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Starting off my new year with morning work wasn't really my ideal plan. But if there's something I've learnt the past couple of months, is that I should be more positive in my life. And who knows, maybe life is gonna reward me back.

I walked into Starbucks that morning with a wide smile on my face, greeting all of my coworkers and each customer I noticed in my way in. I even had the balls to talk to my boss while keeping on my smiley face, as I reached the bar.

"Quite happy today, aren't we?" He turned at me, while raising his eyebrows as usual. Goddamn, I just hate that nasty look of his.

"Indeed, sir. It actually feels pretty good returning back here." I responded.

"Hmm.. then I'll be really sorry to break it to you, but.. you're fired." He continued, attempting to hide the obvious grin that had formed into his face.

"..w-what..? Wait, I-I am fired? But why, what did I do?" I protested.

"Reductions. But I haven't forgotten all those times when you arrived late, and even attempted to hide it."

"Late..? But the longest time I've ever been late was just five minutes! I'm always on time!" I nagged.

"Do you realize how much money I could have earned on those five minutes? I apologize, but the decision has already been made. You can pass by this week to get a small refund from your July work time." He added, walking away coldly.

"What the fucking hell.." I cussed, as the blood in my head was going up from rage. "That bastard.. I knew this was gonna happen sooner or later. What am I gonna do now.."

I'm not ever starting off my day positively again.


I couldn't think of anything else the rest of the day. The only thoughts that crossed my mind were what the hell would I do with the rent, food, and even my gym membership, now that my income is gone. And yes, the membership is almost vital to me. My free six-month plan will be gone next month, and I won't be able to go there again.

The more I thought that, the more wetter my eyes became. Training has changed my physical and mental health drastically these months, and I can't go back to complete inactivity for once again.

It's gonna fucking kill me.


The only thing I wanted to do for the rest of the day was go to the gym. I was so eager that I arrived about two hours earlier than usual.

I walked into the gym and stopped, staring at it. My mind was completely blank at that time.

I felt a hand touching my hair, softly rubbing it. "Don't tell me you're here so early.. there must be something wrong today." I heard him saying jokingly.

I turned my head, as he walked closer to me. "Levi.." I huffed, forming a smile. "..there kinda is.. "

He turned at me with a more serious expression. "What happened?"

"Well.." I sighed, "..I'll tell you in practice. We both gotta get ready first, right?" I proposed, as I noticed he was still holding his bag, meaning he had just arrived.

"That's right, let's go." He responded, as we both walked together towards the changing rooms.

I put out my clothes and remained with my sportswear. I finished earlier than Levi, so I walked out towards the machines and laid upon the treadmill.

Feisty [Trainer!Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now