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[Levi's P.O.V]

I turned my head around, as I passed right across a shop with a TV on. It was on the channel that the tournament was playing.

It was as if she was staring at me right in the eyes through the camera. As if she knew I happened to be watching that very exact moment.

"Trust me."

I sighed.

"Goddamn, baby.."

I noticed a crowd of people that were standing all around the shop turning towards me, seemingly surprised.

"Hey, I know who you are.. y'all, that's Levi Ackerman!"

"What? Ain't no way that's him.."

"Wait, that dude the kickboxer chick's talking about? Her trainer with the drugs?"

"She said something about it not being actually true, though.."

"Is it true, Levi? And what about the rumors about you banging Jess?"

If there's one thing I've always hated in people is how they can't fucking keep their mouths shut.

"Some say you didn't go to the fight because of Jess.."

"Really, shouldn't you be there right now?"

I clicked my tongue loudly.

"Maybe if y'all get out of my fucking way I'll be able to go there."

I began pushing back the crowd that had formed around me, and I swear to God that I would almost began beating them up if they hadn't moved back themselves.

"Hey, come on y'all, don't you see he's trying to get to the fight?" Someone called out, "Move out the way so he reach the subway!"

Oh thank fucking God there's always that one less stupid from the rest.

"..he ain't gonna make it in time.."

"..the ring is like half an hour away from here, and the fight has already started.."

I clicked my tongue as I walked down the stairs to reach the subway.

I need to fucking make it there in time. She needs me to.


I can't believe I left her alone. In her final fight. Her most important one. The one she needed me most at.

I can't fucking believe I'm not by her side.

I can't fucking believe I'm not by her side

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tsk tsk shame on me for totally sleeping on this story and coming back with such a short chapter 🙄 sorry y'all but it's you that decided to read thiss

imma start feeling bad tho cause our man is now feeling guilty ugh 🥺

also WHAT- when did this book reach 100K reads?? i don't deserve y'all damn 

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