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Day by day, I think I'm starting to grow closer to Levi. I don't see him just as my trainer now.. our relationship is much closer than that. In my opinion, at least.

Levi might be honest, but he's still a man. And I can never know for sure what he is thinking about me.

I put off my clothes and piled them together, sighing from exhaustion.

I'm really wondering what he could be thinking about me, though..

I took a glance at my old kick boxing gloves while I was tidying up. Why did I keep them, really.. 

Is it just because I didn't want to throw them away? Since they were some short of memorial to me? Or did I hope I would start training again someday..?

Fuck.. when will I finally get over my dramatic self..

Maybe a movie night would make feel better. When I'm down in the dumps, I almost always get cheered up with a movie. 

"What's for dinner, though..?" I wondered, picking up Levi's program. According to him, I should have nuts for dinner. Lots of nuts.

Popcorn counts as nuts, right? 

No really, that's the only nut I could find on my kitchen. Maybe I really need to go at the store after Levi's new diet program..

That night, I watched a really depressing romantic movie. Weird, since I usually opt for horror or comedy. But I just felt like I needed to watch some relationship drama. 
Maybe I'm getting too lonely being single..


I've realized I'm getting more and more excited everyday to go to the gym. It's gotta be because my body really missed exercising. 

Or that I want to see Levi again and be sarcastic at him. It's so fun when he's being sassy at me. As long as he doesn't punish me afterwards, obviously..

When I reached the reception, I noticed Sasha and Christa standing there, talking. 

"Hey there, girls" I greeted them. 

"Oh, (f/n)!" Sasha turned at me, "I heard you went on an excursion with Levi, eh?" She chuckled. 

"Really? Wow!" Christa exclaimed. "Where did you guys go?" 

I cleared my throat nervously. "..Girl, he took me to a goddamn running field! And that's not the worst thing.." I sighed, "We had a bet, and I was supposed to run for as long as he wanted me to. And I lost, of course.." 

"Oh, fuck.." Sasha gulped, "and what will you have to do..?"

"Pull all-nighters with him, training here." I huffed, "So if you see me walking around like a zombie, you'll know the reason why."

"Don't worry, we'll be here!" Christa comforted me. "Do you hate Levi too much after all that..?"

"You know what, not at all, surprisingly. We had the chance to talk more during that trip. It was so fun.." I smiled. 

"Aw, now here's a girl who admits having a good time training with Levi.." Sasha snickered. "Ain't that sweet.."

"He must like you too, (f/n)." Christa giggled. "He appreciates the fact that you decided to stay with his kind of training..''

"You can put it like that."
Ah, I never get tired of that voice. Have I ever told you how husky Levi's voice is? 

"How you doing, boss?" I bumped him with my shoulder. Boy, his shoulder is as tough as a rock. Maybe harder. 

"I'm fine," he pumped me with his arm, making me leave a small moan of pain. "I care more about you, though. How do you think your new program will go?"

I gulped. Does he really want me to be honest?

"..Let's say it will be fun. I'm a night person, so I don't really have a problem with the time." I tried to play it cool. 

"The two of you.. late at night.. training together.. alone.." Sasha muttered, making dramatic pauses. "It just sounds so hot to me!" 

"It sounds kind of creepy the way you say it.." Christa giggled. 

"Just wait until late at night today and you'll see.." Sasha winked at her.

"Then we will not be so alone, afterall.." I pointed, snickering.

"That's right." Levi added. "Don't you two have some training to do? 'Cause me and (f/n) have a program to follow." He pulled my arm, taking me towards the inner gym.

Boy. When he pulls my arm.. I just love that gesture of his. 

"See ya later, girls" I waved at them, following Levi. 

"Have fun out there, you two'' Sasha smirked, waving back at me. "How much time do you give them until they make out?" She whispered, turning at Christa.

"Hmm.. Maybe two months max?" Christa responded. "Do you really think these two are going to get together, though? They seem more like friends to me.."

"Christa, Christa.. innocent as always." Sasha nodded her head. "Don't you see how they look at each other? I'm betting my month's paycheck that they'll be a couple by the end of this book.."

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