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YOU were laying down in bed, texting dr.manoban about hyun. she informed you that he's doing alright with the treatment. a smile appeared on your face when she sent you a picture of him smiling. "why are you smiling?" your husband asked as he walks out of the bathroom just with his boxers on. he had a towel in his head, drying his wet hair. "oh my friend sent me something" you replied. jungkook walks over to you and takes your phone to see who you were texting.

"hey" you said trying to grab your phone. "you won't be needing this now" he said turning it off as he places it on the table. your husband jumps into the bed, feeling tired and sleepy after spending time with his family at the beach. "let's sleep" he wraps his arms around you. "since when have you change"
you asked. he tilts his head, confused by your question. "what do you mean?" he asked.

"you been acting a bit weird lately. just like today, you didn't want to let me dance with mina when she asked me to teach her how to dance. are you feeling alright?" you lean towards him, touching his cheek only to examine his face. yet your sudden touch made his heart race. he felt his cheeks warm up when you leaned closer to his face. "i-im fine" he pushes your hand away even though he wanted it to stay.

your husband digs his face into the crook of your neck, loving your scent. you leaned towards the light switch and turned it off. "good night jungkook" you said getting yourself comfortable. he hums as he closes his eyes. you sighed and shut your eyes, falling asleep in his arms once again.

the following morning, jungkook decided to make this trip useful. the whole purpose of this trip was to get closer to your spouses so he planned to. he lied to you yesterday saying that he was doing work. instead he was actually looking at places to take you on a friendly date so the two of you can finally get to know each other.

he woke up first, wanting to make this a surprise. he wasn't sure why he suddenly wanted to do this for you. jungkook overheard what people were saying about him. he was a bit overprotective yesterday yet doesn't know why too. jungkook knew he didn't like men staring at you. you are his wife. only he can stare. it angered him when he saw the guy trying to flirt with you. he was glad that you plan to stay loyal to him. he didn't have to worry about rumors.

his brown eyes landed on you who was still asleep. jungkook was already changed, readying to spend his time with you. he just hopes no one comes in and tries to ruin it. he already texted his mother about it. she seems quite happy to hear that her son was taking his wife on a date. she even agreed to make sure none of his brothers try to interrupt them.

"(y/n), wake up" jungkook whispers into your ear, hoping you would. he chuckles seeing you turn to avoid him. he sits beside you, tapping on your shoulder. "wake up, (y/n)" he whispers again. it took time but eventually you got up. "good morning" you rubbed your eyes. you didn't notice that a small smile appeared on your husband face.

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