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A body smashed to the pavement right in front of me, making flinch back in surprise. "what the.."

I turned my head up. It was Levi, beating the shit out of the guys that had pinned me down. One by one crashed down to the ground.

I kept on looking at him, realizing soon enough it wasn't any kind of beating; no, that was kickboxing. I was absolutely sure about that..

And it was even more than that, those were professional kickboxing moves. Only an expert would be able to take down all of them together like that, and dodge perfectly at the same time.

I quickly freed up myself, kicking the only guy who was still holding me, off-guard, with my elbow. The rest of them picked up themselves from the pavement and ran away limping, while dripping blood all over.

Levi turned his glance at me, as his eyes glowered. He was so seemingly mad. "Why can't you fucking listen to me for once? Didn't I tell you to wait?"

I bit my lips, but attempted to explain to him. "I'm sorry Levi, I.. I know I should have waited for you, but.. but those assholes were abusing that cat there! I couldn't just stand and watch.." I huffed, pointing at the cat on the other side of the road.

He took a look at the cat, as his expression loosened. He turned back at me, leaning down towards the pavement. "Are you hurt?"

"No, they didn't manage to do anything to me.. it's just a small scratch.." I responded, placing my hand in the middle of my chest, only to realize how bloody it got. "Oh.."

"Doesn't seem that small to me.." he came closer, his expression looking more worried. "Is there anyone to take care of you at home?"

"No, I live alone.." I replied.

"Then come to my house. I'll take care of the wound." He continued, raising me up. "You better stay with someone else after that.."

I wasn't really surprised that Levi would offer me that, thinking how caring he's been acting to me all along. Well it was more of an order than an offer, but still cute. You know how Levi is.

"thanks, Levi.." I smiled, placing my arms over my bra.

He took a better look at me, taking his shirt off. "Wear mine."

"You sure? It's gonna get all bloody.." I reminded him, picking the shirt.

"And do you want to remain with a bare bra and an open wound?" He raised an eyebrow. "Why do you got to make it so hard for me to take care of you.."

I giggled. "Sorry.."


After a while, we reached his home. It wasn't anything too big, but it seemed really sweet.

As he unlocked the door and we entered, the first thing that caught my eye was how goddamn tied up his home was. Like, you walked in and could sense an aroma of Clorox coming straight into your face.

"Damn.. Levi, your house is so.. clean!" I exclaimed, taking glances all over the place.

Yeah, I do have a thing with cleaning." He scratched the back of his head. "Come on in. Do you want to take a shower first?"

"I think I need it.." I sighed, dropping my bag to a nearby chair.

"It's the first door at the end of the hallway." He pointed to me. "Go on ahead, I'll bring you a towel."

"Okay, thanks" I smiled, walking towards the bathroom. That consideration of his is gonna drive me wild today, I swear to God.

I'm absolutely sure that his thoughtfulness has made my cheeks way too red already, but I don't even care anymore. And I'm sure he's used to it as well.

Feisty [Trainer!Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now