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"Slow down a bit, champ.. you've been training for three hours straight now." Levi called me, as he approached me at the ring. I was doing some punching practice with a hanging speed bag.

"Well, I gotta be ready for the fight next Sunday, babe.." I turned at him, pushing my hair off my face. "You said yourself that these fights are much rougher than the pre-match, so I need to work on my moves."

"Yeah, but you're gonna overwork yourself. You're doing the same mistake lots of champions do; they practice way too hard for their fight, and they end up being too drained out in the actual fight." He insisted, sweeping the sweat off my forehead with a towel.

"Come on, I ain't gonna do that.. I know how to measure my limits." I snickered.

"..Right. Like that time we went on that track field and you fainted while spitting your lungs out.." he smirked, as he tied my hair in a ponytail.

"I was running then, you know much I hate it.." I rolled my eyes, "..do you remember that I was feeling embarrassed to run with a sports bra? Who would have thought back then, that you'd end up seeing much more than that.."

"Damn.. I remember how hot you looked that day with that bra on." He huffed, as he pressed his lips against mine. "I'll tell you what we're gonna do. You'll practice for another 20 minutes, and then we'll go to my house to watch some kickboxing. We need to do some mental training too."

"Oh, that's a damn great idea!" I exclaimed, "it's been a while since I watched a match on TV, it's gonna be so cool to do that together!"

"Oh, you bet it will. But first, get down and do 80 push-ups for me." He ordered me.

"..only?" I snickered, as I laid down in the push-up position.

"150. Keep talking and I'll make them 300."

"I asked for it.." I sighed, starting the push-ups.


"Alex Knight, widely known as The Slasher, comes face to face with the no-need-introduction Killing Machine, Leo Silverstone - both fighters look hungry as hell tonight.."

"Damn, I wouldn't miss a single of Leo's fights some years ago.." I commented, opening up the beers. "This man used to be an idol, I got into boxing pretty much because of his talent. He's a fucking killer in the ring.."

"I gotta say he's good. His steam during the fight is really somethin'. He's strong, but if he doesn't beat the opponent in the first six rounds he's got no stamina to go on." Levi continued, taking a sip from the bottle.

"That's why he always knocks-out the opponent in the third or forth round, when his power is at its prime.."

"Not always." Levi turned at me. "Y'know, I had a fight once with Leo. It wasn't shown on TV. We used to train in the same boxing place, and one night he challenged me on a match." He explained, "after the sixth round, he was so exhausted that he couldn't even hold his fists up. It was an easy knockout in the eighth round."

"Woah, you actually had a fight with Leo..? And you knocked him out?!" I flinched, "Damn, now that's something I would have killed to see! I thought Leo was unbeatable.."

"Not for me. I knew beforehand that he gave his all in the first rounds, so I kept him going for a while and then beat him up good." He went on, as he took another sip from the beer. "That's something we gotta work on as well. You're strong, but you need to learn to save up steam and not drain out from the beginning."

"You're right. I ain't that good on measuring my limits, afterall.." I huffed, taking a sip.

"Alex is down once again, but he's getting up on 7.. he doesn't seem to give up, though he's surely seems worn out to go much longer with Leo.."

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