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"Six more rounds.'' Levi shouted at me, ''C'mon, move your legs, (f/n)."

"..Levi, I swear to G-" I began cussing, but stopped right away.

"Did you say something?" He turned at me, as if he was ready to slice me in half.

I instantly remembered that I wasn't supposed to complain at all. "..Just how hot the weather is today."

He snickered. "I'm glad you also realize that. Because you've started sweating a little too much with that jacket on.. And by your red face and the way you're panting, I can tell that you won't last for long.."

"That's fucking nonsense.." I gasped, "You don't measure my limits good enough, Levi.. I've only just beg-"

I suddenly felt a dizziness all over my body, as if I was about to faint; I tried to keep my self still, but I wasn't stable enough not to trip down.

Oh not even the damn sun is with me nowadays.

Right after I hit the ground, I felt Levi's arms on my back.

"You idiot.. why don't you ever listen to me? I knew you weren't feeling well.." He pulled me on his chest and raised my head up.

"..No, I'm fine.. I just got a little blacked-out there.." I spelled, trying to get my shit back together.

I didn't do so well though, and almost tripped again, falling right into Levi's hug.

"Come here. Don't you know it's dangerous rising up right after fainting?" He muttered, grabbing my legs and raising me to his hug.

Okay, I might not really have the best of my senses, but just the feeling of my head touching Levi's chest was enough to make me blush. And oh fucking hell, I blush easily and visibly.

He took me to a bench nearby and laid my body down. "Keep a steady breathing, okay? I'll raise your legs up to stabilize blood pressure."

The embarrassment. Oh my God the embarrassment.

"Levi, it's not that bad.." I tried to stop him, "I can move just fine, see?" I ensured him, by raising my upper body up.

He instantly grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back. "Why do you never listen to anything I tell you? I thought you said you trusted me. Just let me take care of you."

I froze a little, but nodded right ahead. He did have a point there. Maybe I should just shut up and let him do whatever he thinks is best for me.

"Your body got way too heated up out there. I told you, you should have put that jacket off.." he huffed, as he came closer to my chest and grabbed my jacket's zipper.

"W-wait.." I grabbed his arm, as I remembered what I was wearing on the inside.

"You're doing it again. I'm not gonna hurt you. You just need to get the jacket off. Your chest needs air." He went on, decisively pulling up the zipper.

Oh fucking God. I should have expected things would end up like that.

Once he took my jacket off, he took a glance at my shirt and paused right away.

"Uh.. I-I.." I stuttered.

He smiled, as he turned his glance up to my eyes. "..Is that the reason you didn't want to put your jacket off..? Isn't that cute. But you don't need to feel embarrassed around me. I might be a guy, but I know how to respect a girl like you.''

I snickered. "Now that you say it, it does sound kind of stupid, huh..?" I raised myself up, waving my hair down. "Sorry. I need to learn how to trust you more. It's just.. not that easy for me.."

He lowered his eyebrows, slightly disappointed. "..Am I that intimidating to be trusted?"

"No, no, it's not your fault. I don't find you intimidating at all, Levi.." I smiled, turning up to him.

"I don't generally trust easily someone when it comes to training. But, you have something that makes me feel certainty. I've told you before, remember?"

"..I do." He peaked a slight smile. "I guess we'll both get closer to each other as time passes. Anyway, we were talking about that bra of yours, how the hell did we end up in this conversation..?"

I chuckled. "That's what we always do. We start from a certain subject and conclude to something completely irrelavent, but much more serious.'' I added. ''But you're right, we'll better get back to our main thing; which is me winning the bet."

He smirked. "Oh, you're still into it? So you'll run without your jacket?"

"Oh, you bet I will." I snickered, as I put off my jacket. "I'm much better now. Just tell me what I gotta do."

"There's that feistiness again. I just love it.." He smirked. "Let me see what you can do then, cupcake.."


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Feisty [Trainer!Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now