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Only one week is left until the tournament, and I've been training my ass out this past month. Every-day training until 2 AM, with just a couple of small breaks in between.

Levi keeps on telling me that I should overwork myself so damn much, but that cunt, Jess, has gotten so much under my skin that I'm way too motivated to stop.

If I don't kick that whore's ass I ain't resting. Damn, I've never been this hyped up to beat someone up for a long time.

My leg's been kinda acting up lately during some trainings, but seriously, that's the last thing I care about. It's more of an itch than an actual pain, so it's easy to ignore.

"Babe, I'm ready for the one-on-one.." I called Levi, whipping the sweat off my face after I was just finished with the sack punching.

"You'll go rest after we're done." He ordered, stroking the sweat off my chest with a towel. "Enough for today. And I ain't hearing otherwise this time."

I huffed. "When you get all bossy like that during training, you remind me so damn much of your punishing self in sex.." I bit my lip, placing my hand over his as he was stroking.

He smirked. "Your thighs have become so damn thick lately. I can't wait to mark them up tonight." he left a slight moan, as he glanced down and grasped my thighs.

I moved down my hands and placed them over his. "I'll let you bite, if we can have an actual fight this time."

Every time I have a practice fight with Levi, he helps me out with the defense or attack, but with never actual force. And this time, I'm fucking dying to try him out.

"You want me to try and hit you, baby?" He raised an eyebrows, as he switched the grasp and grabbed my hands.

"Yeah, I think I'm finally ready to have a legit fight with you." I smirked. "..or you might still think I'm not capable of that.."

"No. I believe you're ready this time." He stretched his arms, standing in a fight position. "You're just about to fight in the world championship; that should be a good enough reason to fight with me."

I flinched. "Wait, you really mean that..? Wow, I didn't expect you to actually agree!" I beamed, as I got ready myself.

"Let me see what that cute smile of yours can do, cupcake." He smirked.

"Fuck, I missed that.." I bit my lips, as I began attacking.

I hadn't forgotten how damn hood of a fighter Levi is, but I gotta admit I've become much, much better than the last time I tried having a fight with him. And he wasn't even trying back then.

I manage to defend and duck from most of his attacks, though I didn't have much luck in hitting him either. That man is so fucking fast when he fights.

After a couple of moments, I attempted a sudden side punch, and my jaw almost dropped to the floor realizing it actually got to him.

"..hey.. I hit you! I actually hi-"

I couldn't even finish as he turned me around with the smoothest kick I've ever seen, and immediately pinned me down the floor.

"Are you planning to stand and applaud yourself after every successful hit during the fight, too?" He raised an eyebrow, stretching the nack of his neck. "I thought I taught you the no-talking rule in during one of our first lessons.."

I groaned, pulling myself up. "..well, I didn't expect I'd actually manage to get an attack through.. and what the hell was that kick-and-turn thing you just did, I've never seen than before! How.. that, that can't be a regular kickboxing move.."

"It's not. It's one of my own moves." He snickered, leaning down to me. "..and I have to admit, I never used that one unless the fight got tight. That should make you feel a little better down there."

"You have to teach me that move!"

"I don't teach my moves, babe. If you want to learn it, you'll have to figure it out on your own." He laid down and placed his hands around my waist, raising me up.

"You didn't tell me if I fought well, though.."

He smiled. "Look at you. You were so lost when you first came here. Or should I say, a little talking-back runt.." he pinched my cheek, "..and now, you're just one week ahead of the world championship. You'll tell me if you fought well."

I smiled, as I could tell my cheeks warmed up. "..I would have never made it without the champion himself." I placed my hands around the back of his head, leaning over to give him the kiss he awaited for.


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As I was showering after training, I kept thinking about Levi's move during our fight. I was almost sure it wasn't the first time I saw something like that. That swing and turn.. it was so damn good. I need to learn it myself before the tournament.

And then I remembered; I've seen him using that move again before on one of the tapes Sasha had shown to me. Yeah, that's where I recognized it from.

Before we went home, I visited Sasha on the reception and asked her to give me some of the tapes she had saved of him. The plan is to watch closely his fights and try my best to figure out his technique. If I can keep seeing it on repeat, it ain't gonna be too hard to learn it myself!

"..and on the other corner, our state record-holding champion, Levi Ackerman"

Damn. I can't help but get shivers every time I see him entering the ring. He was fucking terrifying. How the hell did his opponents had the balls to sit there and fight him? I'd never dare to..

After a couple of tapes, I finally found the one he was using the move I was so eager to learn.

Lemme see.. it's a sudden round kick.. and you move the right arm towards the chest.. and down the opponent's legs..

Hm. I gotta practice that tomorrow. I've got it figured out on my mind, but that ain't nothing if I don't actually try it in action.

Over all the tapes I watched, I noticed something very peculiar. On each, and I mean each and every fight of his, there was always that girl, Jess, on the crowd. And she was almost standing front-sit, cheering for him. Almost next to the ring's corner. As if she was waiting for him every time.

Why the hell was she so obsessed with him, if they weren't even that close..?


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69K reads eh y'all are dirty af 😌 srsly thank u guys for reading I love y'all
new update soon I guarantee! 🥴

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