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It's so convenient having my own spot near the trainers' lockers. Normally trainees can't have access there, but Levi allowed me to have my own there. I don't know why, but I find it really cute.

While I was putting my bag inside the locker, I noticed a short, ginger-haired girl coming next to me. She was smiling widely, for no apparent reason I could think of.

"Um.. can I help ya..?" I questioned, attempting to break the awkward silence she created.

"Hello there!" She began, almost shouting from joy, "You're (f/n), aren't you? I'm Petra!" She continued, as she approached me even more, "we're fellow trainees! Levi will be my trainer!"

"Levi will be your.. what?"


Such a weird way to start my practice today. That shorty who I came across with earlier, said something about being fellow-trainees with me..

So I will have to share Levi with her..?

Oh wait, that sounded wrong. I mean, okay, Levi is a trainer and trains other people too, but I thought he was only with me this period! And also, I've heard numerous times that he doesn't train any other girls except for me..

Am I being too selfish right now..? I don't know.. of course Levi isn't mine and I can't demand him to only train me. But I don't want that chick roaming around with me and him either.

I was walking towards my usual exercising spot, when I noticed that Petra again standing too close to Levi. She seemed to be really excited with him, unexplainably, again. She honestly reminds me of a dumb, happy-go-lucky character. Or maybe, I just want to be mean at her.

"Hey, Levi.." I greeted him, sounding kind of moody.

"There you are." He turned at me.

"Hi again, (f/n)!" Petra waved at me.

I attempted to smile back at her. I don't want to seem snobbish in front of Levi anyway.

"So you've already met each other, hm? I need to teach Petra some basic exercises, so you'll take on yourself today. Start with the warm-up I've shown you." He continued.

"Ah.. Alright then." I responded. Don't be mad, don't be mad. "..What kind of exercises are those?"

"Cardio. Her heart pump is a little weak, so she needs to exercise to make it stronger.'' Levi explained. 

Petra nodded. "Are you following the Cardio program too, (f/n)?"

"She's doing body-building, actually. How do her muscles look?" He came next to me, raising my sleeves up.

"Oh, they look really good! Seems like youce been doing a great job, Levi.." Petra glimmered her eyes at him.

"..whenever she decides to follow my program." Levi turned at me, forming a teasing smile.

"The only reason I'm still doing that is to piss you off a little.."I snickered. "I'll better go start my warm-up, then."

I'll admit it, even a small interaction with him can brighten up my whole mood. Maybe I was overreacting a bit, but I still don't like that chick. She's just really bothersome.

While I was doing some exercises, I met with Ymir and Annie who were both practicing punches.

"Hey girls, I haven't seen you in a while." I approached them.

"Hi (f/n)." Annie turned at me, "how come you're exercising alone?"

"Ah, well.. I'm just doing a little warm-up now.."I explained. 

Feisty [Trainer!Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now