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JUNGKOOK and you were waiting at the airport. him coming from a rich family, they had request a private jet to go to jeju. the idea of spending time with him wasn't something you liked. you know for sure he felt the same. "you came on time, huh" junsu said walking towards you two with his wife following right behind him.

you felt kinda bad for seoyeon. she has been married to him for five years. you could tell she loves him yet he's a jeon who act cold towards everyone. by now they should have at least a child yet junsu doesn't want any children. you hope jungkook would feel the same. having a child around the house will be more stressful for you.

"(y/n), can you come with me to the restroom?" you heard seoyeon asked. you nodded and walked away with her, leaving your husband with hers. "so what happened when you two got back home? did she try to hit on you?" junsu asked his baby brother. "of course not. she went straight to bed. i assume she had a tiring day yesterday" jungkook answered. the two men then turn their heads seeing their parents walking towards them with jungwoo and his wife.

"where's (y/n) and seoyeon?" mrs.jeon asked. "here" you and seoyeon walked towards them. she claps her hands, happy to see everyone here. "yay! let's get going then!" she grabs her husband's hand. mina and seoyeon both walk together while the three brothers walk beside each other, leaving you to walk alone. you pulled out your bluetooth earphones, ready to sleep the whole plane ride. jungkook turns his head, seeing you walking by yourself. he stops and waits for you. "do you normally walk slow?" he asked you as the two of you walk in the same pace.

"no. i walk faster when im listening to music. so if you excuse me, i will like to get in the jet so i can fall asleep" you said walking a bit faster. he sighs and catches up to you. when the two of you arrived inside the jet, you saw mrs.jeon sitting by her husband and their daughter in laws sitting together. you already knew that your husband would sit with his brothers so you walked over to an empty seat.

you sat down stretching your arms for the one hour nap you will be taking. right before you close your eyes, you saw him sitting in front of you. "what?" he asked, catching you staring at him. "i thought you would be sitting with your brothers" you said. "i have a presentation to finish and they can't see it so im sitting here" jungkook said and you nodded. you pulled out your blanket, wrapping it around yourself. you started playing music on your phone, slowly making you fall asleep.

across the jet, the two oldest couple watch their children. "you think this trip will help?" mr.jeon asked. "i hope so. seoyeon and junsu have been married for five years. jungwoo and mina been for three years. jungkook and (y/n) barely see each other. is wanting to have grandchild so bad?" mrs. jeon asked. "i just want my sons to be happy yet they are all cold" she added. "im sure they are happy in their own way. now get some rest. you haven't been sleeping for days"

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