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YOU arrived back home after a long night. it was already 2am. you walked inside the house to see your husband sleeping on the couch. 'did he wait for me?' you thought as you walked over to him. you stared at his sleeping face, smiling. "you should have slept in your room" you said caressing his face. his eyes slowly opened when he felt your soft hands. "you're back" he smiles seeing you. "yeah, i am. you know, you don't have wait for me. you could have gone to bed" he pulls you towards him, wrapping his arms around your waist. "im your husband. i was a bit worried since it was getting late" he said.

"well im back now. you should go sleep in your bed now. i have to shower quick and get some sleep before heading back to the hospital" you said. "but you just got back?" he asked. "yes, but i have to go back for my shift. i normally go to work 4am to 9pm" you explained. jungkook pouts, a bit upset to hear that his wife isn't getting the hours of sleep she needs. "okay, go shower and then go straight to bed, mrs.jeon" he kisses your forehead before heading up stairs.

jungkook jumps into his bed, hugging his pillow as he smiles. for sure he was lucky to have a wife like you. no wonder why his mother chose you. he pulls out his phone and remembers the conversation he had with himself. he goes in google and searches up,
«signs that you're falling in love». jungkook clicks on a website and reads it.

«you smile more often for no reason. you constantly can't stop thinking about them. you crave for them only. they were on your mind the whole time while reading this» making his cheeks turn red. "how did they know?" he asked, feeling his heart beat. he looks around, hoping no one heard him. 'am i really in love? n-no...i can't. it's too early for me to love her. it's just a small crush...yeah that's its. nothing else. just a crush' he tells himself. he decides to go to bed, hoping that sleeping would stop him from thinking.

sadly that was wrong. jungkook had a dream of the two of you. having a family and even a pet dog. he dreamt of the two of you having four children. he and you were acting lovey-dovey with as couples do. it was a dream that he never wanted to leave yet the alarm woke him up from his slumber. jungkook rolls himself out of head, heading downstairs. he knows you're out so he was alone in his house. his brown eyes landed on a post-it note. he grabs it and smiles.

out for work. there's food in the fridge if you're hungry. jungwoo texted me saying that you weren't feeling well yesterday so i left some medicine on the counter. i'll see if my boss allows me to leave a bit early so i can take care of you. if you feel worse, don't be afraid to call me or the hospital. take care, jungkook!
-from (y/n)

"she's such an amazing person! can't believe i get to call her my wife" he smiles as he spins around while hugging himself. jungkook realizes what he just did and shakes his head. "no, jeon. crush. you just have-" his thought stopped when he heard the doorbell ring. he walks towards the door, opening it to show his cold face. "what are you doing here?" he asked.

nancy smiles as she shows him a bag. "since you were sick yesterday, i thought of bringing you food. your wife wouldn't mind, would she?" she peeks through the door. "my wife is currently working yet she did leave me food so i don't need yours" he said. "oh, she's not home. is she perhaps at the hospital or at some man's place?" nancy asked. "my wife is no cheater. she's a loyal person, nancy. if you only came here to disrespect my wife than leave" jungkook said.

"i came here to take care of you. now, jeon jungkook go to your bed" she said barging into his house. "i didn't invite you in, nancy so leave my place" he said but she walks into the kitchen. "your wife made you this? this won't do" she opens the fridge only to dump your food into the trash. jungkook clenched his fists, already getting frustrated with what nancy was doing. "didn't i say to go to bed?" she looks back at him. 'im getting sick of you and your attitude. i wish i could kick her out yet my brothers are doing a project with her father so i can't' he sighs.

jungkook walks away from the kitchen and heads upstairs to his room. he made sure that your room was close so nancy wouldn't do anything to your belongings. he wasn't sick from anything. he was angry about what nancy said about his wife. he was happy to see that you were worried about him yet he's perfectly fine. maybe pretending to be sick will get you two closer?

suddenly his phone starts ringing. a huge smile appeared on his face when he saw the id caller. jeon (y/n). he quickly picks up and pretends to act sick. "hey. im just checking up on you. how are you feeling jungkook?" he heard your voice. "im doing alright. i just miss you" jungkook said, hoping that it would make you say it back. "i wish i could be there. do you want me to call your mother?" you asked. "there's no need to. just hearing your voice makes me feel better" he said, giggling at the end. "i have to get back to work. ill be home as soon as i can. take care of yourself" you said before hanging up.

"never in my life i experience a jeon son speak to his wife like that. or even giggle" nancy said walking in with a tray of food. jungkook clears his voice and becomes cold again. "that's because what we have is special and different from what my brothers have" he glares at her. she places the food on his bed and tries to feed him yet jungkook shook his head. "don't feed me. i can eat for myself" he takes the spoon and starts eating the disgusting food that nancy made for it.

after a few hours, nancy wouldn't leave him alone. he was nervous to see what you would think when you would see nancy. he was sitting in the living room, trying to figure out a way to kick her out without hurting her feelings. she was sitting next to him, both watching tv. 'im missing her so much. when is she coming home? it's already 9pm. im craving her presence' jungkook thought.

the door opens, making him jump out of the couch yet nancy holds him down. "jungkook, im home!" he heard your voice. you walked into the living room to see your husband and a woman sitting in the couch. "i missed you, amor" jungkook runs up to you, hugging you while giving you kisses. your eyes made eye contact with the woman. your husband started to cling onto you, not wanting to be separated.

you could tell that the woman found it shocking to see jungkook act like this. you are too. "hello, im jeon (y/n), his wife. and you are?" you said trying to bow yet he kept on preventing you. "choi nancy. a friend of your husband. i just came over to take care of him while you were out. i was there at the dinner where he said he was feeling sick" she said. "thank you for taking care of him while i was working" you smiled at her. she only nods as she grabbed her purse. "well now that you're home, i should be leaving" nancy said. "are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner? i can-"

"she wants to leave, amor. let her go" jungkook said glaring at nancy. she said her goodbyes and walks out of the house. once she was gone, jungkook smiles at you. "amor?" you asked and he nods. "it means love in spanish" he answers. "can you get off of me? i need to shower quickly before i can make dinner" you tried pushing him yet he doesn't let go. "how about we order food? this way you can shower and don't have to cook anything. we can cuddle in the couch and watch movies!" he smiles brightly.

'how are the roles reversed?'

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