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THE newly wedded couple walked towards the groom's parents. "welcome to the family" his mother said with a huge smile on her face. "thank you" the bride bows to her in laws. "you don't need to bow, dear. you're part of our family now" her mother in law smiles. her husband looks away, seeing his two older brothers talking to each other. he walks off towards them, assuming his wife wouldn't care.

"congratulations, little brother. i heard mother was the one who chose your wife. let's hope she isn't like our wives" the oldest son, making the second oldest chuckle. the youngest sighed as he took a sip of champagne. his brothers were married off to women that their father chose, yet for him, his mother chose his wife. the three brothers were known for being cold and hardworking which is why their father wanted each of his sons to marry a rich woman that would help their company yet their mother didn't want that for her last son.

the youngest looks back at his wife who was speaking to his sisters in law. "i remember when me and mina got married, she expected us to share a room" his second brother said. "seoyeon thought the same. let's hope your wife won't act like ours. always clinging onto to us. it's annoying" the oldest said, making the youngest nod.

"you shouldn't have agreed to this marriage" mina said as she sips her glass. the bride tilts her head, confused. "the jeon brothers are known for being cold. don't expect him to show you love and affection because they don't do romantic things" seoyeon said. the bride nodded, understanding what they were saying. she knew what she was getting herself into. she was familiar about the jeons and how successful they are. she didn't mind if her husband was cold.

the bride turns her head when she heard her husband speak. "let's go" he said in a cold voice and she nodded. they said their goodbyes and headed into the car, driving to their new house. the car ride was quiet. no one dare to speak. the groom driving while the bride stares out of the window.

once arriving to their place, they walked out of the car and headed inside. the groom expected his wife to talk to him yet she walked up the stairs leaving him alone in the living room. he follows right behind her to see her walk into a room and closing the door right after. he tilts his head, confused. he shrugs it off and walks into his bedroom.

the young man removes his tie, throwing it aside and lays down on his bed. he has a big day tomorrow at the company. an important meeting with the parks. he turns his head when he heard a knock on the door. "come in" he said. his wife walks inside his room. "can you unzip the dress for me? i can't reach it" she asked and he nodded. he stood back up and walks over to her.

normally a new wedded couple would share a bedroom together and have their special night yet since this marriage was arranged, there was no love. "thank you" his wife said before leaving his room. he closes his door and decides to take a quick shower before going to bed.

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