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I bought myself a couple of donuts before I got back home. Okay, I know that I should start having a better diet from now on, but technically I haven't started my training lifestyle yet. So it's excusable.

I felt an itching pain down on my leg once I got back home. At times, I get a really painful sore at where my injury is.

"Fuck.. c'mon, you need to get better today.. we're starting practice again.." I moaned as I carefully stroked it.

Fortunately, it didn't hurt as much a couple of hours later. So, there's really not going back now. I'll start my training.


Once I reached the gym, I noticed Levi training with a couple of huge dumbbells. Damn, they were about 200 pounds each!

"...hey there!" I greeted him. "Woah, those gotta be really heavy, right?"

He raised his head up, looking at me with a deadly glare. "You're 15 minutes late. Didn't I tell you to come in time?"

"Uh..yeah, sorry.." I scratched the back of my head. "..Anyway, what will do today, boss?"

He kept on staring at me with the same exact expression as before. Did I make it even worse?

"Call me Levi." He frowned. "And yes, those are pretty heavy."

"Can I try them?" I instantly questioned.

He seemed surprised, but left a small smirk afterwards. "Sure. Try your best." He snickered, as he handed the one to me.

Once I picked it, I realized how much I fucked up. It was so heavy that I could barely hold it from falling down.

"What the..? This thing alone gotta be at least 400 pounds!" I groaned.

He crossed his arms mockingly. "You asked for it. Want me to help you out a bit?"

"No no, I got this.. I will raise it up!" I exclaimed, as I struggled to raise the dumbbell up.

I managed to get it at a height about as tall as my shoulders, and I gave up afterwards. "T-that's my best.." I gasped.

"You raised it up quite high, for a beginner." He commented, picking his dumbbell back. "Can I feel your muscles?"

"Uh, sure.." I responded.

Okay, there should be a very, very certain emotion for when a fucking hot guy comes too close and touches you. And gets you feeling a little tingling down there..

He lightly pressed the top of my arms, feeling my biceps and triceps.

"Not bad. I can tell that you've been training before, haven't you?"

"...Yeah, quite some time ago.." I replied, but refrained from bringing up kick boxing.

"They need strengthening, however. We will work on muscle gaining and training. What do you say?"

"Alright! So, how do I start?" I simpered.

"You're really excited, aren't you? Let's see if it will last.." He crossed his arms, observing me. "I want you to do 50 jumping jacks, 40 squats, 700 meters of walking jogs, 30 shoulder circles for each arm and 25 weight raise, for a warm up. You have 5 minutes.''

I could feel my organs hurting already.

"..W-what? All of that, just for a warm up?! And in only 10 minutes..?''

"You're still here? Your time is running." He glowered his eyes, clicking his timer.

"Oh shit.." I cussed under my breath. Now I understand why Mikasa warned me about Levi.. That man is going to make me sweat more than I have ever sweated my whole life..!


When I finally finished, I was so tired that I was sweating and panting non-stop.

"Got a little tired, didn't we?" Levi smirked, as he approached me. "I was being light at you since it's still your first day.''

"You.. what?! Was that supposed to be light training?!" I was left jaw-dropped.

"Do you still believe you will survive here with me? Things will get really tough for a cute little girl like you.." He raised one eyebrow.

"I.. I will survive..! I'm not giving up already, that's for sure. In fact, I didn't get tired at all! It was, actually, really easy for me.." I found myself saying.

Heh, obviously I was lying, but I wouldn't reveal that to Levi. My ego is too big for that.

"I like your stubborness. But it's gonna get pretty bad for you.." He sneered. "Come early tomorrow. And be ready. We're just getting started, sweetheart."

I gulped, but nodded positively. I have survived much worse than that in the past. I will show Levi that I can cope with his training, now matter how rough it might get.



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Feisty [Trainer!Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now