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[Levi's P.O.V.]

"Are we done, Levi?" She turned at me, leaving a loud gasp right after finishing her kicking practice.

"We are, babe." I smiled at her, pulling back her hair that was falling over her face. "You really gave it all today. Look at all this sweat that's dripping off you.."

"I haven't sweated so much since that time you pinned me on the kitchen table.." she smirked at me, grabbing her towel. That fucking smirk of hers can honestly drive me mad.

"I'll go take a shower," she continued, grabbing her bag.

"Do you remember where the women's is?" I raised an eyebrow on her.

"That only happened once on the first week. Of course I know where they are.." she responded with the same attitude. "..second floor, isn't it?"

"Second floor." I nodded, smirking.

Just take a look at her.. she's so happy. So proud of herself. My girl.. fuck, I just can't get enough of her.

I moved towards the rings to put up some new equipment, when I heard a voice calling me from behind.

"Long time no see, Levi.."

Oh fucking hell. Not him.. if he starts with his bittertalk again, I swear I'm gonna fucking push my head against the wall.

"Don't you have to get your jaw broken, Reiner?" I growled, turning towards him.

"You look less miserable than usual. Its gotta be because of that cutie you're spending time with, huh? I heard you two are together.." he grinned stupidly, turning his gaze at her, who was moving towards the changing rooms.

I frowned, moving closer to him. "She ain't no object to stare at. Take your eyes off."

"Hey, don't get fed up.." He scowled, "I just wanna give you some piece of advice. Everybody knows you're not the kindest guy there is.. huh, let's be real. You're pretty much a bastard. I doubt you know how to treat a girl right. And a girl like her, damn, deserves the best kind of treatment.." he licked his lips, grinning once more in the most fucking annoying way possible.

I clicked my tongue, grabbing his shirt and pulling my fist up ready to beat the shit outta him. "Who the hell do you think you are, to dare tell me how to treat my girl?"

"Calm down, I'm not trynna pick up a fight!" He shouted, trying to pull my arm away. "I'm saying this for your own good. She's not gonna stay long, if you keep being the asshole you are.."

I growled, pushing him down to the floor, making him nosebleed. "The relationship I have with her is none of your damn business. You don't know shit about the two of us, so keep your filthy mouth shut."

He remained there, trying to wipe the blood off his nose while I began walking away.

That bastard doesn't know the first thing about relationships, and dares to come and accuse me of being a jerk myself.

(F/n) trusts me and knows I'm no such thing as a mean, careless bastard.

That's the way it is.

...isn't it?


We went to our favorite coffee place after we left the gym. I fucking love it when we go there. Apart from how good the coffee is, it has that cozy vibe that makes her lie on me and rest on my chest the whole time. Her skin is so damn soft and has the scent of her favorite perfume, that is honestly the sexiest aroma I've ever smelled.

Feisty [Trainer!Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now