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I felt an overall stiffness during work. Like seriously, I slightly moved my arms and I could feel my muscles breaking down. The only thing I'm capable of doing now is laying down on the floor. And I still get cramps.

The worst thing is that I constantly needed to move my arms to deliver and get orders. And don't get me started on the fact that I had to make tons of coffees. The whole town decided to come here this damn morning?

Next time I see Levi and his damn workout sessions I swear.

"Yo, (f/n)!" I heard a voice calling me.

I turned around and noticed Eren coming up to the bar to talk to me.

"Look at who got down to her gym routine. How you doing with your new trainer?" He eagerly questioned, snickering.

I crossed arms at him and raised my eyebrows.

"Ah, If it ain't my best friend Eren. And I've been wondering where you disappeared to.." I stared at him with a very certain sassiness. "Well, I did start training at the gym you definitely paid for, hm?"

"Uh.. you found out, eh?" He waved his hair nervously, "Well, I-I.."

"Nah, don't feel sorry. I still appreciate the fact that you gifted the membership to me." I pumped his head. "Even though I was quite negative on the first day, I think it ain't gonna be that bad, afterall. We'll work it out..''

"Work it out with your trainer, huh? Come on, tell me, what is he like?"

"Heh, you'll be surprised.'' I snickered. ''At first, he seems like a total asshole, and the program he makes me do is fucking hell. It's two times worse than all my previous trainings, and you remember how intense those used to be.."

"Mhm. That sounds pretty fun, though.." Eren exclaimed. "..And what do you think of that total asshole now?"

"Well, I guess I will get used to it. He's actually caring, and I find that really cute.." I sniggered.

"..Did you just say you find him cute..?'' He giggled, "I didn't send you in there to make out with the trainers, dumbass..''

"That's not what I meant, idiot.." I bumped his head. "I just said it was nice that he cared about me. He's just my trainer, you know.."

''Ah yeah, I forgot that.." He smirked. "It won't be too bad If you end up finding a boyfriend in there too, though.."

"It's nothing related to that. Wait 'til you meet him, and you'll understand why I'm saying this.."

"Okay then.." He rolled his eyes. ''At least you finally began training again! Be honest, you really missed exercising, didn't you?"

"You know I can't lie to you.. I really did miss this training routine..'' I admitted, forming a smile. ''I think this whole thing will turn out pretty good for me."

"That's what I wanted to hear all along." He smiled. "You better stick up to that new training routine of yours from now on."

"I think you've been taking this whole thing way more seriously than I do.." I snickered. "Alright, that's enough talking. Reminder that I'm currently on my shift, and if they catch me talking around with the customers again, I'm fucked."

"But I ain't just any regular customer. Shouldn't I get some privilege as your best friend?"

"I can't wait 'til my boss hears that.'' I huffed, ''Come on Eren, order something and we'll talk again later. I'll find a way to sneak off the bar.."

"Get me my usual. I'll wait for you at the table.."


''So, what about you, Eren?'' I began, bringing his order myself at the table. "Did you manage to get hired this time?"

"I don't think they'll give me the job..'' He sighed disappointed. ''They said I should have some kind of experience before I work there as a trainer.. And that means I'll have to keep working at the damned restaurant before I get an actual job.."

''Work..? But you barely show up there, stupid..'' I reminded him, ''You always find an excuse to skip your shift. Just like right now, you have a shift again, don't you?''

He looked away uneasily. "...Anyway, they told me I should try working with some professionals before I actually start working on my own.''

"Professionals, huh? Hmm, we have plenty at the gym.. Why don't you come check it out some time? They might actually help you get a job!"

"Oh, that's a great idea!'' His face beamed up. ''Yeah, it will definitely be fun there. I could try that out if they don't hire me on the interview I have tomorrow.."

I giggled. "Just don't ask for Levi.."

"Ah yeah, I forgot you want him all for yourself..'' He smirked.

"I'm telling you this for your own good, idiot!'' I bumped his head once again.

"You're coming here to work, not chat with my customers, (f/n)." I heard my boss scolding me. "Shouldn't you be behind the bar?"

"Fuck, he got me.." I cussed under my breath. "We'll continue after work, Eren."

"Hang in there.. someday you'll get outta this place."

"I don't see it coming anytime soon.."

Honestly though, working at Starbucks was never my dream job. But I had no other choice after the injury. It was the easiest thing I could find, where I wouldn't need to move much.

I can at least hope that someday I'll finally do a job I actually want to.

But if you remember what that very specific job is, I'll be stuck in here for the rest of my life.

But if you remember what that very specific job is, I'll be stuck in here for the rest of my life

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Feisty [Trainer!Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now