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When the snow season begins every year, Eren and I always go to the coziest coffee place in town for a hot chocolate. It's like a little tradition we havr to prepare ourselves for the holidays.

"It's so snowy out there today!" I pointed, as we sat down in the table. "It hasn't snowed so much for over three years.."

"Yeah, remember when the snow was over 8 feet tall? We had the greatest snowball fight back then!" Eren commented, "I really kicked your ass.."

"What are you talking about? I throw snowballs much harder than you! When that last one hit your forehead, you had a bump for over a week.." I reminded him.

"..maybe, but in snowfighting you need to have speed, not steam! I have always been faster than you.." he raised an eyebrow.

"We're gonna have a damn rematch this year and we'll see who's actually the snowfight champion!" I snickered, bumping my hand at the table.

Sometimes Eren and I act exactly like children. And I love that so much.. our bond is really sibling-like, we fight all the time but at the end of the day we're always there for eachother. I don't even know what I'd do without that dumbass..

"What's that little tiger you're carrying?" He asked, pointing at the white tiger plush I had left next to the table.

"Isn't he adorable? Levi got it for me the other day, he told me the tiger really reminded him of me.."

"..In what way?" Eren giggled.

"I'm not sure, I guess in the way I fight.." I thought, "Levi says I really do have the eye of the tiger when I'm kickboxing."

"Tell Levi that he's watched Rocky a little too many times.." he snickered, "that's the literally soundtrack of the movie.."

"Hey, that's what I'm gonna name him! Rocky.." I beamed, taking a look at the plush.

"Boy, you're so in damn love with Levi.." he rolled his eyes, shaking his head, "it's so unlike you, but I gotta say it's pretty cute that you're constantly smiling when you talk about him. I love seeing you so happy.."

I smiled, as I raised my head back up. "I love him so much, Eren. And I've really been so happy lately, like at completely random times, for no reason.. it feels good." I pushed my hair back. "You know, his birthday is in only two days!"

"What, on Christmas Day? Woah, that's so.. special!" He realized, "and what are you planning to do for him?"

"Well, I was thinking that we could spend the night on a little chalet together.. Levi loves this kind of sweet, romantic stuff. But the problem is, I haven't made any reservation yet, since I found out about his birthday only the previous week from Sasha.." I explained, "and now I doubt there will be any places left.."

"I don't think so.." Eren snickered, "I know a guy that manages Christmas chalets, Armin, and if I ask him to he'll definitely find you something!"

"No kidding, you're serious?!" I exclaimed, "that's fucking awesome! You're saving my ass once again.."

"That's my job.." he snickered, "I'll call him after we outta here. I passed once from one of the chalets and they're hella fancy; they even have hot jacuzzi's, free champagne and a huge comfy bed, which is pretty much the best thing to use in there.." he continued.

"That's exactly what I had in mind; we would go snuggle at the jacuzzi, have some alcohol, and then I'll get him on the bed and, guess what, I'll be wearing that hot lingerie I bought last year but never made use of.." I smirked, "do you think Levi's gonna like that?"

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