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I was sleeping heavily on Levi's chest, with his one hand placed on the bottom of my neck and the other on my lower waist. It's our favorite sleeping position. So damn comfy and warm. Plus I can feel his heartbeat when I'm on him like that, and it's seriously the cutest thing ever.

I heard my alarm going off and immediately jumped out of bed. I can't believe I'm fucking saying this, but I've grown to love that sound. Especially when it's too early in the morning.

"..what time is it..?" I heard Levi's sleepy voice as I was getting myself up. Ugh, that voice of his is even hotter when he's just woken up..

"It's already 6 AM, babe. Gotta get ready for my morning jog!"

He snickered, placing his head back in the pillow. "..Look at my girl being a grown-ass kickboxer. She even gets up at six in the morning to go jogging.." he continued, "..if your old self saw you doing this right now, she would have fucking murdered you.."

"My old self couldn't even get her damn ass to come in time for training.." I giggled, shaking my head. "..though I miss you waking me up every day with 'em morning make-outs.."

"That's still a thing, you idiot. You ain't going anywhere without a morning hickey." He smirked, placing his arm around my waist and pulling back into the bed and onto his hug.

I smirked back at him, as I felt his lips on my neck. "Damn, stop messing my morning schedule by..-" I paused, making a loud moan, "..making it better.."


At around 9 AM, Levi and I reached the gym for our casual boxing practice. It sounds fucking crazy, but getting up so early and having such a tight training schedule is the best thing I've done the past couple of years. And I have Levi all along the way too so it can only be considered as a win for me.

"We really need to work on my speed these days before my next match.. if I wasn't strong enough, I wouldn't have made it on that last fight.." I huffed loudly, as we walked towards the boxing room.

"Babe, if you weren't strong enough, you wouldn't have even been in that fight." Levi turned at me. ''You're one hell of a kickboxer and you know that. Having steam is the first and most important factor in fighting. The next one is technique, which means using your power in the best way possible. You got that as well." He continued, "the only thing you haven't perfected yet is your defense speed, which is something most fighters find it hard to."

I smiled, as I was putting his gloves on. This man seriously has a degree on boosting my self-confidence.

"So we'll work on some defense today. I need an attacker, though.."

"That's why I brought you to the boxing room. The sack is good, but you need an actual opponent to help with your training, as well." Levi explained, as he approached one of the rings where two men where practicing boxing. "Hey Jean, come down here."

One of the guys turned around, and immediately walked towards us. "How you doin', Levi? It's been a while since we've seen you around here!"

"I've had someone to train hard for the kickboxing tournament, so I didn't have time to play around myself." Levi responded, leaning his body on the ring's ropes. "How does my girl look?"

"Damn, I'd say she's smokin' hot, but I like my head in the place it is now.." he snickered, turning towards me. "You're ripped as hell, tho. The pleasure is all mine, my name's Jean." He smirked, leaning down for a handshake.

"Nice meeting ya, Jean. I'm (f/n)" I smiled back, "you're a kickboxer too, huh?"

"Mainly a boxer. I ain't that good with kicking.." Jean continued, "You know, me and Levi used to train in the same boxing place, back in the day. I wasn't as good as he was, but I have broken a handful of noses too. Right, Levi?"

Feisty [Trainer!Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now