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[Levi's P.O.V]

I kept her close with my arms, as she cried softly while hugging me tightly over my back. Damn, it felt so good keeping her so close to my body.

She's so tough, yet fragile.
So brave, yet sensitive.
So feisty, yet pure.

I know well that she's strong enough to do anything she sets her mind to, though.. I still want to protect her. That's what I came to realize last night.

I was glad that she slept on my home. And when I woke up and saw her sleeping the way she did on my couch.. damn. She had pulled away the sheets and taken over her shirt while sleeping, exposing her almost naked body. And I knew I shouldn't keep staring at her, but when I passed through her I just couldn't take my eyes off.

This girl has driven me wild. From the first time, I knew there was something. I recognized not only the same fire on her eyes, but the regret on her heart as well. The same way I used to be.

But I want her to keep on. I know I have someone worthy on my arms. I've stopped giving a shit about myself a long time ago, but now it's different. I care about her and what she wants most.. and I'll do anything so she can achieve that.

I pulled her head up, as she wiped the tears off her cheeks. "Want to go outside now? We should talk about something more cheerful."

"Sorry, it was a little weird for me to cry like that.. it's just, all of this happened together and it hit me on the spot.." she purred, "we're not going to practice today, huh..?"

"Not today. I want you to rest first." I stroked her hair, as we walked outside the room. "You know you shouldn't overwork yourself.."

"..yeah, I know.. " she huffed, turning her glance at me and leaving a soft smile. "You're a hella good hugger, you know that? You've made me feel so warm and.. safe."

"Is that so?" I smiled back at her. "I haven't heard that before.."

"It's true. You should do it more often.." she giggled. Fuck, I can't stand it when she's being adorable like that. And the way her cheeks bloom when she smiles it's just unbearable.

"I really need a cigarette right now.. though I know I've promised to stop smoking so often.." she left a sigh.

"I want to smoke as well. Let's do one together." I suggested. "But not a single one for the rest of the month. Promise?"


We went outside on the balcony, bringing a pack of cigarettes and two cans of beer. I lightened up her cigarette with my mouth and handed it on hers, as she did the same with mine. I don't know how, but we both knew that we would take the other's.

"Hey, Levi.. can I ask you something?" She huffed the smoke, turning at me.

"Tell me." I huffed off.

"You've told me once that girls tend to be better kickboxers.."

"That's true."

"You must have met lots of girls that do kickboxing, then.."

I smirked. "I have. And they also tend to be irresistibly attractive. I find them hella hot."

"I see.." she raised an eyebrow, opening up the can of beer. "And have you ever tried getting close to one? Like, you know, doing something with her.."

Feisty [Trainer!Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now