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"You can pick your warm-up exercises for now." Levi informed me, as he picked up some exercise tools. "But we'll focus on weightlifting today."

"Hmm.." I thought, "can I start with running?"

He froze, turning at me visually astounded. "..Are you kidding?" 

"Nah, I'm serious!" I crossed my arms. "You know, I might be a little naive, but all the running I had to do the other day actually made me kind of attracted to it. It's not such a bad exercise afterall!" I admitted. 

He remained surprised, but smirked afterwards. "You're so.. surprising. I love that. You're finally getting attached to my training, huh?"

"I think I've started falling in love with that hardcore training.." I confessed, giggling a bit. "...that doesn't make me sound like a masochist, right?" 

"Not really. I admire the fact that you're not just getting through my training, but also enjoying it." He beamed a slight smile. 

Have I ever told you how soft I become when Levi smiles? It's so unique to see it and it just melts my heart..

"Begin with the warm-up then. I'll go get you some new dumbbells.'' He let me know, moving away.


[Levi's POV]

That girl can be so much.. fun.

She really does have some guts. I admire that. And she's got some passion in her soul. She might be stubborn, but that's so likable about her. 

She can be so cute sometimes, too. She even.. brightens up my mood. And that's fucking hard for someone like me. 

Is it too much that I'm thinking about her? I suppose it's natural, I need to care for her as her trainer. But what would she think if she knew that I can't keep her out of my head..?

I need to get my mind straight. For now, I'll just need to keep up our relationship the way it is. Or the way it is turning out to be..

"Hello!" I heard someone calling me while I was searching for the dumbbells. 

"Hey there." I responded, turning at him. He was a young man with deep brown hair and expressive green eyes, looking very eager for some reason. "Are you looking for someone?" 

"Actually, yeah. You must be a trainer here, right? I'm looking for a trainee here called (f/n) (l/n)." He explained, scratching the back of his neck.

"Hm, I think I've seen her around.." I snickered, "Who's she's training with?"

"Well, I don't really remember his name, but from what she has told me, he is a guy who's really moody and aggressive, but he can also be kinda cute.. according to her. Kind of weird, right?'' He chuckled. ''..Do you happen to know him?"

"..I think I do." I raised my eyebrows. "Hey, (f/n)" I called for her, "can you come here for a second?"

After a couple of moments, she approached us, moaning slightly from running.
"What is it, boss?" She asked, as she stared surprised at the boy next to me. 

"Oh, Eren! What are you doing here, dumbass?" She chuckled, as she punched his shoulder. 

"There you are, jackass!" He responded the same way. "I was just asking this guy here about you.." he pointed at me.

"This guy..? Eren, this is Levi! My trainer! Haven't you figured that out yet..?" She giggled, as she patted my shoulder. 

"..oh, that's Levi..?" He gulped, as he took a better look at me. "Oops.. I might have said some things that I shouldn't then.." he nervously scratched the back of his head. "..Anyway, nice to meet ya, Levi!" 

"Same to me. So is this.. your boyfriend, (f/n)?" I lowered my glance, slightly disappointed. 

"Huh? Nah, of course not! Eren is like a brother to me. And I mean it when I say that we're nothing more than that. Right, you idiot?" She turned again at him.

"Uh-huh, I'm basically her older brother. It would be gross to make out with my sister, right?" He chuckled. "Why are you asking though, Levi?" 

"..Just wondering." 

"You see, Levi, Eren came here since he was interested in training with a professional, so that he can exercise his skills.'' She explained, ''He wants to be a personal trainer, too!"
"Is that so? Hm, I could introduce you to someone here then. I don't have enough time to take you on myself." I responded.

"Don't worry, (f/n) told me that I shouldn't pick you anyway.." he simpered, as he received a kick from her.

"Oh, really?" I moved closer to her. "Am that awful of a trainer, cupcake?"
"Nah, she just wants you all for herself.." Eren smirked, receiving a second, much harder kick this time. "Ouch, you've gotten so strong, you idiot!" He groaned, rubbing his leg. 

"Thank Levi for that.." she mumbled, as she turned and smiled at me.

Damn. She's just so adorable when she smiles so genuinely at me. Such a fucking cutie..

"Go at the reception and get Sasha, who's working there. Tell her that I'm sending you, and to get you Mikasa. She can take you on.'' I explained him.

"Mikasa, huh? I'll remember it!" He snickered, as he moved towards the reception.

"Mikasa..? Are you sure, Levi? But she doesn't train boys, does she?" (F/n) came closer at me, looking questionable.

"Trust me, she's just who he needs. They'll be perfect together." I smirked, pinching her cheek. "If we managed to work out together, anyone can. Don't you think?" 

She smirked back at me, as the cheek that I touched turned a little red. 

"I couldn't agree more.. can I just ask, why the heck do you keep calling me cupcake..?" She giggled, "Not that I don't like it, but how come..?"

"It's because everytime I look at you, I recall that time at Starbucks when your mouth was stuffed with all those cupcakes, and you stared at me completely shocked." I responded.

"Ah, well that's kind of embarrassing.." she rolled her eyes.

"...And also because I find you so damn cute, idiot." I messed her hair affectionately.

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