If we were having an actual fight, you'd already be on your second knock-out."

"Am I really that bad..?" I huffed loudly.

"I told you, you're good. Really good. But the two of us can't be measured in the same scale. Not yet, at least.." he smirked, pulling my hair back. "Let's try some more attacks, and try to defense your chest with your other arm."

I obeyed him, as I started hitting him once again. With each punch, I reminded myself to protect myself with the other. I didn't always manage to keep up with Levi's speed, but I surprisingly defended a couple of his attacks.

"H-hey..! I defended that one, did you see i-" I exclaimed, when I felt his arms around my chest, forcing me down to the floor. He fell with his chest on mine, pinning my hands and kissing me roughly.

"Those rewards are getting better and better.. " I smirked, as we pulled back from the kiss.

"You're getting better and better, cupcake.." he licked his lips.

"I thought you'd call me babe from now on.." I raised my eyebrows.

"Which one do you prefer?" He snickered.

"I love both. Though babe sounds a bit sexier.."


After we finished with the kickboxing training, I moved down to the equipment floor to do some more muscle exercising. I must admit that nothing compares to kickboxing with Levi, but I need to work on my abs a bit too.

I climbed on a boxing sack with my legs up, doing some downside crunches. I used to love that kind of exercise, not only because it's great for the abs but because it's harder than regular crunches too.

As I was pulling myself up, I noticed Levi walking towards me, leaning his arm on my sack. "Working on your abs, huh?"

"Uh-huh. This one's a bit tough.." I snickered at him.

"Let's make it a little tougher, then.." he smirked, placing his hand inside my thigh.

"H-hey, what are you doing there..?" I slightly moaned, as I felt him grabbing my thigh.

"Don't mind me, keep up with the exercise.." he lowered his hand towards my panty.

I huffed, as I tried to continue with the crunches. "It won't be so easy to make me stop.."

He licked his lips, pulling my shorts leg down. "You're right. You need something rougher.." he smirked, placing his mouth on my inner thigh.

I instantly felt his teeth biting me, and this time I couldn't help but flinch, making myself fall down from the sack.

"Ouch" I gasped, stroking my head. "Getting a little too feisty, aren't ya Levi.." I snickered, as he leaned down to me.

"Me, feisty..?" He smirked, as his glance went all over my body. "You're the one who went on and kissed me first, babe.."


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now that I'm revisiting this chapter I'm realizing I'm the only one who'd wanna be called babe by Levi 🥲
bare with my turn-ons please 🤡🖤

Feisty [Trainer!Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now