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DISTANCE between the two of you is there for the past few weeks. mina noticed how you are avoiding jungkook who was trying to get close to you again. your husband wants to talk to you about having the baby. he has already guards around the house, but he hasn't told anyone about the baby. currently, your husband was in the kitchen, making breakfast. he smiles hearing your laughter. he turns his head to see you walking in with mina. "good morning, jungkook" she said. "good morning, mina" he replied. "i didn't know you cook" she added as she took a seat. he makes his way over to you and quickly wraps his arms around you before you could run off. "i only learned for her. i love to cook for mi amor. as well as clean the house since im always the first one to come back home" he kisses you.

"that's sweet of you" mina smiles. all of a sudden, you gagged. you pushed jungkook away and ran towards the closest bathroom. he runs after you, seeing you throw up. he knew it was one of the signs of pregnancy. jungkook stood next to you, grabbing your hair and rubbing your back as you released all of the food you ate last night. "is (y/n) sick? should we take her to the doctor?" mina asked yet jungkook shook his head. "don't worry about it. i will take her" he smiles. mina nods and walks back to the kitchen, leaving them alone. once you finished, he wipes off your mouth and kisses your forehead. "please, amor. talk to me. we need to have a full conversation about our baby" he holds your hand.

his brown eyes looked into your now cold eyes that were now tearing up. "i-im sorry...im so sorry..." you cried. "im just so scared of everything. i don't want to lose you or the baby, yet everything is going bad. your brother is in a coma and someone is killing people who are around me...it's just so scary...i don't want our child to be caught in this mess" you explain to him. jungkook nods his head, wiping your tears away. "i know amor. i have guards already around the house to protect us. im also looking for a new house for us aboard. i want us to leave korea right after the baby is born. this way we can protect our child from danger. okay? i have everything under control, amor" and you nodded.

"so are we gonna keep the baby?" he asked. you took a deep breath in and said yes. a huge smile appeared on his face. jungkook lifts you up, spinning you as you laugh with a smile. he places you down and cups your cheeks before kissing passionately. "i love you so much, jeon (y/n)" he said before kissing you again and again. his plan finally worked. you were deeply in love with him. there was no way you could or want to leave him. he was trapped in your heart and now that you said you're gonna have his child, you will constantly think of him...only him. now the only thing he has to do is get rid of that person who tried to kill you and his brother.

"what color should we paint the nursery? i was thinking of a neutral color since we still don't know the gender. how about grey? i like that color" he said, making you laugh. "jungkook, im just a few weeks pregnant. we have plenty of time to think of that" you pat his shoulder. "im sorry. im just so excited to be a father. excited to have a family with you, amor" he kiss your nose. "let's go back before mina starts to worry even more" and he nods, grabbing your hand. the two of you headed back to the kitchen to see mina finishing cooking. "i hope you don't mind me finishing what you started" she said. "it's fine. it's smells so good" you smiled and grabbed a piece of the food.

jungkook took a bite before you could. "it's safe for you to eat" he said, making mina confused. "sorry. i just get paranoid a lot. someone tried to poison her so i always make her food" he explains. "oh god! did you two tell the police?" she asked. "no, but i have it under control. so far they haven't been able to get near us" he smiles. "well, im going to visit jungwoo" she said. "alright. one of the guards will be going with you just in case. please be back at seven though. i will be inviting mother and father as well as junsu and jia for dinner" jungkook said. "okay. do you need me to help you clean the house and cook food?" she asked. "no, i think we got it. you should go visit my brother" jungkook replied and she nodded.

after breakfast, jungkook drove you to the clinic to see a obstetrician to see the next process and make sure you are actually pregnant. your husband was very happy to hear everything. "i don't know why, but im so nervous" you said. he grabs your hand and kisses it, "don't be, amor. im right here with you" he said. the two of you were sitting in the lobby, waiting to see a specific obstetrician you know and trust. you looked around and notice that everyone was looking at you two. you assume they're probably shock and surprise that the famous jeon jungkook is here with his wife.

"mr. and mrs.jeon" you heard and looked up to see a nurse. "that's us" jungkook stood up quickly. "follow me please" she said. your husband takes your hand and the two of you walk behind the nurse. "i didn't expect to see you here this soon, dr.(l/n)" the nurse said. "me too, nurse jennie" you said, making her laugh. "she's gonna be quite surprised and excited to see you again" she opens the door. you walked inside but before nurse jennie left, she hugs you. jungkook clenched his jaw, not liking people touching his pregnant wife. "congratulations. your test was positive" she said. "please take care of her, mr.jeon" nurse jennie said and he nods.

once she was gone, jungkook pulls you towards him, making you sit on his lap. "you hear that amor. we're really gonna have a family" he smiles brightly. "i cant wait to see how they're going to look like. our baby will be as adorable as you" he cups your cheeks and gives you kisses all over your face. the door opens and a young beautiful lady walks inside angry. "first, you got married and didn't invite me to the wedding. now you're telling me you're pregnant after a few months of you being married" the doctor said. your husband was confused yet very overprotective so he hugs you tighter, resting his head on your shoulder.

"im sorry, jisoo" you pout. she sighs and smiles. "it's fine. i was surprised when i saw the news and heard that you got married to one of the famous son of the ceo from the jeons" dr.kim took a seat in her chair. she looks through your files and smiles. "oh you must be the baby daddy. hello, i am dr.kim jisoo. a friend of your wife" she smiles. "oh...nice to meet you. my name is jeon jungkook" he said. "here are some papers of the things you two should do in order to make sure the baby stays health. especially you, (y/n). you know how stress can affect the baby. i suggest that once your belly gets bigger, you take a break. watch over her, mr.jeon. by now, you can tell that she's arrogant" dr.kim said. he chuckles and nods. "can we have a picture of the baby?" jungkook asked.

"i already have a room ready. jennie will be back here to lead you to the room. i will be there soon" she smiles. your husband kisses your cheek and smiles. dr.kim stands up and walks out of the room. "you heard that amor, you have to be careful" jungkook said. "i know. im a doctor" you said. the door opens and nurse jennie pops out. "let's go, mrs. and mr.jeon" she smiles. the two of you stood up and headed towards the room where the ultrasound is. you laid down on the bed and your husband stood next to you holding your hand. he was very excited to see how his baby even if they're small. he couldn't wait to tell everyone that you and him are starting a family.

dr.kim walks inside and heads to the sink to wash her hands and put the gloves on. "you should know what's going to happen, already" she said to you and you nodded. she places the cold gel on your stomach and starts moves the transducer around. jungkook was smiling so brightly as he looks at the monitor, waiting to see his child. a huge smile appeared on dr. kim's face. "congratulations, you two. you're six weeks pregnant" she said. jungkook looks down at you, seeing you smile. "i love you so much, amor. thank you for this wonderful gift" he kisses your forehead. "i will like to make another appointment in  eight weeks to make sure the babies are healthy"

"did you just say babies?"

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