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JUNSU was in laying on the couch, doing some business work. he tried contacting his brothers yet none of them picked up. he learned that jungwoo was on a double date with their parents. jungkook, on the other hand, had his phone in muted. seoyeon was in the bed, scrolling through her phone.

it seems like the youngest son of the jeons have chosen the right woman. today, jeon jungkook and jeon (y/n) were spotted on a date. the young couple were caught holding hands through their day. also mrs.jeon saved a young boy's life today. thankful the paramedics admitted him to the hospital alive. the heroic act was filmed as well as the rewarded that mrs.jeon received from her husband"

junsu and seoyeon's eyes widened when they saw the video of you saving the boy's life and then the video of jungkook giving you a peck on the forehead before hugging you. "what the heck am i watching?" junsu asked as he pulls out his phone to call his baby brother yet seoyeon quickly grabbed it. "let him be. he's out with his wife which is why he probably didn't answer your calls. can't you just let him spend time with (y/n)?" she asked.

"why do you care so much? she probably dragged him out like you and mina do to us" junsu said taking his phone back. "oh im not sure. maybe it's because you and jungwoo barely pay attention to your wives. jungkook isn't like you, junsu" seoyeon said. "of course he isn't. you don't think i have notice his sudden change? he was literally getting ready to throw a punch when we saw a guy trying to flirt with (y/n). jungwoo and i are a bit worried what will happen to him" junsu explains.

her eyes widened when seoyeon heard that yet she sighs. 'he cares about his little brother than me, huh' she thought. "im going to look for something to eat" seoyeon said wanting to leave the room. she stands up and walks out, leaving her husband alone in the room. he rolls his eyes and sighs, knowing she's upset. "what is jungkook up to?" he asked himself.

meanwhile you and your husband were eating in a fancy restaurant. he seemed to be in a cheery mood. not sure how you could tell since he still has his cold face but you knew he was. "jungkook, what was that sudden peck about?" you asked. that scene hasn't left your head. did he do it to get more fame, attention or something else? "don't you like getting praised and receive affection?" he replied. "i-i do...but that was a bit sudden. it caught me off guard" you explain.

"you might have to get use to it then" he mumbles as he takes a bit of his food. you suddenly felt your phone vibrating. you pulled it out to see dr.manoban calling. "who's calling you?" jungkook asked. "friend. im gonna go-" your eyes widened when he took your phone and puts it in his pocket. "your focus should be on me. im your husband" he said. you ignored his words and finished eating your food.

after dinner, the two of you headed back to the hotel. jungkook wanted to take you to another place, yet you were feeling tired so he decided to save it for the last day of the trip. walking into the room, you removed your heels and took a seat on the couch. your husband walks over, taking a seat next to you. "can i have my phone now? i need to hear what dr. manoban wanted" you said but he shakes his head.

"today is our day. no one can interrupt your time" he replied. "i thought our date was over when we-" your heart started racing when jungkook leans his face closer towards yours. you started to move back, feeling weird about he was about to do. jungkook hovers over you, moving his face closer towards yours until his lips landed on top of yours, kissing you passionately. he bites your bottom lip, making you open your mouth, allowing him to slide his tongue inside. jungkook swirl his tongue against yours and then took your tongue into his mouth and suck on it.

you moaned into the kiss, feeling butterflies in your stomach. his hands were on your waist, making sure you didn't move. it took a while but you eventually gave in, running your fingers through his black hair. this made his heart race even more. what on earth have you done to him to make him feel like this?

there was a sudden knock on the door yet jungkook didn't want to stop kissing you. your lips were so addictive to him. the two of you pulled away, breathing heavily. you looked away, feeling a bit embarrassed about what just happened. your husband leans towards your face again, nibbling on your earlobe. "i've been waiting to kiss you all day" jungkook whispers into your ear. you look back at him to see him smiling.

"cute" you commented about his smile. you have never seen him smiling before. always with a cold look on his face. before he could say anything, another knock was heard. "jungkook are you in there? we need to talk" you two heard junsu. "aren't you going to get the door?" you asked your husband who shook his head and looks back down at you. with his thumb, he caresses your bottom lip. "my focus is only on my wife" he replies before reconnecting his lips with yours.

as the two of you were making out on the couch, junsu was standing behind the door, hoping that his younger brother was in there. he wanted to talk about business yet no one came to the door. he sighs and walks away, hoping that his other brother return from the date. junsu walks towards jungwoo's room where he saw him and his wife. "jungwoo! we need to talk" he said. the brother nodded and gave the keys to his wife before walking away with junsu.

the two brothers walked towards the pool of the hotel. "hey, where's jungkook?" jungwoo asked. "i don't know. apparently he and (y/n) went out on a date which caught the media attention. she saved a boy's life and our baby brother gave her a peck on her forehead" junsu said, making jungwoo's eyes widened. "he probably did it because so many people were there watching them" the second brother said. "not sure but that isn't why i wanted to speak to you. nancy's father called me saying that he would like to start a project with us"

"isn't that good news?" jungwoo asked. "yes and no. don't forget nancy has a crush on jungkook who is now married" junsu said. "and you think the reason why her father said that is because she wants to get closer to him? jungkook knows the risks if he decides to cheat on his wife so he won't" the second brother said. "yeah, you're right. i just hope no one gets hurt. our family is a bit complicated" junsu said.

back in the room, jungkook had his face buried in the crook of your neck as he had his arms around your body. "can we give our marriage a try?" he suddenly asked. "i want us to truly act like husband and wife. give our marriage a chance" he pulls away to look into your beautiful (e/c) eyes.

you never expected him to say that. mina and seoyeon both said that he was going to follow his brother's footsteps yet here he is. kissing you passionately and asking to give your marriage a chance. "let's change our arranged marriage into a love marriage" jungkook said. "won't your brothers-" he then interrupts you. "i don't care about them. i only care about our relationship. give me the chance to be a true husband" he begs.

you chuckle, finding it cute that he's begging you. "if we are to give our marriage a try then there is a few things you should know before you get into a relationship with a doctor" you said and he nodded. he didn't care about the effects of being in a relationship with a doctor as long as the two of you were finally going to be lovers that's all what matters to him.

"i don't care about that as long as i can wake up everyday to you" jungkook said. you sighed and smiled at him. "alright then. let's give our marriage a try, jeon jungkook" you said, making him smile brightly. he hugs you tightly, thanking you. you have no idea what he was feeling.

'why is he changing?'

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