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I have never felt like this before. Just the simple touch of my lips into Levi's sent shivers all over my body and made my heart beat one hundred times faster.

Eventually, I could feel his lips entering my mouth, as his tongue touched mine. He kissed me much harder and deeper than I did. I could barely take a breath, though that didn't bother me a bit. The moment was way too powerful to care about breathing.

He slowly backed away, breathing heavily. He turned his eyes up to mine, wiping the spit off my lips. "Was that too rough?"

I remained there with my mouth wide open after the kiss, staring into his deep-blue eyes, attempting to form a response. "Uh.. Levi, I-I, um.."

He huffed, as he pushed me down, my head reaching the floor, and pinned both my arms. I felt his chest over mine, as his lips hooked on mine once again. He went much deeper this time, and I couldn't help but suck him back. I honestly couldn't grasp what was happening.. did I really just grabbed and kissed Levi, and then he kissed me back ten times harder..?

It felt so good, though. So fucking good. He is such an amazing kisser than I seriously want him to go on forever, even if I end up suffocating.

That was the moment I finally realized how much I am in love with this man. They aren't just speculations or plain beliefs anymore; I'm absolutely certain what I feel for Levi is relentless love.

He backed away, letting go of my arms and allowing me to get back up. He didn't say anything, just kept observing me with a rather satisfied expression.

I could notice that his cheeks were blushing up a little. That was unusual to see in him. And well, I don't even need to tell you about mine. "That was.. so damn good.." I commented.

He smirked, as he pushed the hair off his forehead. "Is that.. the way you feel about me..?"

I bit my lips, as I realized it was the time I confessed him my feelings. "I wasn't sure, but after this, I realized how much I actually love you. I know the kiss caught you off-guard, but when you leaned over me it's as if I couldn't control my body and just needed to feel your lips on mine.." I admitted, "..was it.. too awkward for you..?"

He smiled, as his eyes beamed and he placed his hand on my cheek. "So that's how it feels.. being loved." He began, caressing me. "It is beautiful, coming from you. I haven't had such a fulfilling moment for years.."

So he.. did like it as well? Oh Lord. There's no way I'll survive without a heart attack today..

"..is that how.. you feel?" I questioned, placing my hand over his.

"I knew from the beginning that I'm so fucking in love with you." He smirked, as he moved lower, down to my neck with his lips. "I've been wanting to leave my mark here for so long.."

I snickered, placing my hand on his hair. "And why didn't you take the chance to do so..? You thought I'd reject you?"

"I was never sure how you truly felt inside. You seemed warm towards me, but at the same time I was always a bastard, so it was hard for you to fall in love.." he continued, biting my neck softly.

I smirked, as I started leaving slight moans. "That's one of the reasons I fell in love with you.."

We were both indulging into the moment, as Levi sucked me and I received it, when we heard the door opening.

"Morning, Levi! Have you seen the equipment safety verification anywhere?" We both turned and came upon Sasha, who was looking down to some papers she was holding. "They'll be coming for the check-up later today and I can't find it anywh-" she paused, as she turned her head up and stared at us with her eyes wide open.

"Don't tell me you've lost the verification again.." Levi cussed, pulling away from my neck.

"Good morning, Sasha.." I smiled at her.

She kept on staring utterly shook at us, as her expression slowly turned into a huge grin upon her face. "..Hey, (f/n)! I didn't know you were here as well.." she crossed her arms, turning at Levi. "Well, I haven't entirely lost it, I just can't remember where I put it yesterday.. Come help me find it when you're done with what you're doing, please!" She smirked, as she began walking backwards towards the door.

We both turned to eachother, smirking the same pervy way. "Can we do the kiss thing again?" I asked, as Levi fell over to my lips.


Oh boy. Now that was a good way to start my day. Tell me, what ever could be better than practicing kickboxing after so long, with Levi, and then have both a love confession and makeout in the same morning?

I was smiling widely as I walking towards the main floor, in order to get to the exit and go grab some coffee's during our small break.

When I reached the reception, I noticed that the whole gang was looking at me with wide smiles on their faces. I couldn't help but smile back, realizing that Sasha would have told them everything already.

"Okay, okay.. I can't say anything to my defense this time, so I'll just admit it. I am in love with Levi, and I really did enjoy the kissing we did before.." I confessed.

Surprisingly, they all stared confused at me, while turning glimpses at each other in full shock.

"Sorry, you did.. what??" Ymir looked at me baffled.

"Wait wait, you mean you confessed your feelings to Levi and then you kissed?" Eren questioned, "When did all that happen??"

"You didn't know? But I thought that Sasha would have told you about it, I thought that was the reason y'all were looking at me like that.." I scratched the back of my head.

"Heh, I didn't tell them anything, you just told us everything yourself!" Sasha giggled, "I thought you might not have wanted me to spread what happened between you two, so I kept my mouth shut.."

"And we were smiling like that because we found you a new job!" Christa explained, "there's a free spot for you at the animal shelter Annie works at.."

"Yeah yeah, forget about that now.." Annie snickered, turning at me. "Did you guys actually kiss??"

"And you didn't just kiss, from the hickey I can see on your neck.." Ymir pointed out.

I smirked, pushing my hair back. "Heh, that's true. We went a little further than kissing.."

"See, I knew that confessing how you feel was the right thing to do! Turns out Levi was in love with you all along!" Eren messed my hair playfully.

"Yeah, I don't know if I would have done it without you urging me to.." I smiled, patting his chest. "I've been feeling great today, guys! I'm going to the next block to get some coffee's, I'll be right back. Oh, and I can't thank you enough for finding me a job! Tell me all about it when I'm back" I exclaimed, walking outside the gym.

"Remember what I told you about them making out?" Sasha turned at Christa, smirking.

"You were right, afterall!" Christa chuckled. "Though the book isn't over yet.."

*not me writing this story so that I can constantly break the forth wall*

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*not me writing this story so that I can constantly break the forth wall*

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