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After our small conversation today, I was left feeling so nice and warm inside. Yeah, my new diet program will be tough, but that's not what I kept from today.

I think I'm finally feeling Levi as my trainer, the way I'm supposed to. I have built my trust on him. I'd want no one else to take me on but him.

I was so hungry when I got back home. I admit it, I could almost hear the ice cream calling me from the freezer. But I didn't want to disobey Levi, so I didn't touch it.

Remarkably, I had a couple of apples on the back of my fridge. Those wouldn't do shit to my hunger, though.

He told me to eat something with protein, didn't he?

I found some cottage cheese on the top of my fridge. That shit must have something with protein.

So I guess this is the start of my new eating lifestyle. Remind me tomorrow to go buy more stuff to eat, cause all I have in my kitchen now is untouchable, according to Levi.

Later the same night, I felt the urge to smoke. I really tried to hold it back, seriously, but it had already been three damn days that I haven't.

So I ended up lighting another cigarette. Which would end up to another whole pack.

"Pftt.. look at me crawling back to my bad habits once again.." I scoffed, blowing the smoke off my mouth.


"Stop lazing around, (f/n). The customers are waiting. Get your ass down to work." I heard my boss complaining at me.

"Sorry, sir. I'm making the coffees.." I sighed, as I pulled over the empty cups to fill them up with the coffee.

I swear to God I haven't hated a damn bastard so much before in my whole life. As if he can't see I'm working the fastest I can.

The last few weeks I've been so fucking exhausted. I hate this job. But there ain't much I can do now, since I need the money.

When I realized my lunch break finally came, I almost dropped two coffees on a customer. Thank God I'm pretty though and I can easily get away with it.

I had nothing else to eat except for a couple of cupcakes I bought yesterday. I know that Levi told me to cut down on sweets, but there was nothing else and I'm fucking starving.

While I was munching them down, I heard a man walking towards the cashier table to take an order. Damn, people these days don't even want me to enjoy my 5-minute lunch break.

"One minute sir, I'll be right there.." I called at him, taking another bite from the cupcakes before wrapping them around to save them for later.

I almost choked as I turned around.


"How's the cupcake?" He stared at me with the most sassy look there is. That typical of his.

"W-wait, I can explain.." I immediately started, "I've started eating healthy, I swear! I really didn't intend to eat those.."

"Oh, you didn't.. So I guess the cupcake jumped into your mouth on its own, huh?" He crossed his arms.

I pouted. "..okay, it's my fault. But I wasn't lying when I said that I've started your diet.." I rushed to justify myself. "..I just had nothing else to eat right now.."

Feisty [Trainer!Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now