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One of the greatest joys in life is waking up every day next to goddamn Levi Ackerman. Though we have lots of different sleeping positions, I just can't take it when he spoons me during his sleep.

I turned around and realized he was still sleeping heavily. He's the cutest he can ever be when he's asleep like that..

I got up from the bed carefully so that I wouldn't wake him up, and moved to the living room. I should seriously stop paying rent for my house; I've basically moved in Levi's house for the last three months, in all kinds of levels.

Believe it or not, I have managed to maintain my morning routine for way too long now. It's not even 7 AM yet, and I'm already cooking breakfast. And it's a damn healthy breakfast. The hell.

After about half an hour, I heard footsteps approaching from the bedroom.

"Just in time, babe.." I turned around, noticing Levi standing next to the door, with his hair all messy, stroking his face. And let's not forget he was topless.

"Don't tell me you're already done with breakfast.." he yawned, approaching me. "What time did you wake up? You beated even me.."

I smiled, stroking his cheek. "You were really tired last night, Levi.. you needed some more sleep today.."

"I still feel a little drained out.. my head's been killing me.." he huffed, pushing his hair backwards.

"And your voice sounds a bit raspy.." I thought, stroking his hair. "You might have caught a cold, babe.."

"I don't catch colds." He insisted, placing his hands on top of mine. "I'm just a bit tired.."

I snickered, pulling his chest towards mine. "Lay on the couch and I'll make you something warm to drink, alright? Even if you're not sick, you better rest today. You don't seem so well.." I caressed his cheek, reaching the back of his neck.

He huffed, leaving a slight smile. "..fine. I can't say that I don't like having my girl take care of me.."

I finished up with the breakfast and prepared some warm tea for Levi. I picked it up and brought it to him, as he was laying down on the couch.

"Maybe I shouldn't go to the gym today.. I'd better stay here to look after you, babe.." I thought, sitting his lap.

"You don't have to miss your training because of me. I told you, it's just a headache." He assured me, placing his hands on my hips. "I'm always your trainer, remember? I won't allow you to skip practice one day before your fight. Get out there and train."

I smiled, stroking his chest. "If you insist, boss. I can pull off my program on my own.. though I will miss having you there to guide me.." I caressed his hair, "stay here and rest, okay? I'll come home early, I promise.."

"Don't rush for me." He continued, grabbing my arm as I raised myself up. "..but try not to be too late, alright?"

but try not to be too late, alright?"

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Feisty [Trainer!Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now