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Right after we were done training, I rushed to the lockers room to get rid of all the sweat, and most importantly, get my shit back together.

Why the hell was I so uncomfortable around Levi before?!

I was acting so awkwardly in front of him all of a sudden.. damn, if he realized, he'd probably be feeling even more awkward.

I sighed in distress, as I put my clothes off and went into the shower. Just when I turned the water on, I heard someone coming closer to me.

"Sup (f/n), did you finish training with Levi?" I turned around and noticed Eren calling me. He was wet all over with just his pants and a towel on, as if he had just taken a shower.

"You idiot, what are you doing in here? This is the girls' locker room.." I giggled.

"..Oh, so that's why those girls seemed so freaked out when I came in.." He scratched the back of his head nervously. "Shit, I thought it was for both sexes.."

I face-slapped myself. "..Do you know lots of locker rooms that are for both sexes?"

"The last gym I worked at had those!" He exclaimed.

"What kind of gyms did you work at, Eren..?" I sighed, "..Anyway, at least now that I found you, I can tell you what happened. I've been feeling really uneasy today.."

"Did Levi do anything to you?" He questioned, moving outside the shower to let me bath.

"..Well, both yes and no." I began washing my hair, "he didn't do anything himself, I just.. I just think I might have feelings for him.."

"Oh damn, I knew it! You can't say I hadn't predicted it, can you?" He chuckled. "I didn't expect that you would actually admit you're in love with him, though.."

"Wait a moment, stupid, that's not what I said!" I grumbled at once, "I..I just appreciate how attractive he is.. and how loving he can be.."

"Loving? That guy..?" Eren stared at me surprised, "..oh well, if you say so. You'd know him better, I guess.."

"Believe me, he isn't as bad as he seems. You just need to get to know him. A little too well.." I snickered, turning the water on once more.

"Hmm.." Eren smirked sassily, in his perverted kind of way.

I finished my shower and put my clothes off, as Eren waited for me at the stall. "So, why did you stay in the girls' locker room again..?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Cause you needed to talk to me. I couldn't let you wait.." he put on a smile.

"I hope that's all.. not that you wanted to take a peek on some naked chicks.." I crossed my arms mockingly.

"Who, me..? I ain't a pervert, you dumbass!" He turned his head around, but didn't really manage to convince me.


As we walked out of the lockers room, we fall right into Levi, who was standing there really fired up for some reason. Like, more than his usual.

Oh fuck. Somebody must have told him that Eren was being in the girls'.

"Do I need to put on goddamn led signs so that y'all will use the right locker rooms?" He clicked his tongue, as he came closer to me and Eren seemingly irritated.

"Uh, well I.. I didn't me-" Eren attempted to think up of an excuse, but Levi stared at him as if he was ready to slaughter him in pieces.

"Wait, Levi! Eren didn't do it on purpose, he just got confused! It's his first day here, he didn't know that locker rooms aren't for both sexes.." I instantly jumped in front of him to save Eren.

Feisty [Trainer!Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now