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I dunno if I warned y'all already, but there's gonna be some explicit 18+ content on this book! NSFW related, you know the drill. 😏

just reminding y'all have fun 


Each day keeps getting better and better. I keep training with Levi consistently every day, and from what he is telling me, I'm drastically improving. I think I can see that on myself too.

I learn so much from that man. Not only about kickboxing, but about discipline, consistency and dedication. He teaches me what being a real athlete is like. He has so much pain in his heart, but he knows how to turn that into power. That's why he's grown to be strong. Though sometimes, I'm not sure if he's the same mentally. He shows me strength, but in his eyes.. I grasp suffering at times.

I can't help but feel bad for him. I can't even imagine how much regret he feels inside. If I were him, I definitely would have broken down to pieces. But.. he tries so much every day. He doesn't let himself give up.

I admire him so much. I wouldn't be here today, doing what I love most in the world, without him. I can't even put into words how much I love him.. and I want to make him proud of me.

And to top all that, I have already began working to the animal shelter the gang told me about. I finally found a job that fulfills me every time I have a shift. There are so many small pets there that need help, and knowing I'm being some short of help honestly is everything to me.

"How's it going babe?" I waved at Levi, just when I entered the gym and moved at our own special boxing room.

"I have big news." he turned at me, stroking my chin and kissing my lips. "I set you up for a boxing match this Saturday. It will be like a skill test; if you do well enough, you'll be on the game to participate in the world tournament this summer."

"Wait, are you serious?! But, but that's fucking amazing! You mean in an actual match with an opponent..?" I flinched, realizing that he was seriously talking about me getting into championship. "How did you manage to get me in like that, it's been so long since I've been on an actual fight!"

"Babe, don't you know I have my ways?" He smirked at me with his usual way. I fucking love that smirk. "We've been doing rough kickboxing training for almost two months now. I'm confident that not only you'll pass the pre-match, but you'll definitely be all the next three fights until the world tournament."

I could almost feel my eyes watering up with joy. I never believed that this moment would ever actually come. And this man right in front me, made my forever-crashed dreams come back to life.

I jumped on his chest giving him a hella tight hug. It's one of the greatest touches I've ever felt. "Babe.. I don't even know how I can thank you.. You're doing too much for me.."

He smiled, pinning my head up to his eyes. "I know how much it means. I'll never fucking rest until you're a damn kickboxing champion. You're the one deserving that title more than any other boxer I've met.."

I smiled genuinely, as our lips touched once again. It was time for another training, and today I was even more confident than all the previous days.

"Hey Levi, did I tell you about this new kitty that we found early this morning near the shelter?" I questioned, putting my gloves on.

"You didn't, babe." He responded, getting the sack ready.

"He's a little orange furball, and his left front paw is broken. He's much smaller than the other kitties, since he's been malnourished from the time he was born." I huffed, "Thomas has completely stolen my heart.."

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