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"Wait, wait a moment.. a guy?! Eren, you know what awful experiences I have with male trainers.. You should have said that already.." I complained.

"Oh c'mon, (f/n).. You shouldn't be so stucked up on that. Only 'cause it happened then, doesn't mean it'll happen now as well." He huffed, "Some of the most qualified trainers work there. There's no good reason for you to not go there and try it out."

"But.." I mumbled, as I realized I was all outta excuses. "Damn, oh well.. I guess you're right. I said I'll give it a try, so.. I'll pass by tomorrow after work.."

"Not just pass by.. You'll register and start training tomorrow!"

"Yeah yeah, all of that.." I scoffed. "Anyway. You said you'll stay here tonight, right? I was about to have some ice cream before you came. Want some?''

He smirked. ''Thank God I got here before you cleaned the whole bucket up then."

We spent the rest of the night and eating ice cream until we fell asleep on the couch. Our usual Friday night routine.

Eren might be a little.. y'know, Eren, but he's one of the greatest friends I ever had. We've sticked together for so long now. Honestly, some times I don't even know what I'd do without him.

I met him about six years ago, when we were both studying at the training academy. Eren always wanted to be a personal trainer, and well, you already know what my aim used to be.

When we both graduated and I began fighting professionally, Eren was always supporting me. Every fught I'd win, he'd always be there for me. He knew better than anyone how much it meant for me.

Not to boast, but I was really good at kickboxing. All my trainers used to say that I had a natural talent. And that I was made to be in the world tournament one day.

But then, during the period I was training to get into it, I got really badly hurt in a fight. I hit the floor unconscious, and my leg was cracked open bleeding so damn much.

It took me weeks to get out of the hospital. And before I was able to go, the doctor told me that I shouldn't never fight or train again. Otherwise, I could get permanent immobility. The injury was that bad. And my leg had become that sensitive.

I lost everything since that day. My passion, my willingness, and eventually my happiness. The fact that I could never fight again seriously destroyed me.

For the past two years, I've lost all hope of training again. And after some time, even my desire faded. I mean, if I couldn't fight again, what was the point of constantly thinking about it?

But to tell you the truth, the news that Eren announced actually made me beam up.

Exercising once again could really help with my mental health and get me back to how passionate and stubborn I used to be. Or at least that's what I wanna believe.

And the fact that it specializes in kickboxing actually motivates me. Maybe.. just maybe I could try getting back into training again. Who knows..

But dear lord, only one thing.

Please, fucking please make that trainer be bearable..

Please, fucking please make that trainer be bearable

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