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"She was.. something more to you than just an old acquaintance, wasn't she? That girl, Jess.."

Levi left a loud sigh, as he turned his glaze back towards me.

"It was.. complicated. I didn't love her the right way. It was entirely physical."

I turned my gaze down, as we both stayed quiet for a couple of moments.

"..and was she.. in love, with you?"

He nodded his head heavily. "I think she was. We slept together a couple of times. And when I finally admitted her that I didn't feel the same way, she didn't take it well."

I sighed. "..so that's why she's sticking so damn much to me. She hates what we two have.." I pushed my hair back, "..it must be hard being the only one in love.."

His mouth twisted. "That's why I was hesitant to tell you how much I loved you from the start. I didn't know what to do if you didn't feel the same way."

"..baby.." I pouted, placing my hand on his cheek. "..you know, my issue was that I was never sure if I was actually in love or not. I always struggled with my true feelings when it came to relationships." I admitted, "..and when it came to such a handsome man.. fuck, it was hard to tell if I was in love with your body or your heart."

"Let me guess what you fell for eventually.." he smiled, his eyes sparkling.

I smirked. "You're underestimating yourself, Levi. You've always have." I stroked the back of his neck. "Who you are on the inside is much more worthy than how good looking you are on the outside. You ain't just a physical turn-on."

"I never thought I'd be in the position to say this for a girl, myself." His eyes beamed, stroking my cheek. "..I spent all my life constantly changing sex partners, since I never loved a woman more than one night. And that's how I thought it'd always be."

He pulled his arms under my thighs and pulled me over on his lap. "But then I found you. My baby. And you made my heart beat so damn fast, you know that?" He smiled purely, as he couldn't help but blush a little.

"I just wanna grab your face and kiss you all over until you can no longer breathe. And not just because of how hot you are, but because I wanna have you by my side all the time. I wanna have you on my lap and make sure you're only mine, and no else ever touches you. I want to caress your hair, stroke your cheeks, and feel your lips on mine all day. And then, I wanna fill you up and make you squirt your guts out, while I make you scream my name until you can longer form words."

Oh fuck. That escalated from sweet talk to rough sex quickly. I love this man so damn much.

I pressed my lips against his, as I immediately felt his tongue touching mine.

"Babe.." I moaned, as we pulled back, "..can you promise we'll stop the ruined orgasms game? It's way too tormenting.."

He smirked, whipping my lips. "You promise you'll be a good girl?"

Oh no fucking hell not that smirk. My pussy began her little heartbeat thing.

"..I promise. I will do anything you'll order me to."

"Good. But if you break that promise, I'm breaking your insides."


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I'm such a slut for love confessions but I can't help the sex talk ugh

see y'all soon lovess

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