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"ONCE again the jeon family has expanded their company to countries in mexico, india and thailand. it has be informed that they are doing a project with both mr.park's and mr.choi's company. im sure they will be the richest families here in korea" the news reporter said showing a video of the jeon brothers with their cold faces. you looked at your husband who has a big smile on his face. 'is this really the man i married?' you thought. "congratulations on expanding the company. you and your brothers must have worked so hard" he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a hug.

"we did, but jungwoo was the one begging us to do it. junsu gave in and we did it. our father decided to throw a party for our success tonight" jungkook said. "i hope you have fun then" you replied, making him look at you. "y-you're not going?" you shook your head. "i have the night shift today so i can't. im sorry" you said. "then what's the whole point of me going if i can't celebrate with my wife? i might as well stay home"

you shook your head. "no, jungkook you have to go for the both of us. it's a party for three of you so you have to attend it. don't be stubborn and go" he sighs and nods. your husband places his hands on your waist, lifting you up to place you on his lap. "it seems like the hickeys i gave you are disappearing. i might have to give you new ones" jungkook leans his face towards your neck. his lips were pressed onto your skin.

you clenched your hands when he starts sucking on your skin. "jungkook" you called out his name yet he continues sucking your skin for a few seconds. "you can make as much noise as you want, amor. no one is here to interrupt us" he whispers into your ear. he started doing it again. leaving hickeys around your neck as you whimper. his hand caresses your thighs. once jungkook was satisfied with the marks he left, he connected his lips onto yours.

tilting your head back, he makes the kiss deeper. the last time the two of you had a hot session was back at the hotel room. when he notices that you weren't replying, he pinches your thigh, making your mouth open so his tongue can slip inside. you moaned into the kiss. you felt your body burning up and heart racing fast. his hands on your thighs, moving them up slowly as your hands were on his chest.

"jungkook, open up!" the two of you pulled away, breathing heavily as you hear his mother outside. he smiles before kissing your forehead. "you should go open the door, amor" he tells you. "are you crazy? with these on my skin? you open the door" you said getting up from his lap to head back to your room yet jungkook did the unsuspecting thing. he lifts you, carrying you bridal style to the door. your cheeks warmed up and your widened eyes widened when he opened the door.

you covered your face from the embarrassment yet your husband was smiling brightly, proud of what he just did a few seconds ago. "junsu said you have been out lately. are you cheating on-" mrs.jeon then sees her daughter in law being carried by her son who has her face covered. "why would i cheat on my wife, mother?" a smirk appeared on mrs.jeon's face when her eyes landed on the fresh bruises that you had on your neck and collarbone. "did i interrupt something or..."

"you did, but it's fine. is that all you came here for?" jungkook asked. "i was hoping to speak to (y/n) yet it seems like i will come another day. see you tonight" mrs.jeon walks off. your husband closes the door and then looks at his wife. "she's gone now" he said making you uncover your face. "i can't believe you did that! that's so embarrassing, jungkook. how would you feel if i did the same thing to you?" you asked.

he just smirks and tilts his head to the side. "i would honestly love it. i wouldn't care at all. you're my wife, claiming what belongs to you" he kisses your lips. it made your eyes widened from what he said. "drop me, jungkook. i need to go get ready for work" you said, yet he shakes his head. "you still have three hours before you go to work. let's have some fun" he smiles and carries you up to the bedroom.

after a few hours, jungkook smiles brightly as he looks at himself through the mirror. his hands on the hickeys you left on his neck. your husband had asked you to do it. at first you were hesitating yet you gave in and marked his skin. he felt aroused, feeling your lips on his skin and your body was close to his. he wanted more yet you saw the time and rushed to the bathroom.

unlike you who hid the hickeys, your husband plans on making them visible. he wants everyone to know that his marriage is real and that it's not arranged but love. jungkook hears his phone ringing, seeing his brother calling. "we're outside in the limo. hurry up" junsu said before hanging up. he puts his phone into his pocket, heading downstairs. he locks the door and sees the limo.

he enters the limo and sees his brothers with their wives. "where's (y/n)?" jungwoo asked. "my wife is working so she won't be coming" jungkook answers. mina's and seoyeon's eyes widened when they saw bruises on his neck. they looked away, not wanting to bring it up but all they could think of is the two of you making love. "what happen to your neck?" junsu notices them. "oh this? it's something my wife left before she went to work" he smirks.

the limo drives off to the venue. they all could hear the news and photographers. the driver opens the door and walks out jungkook. he kept his head down as he walks into the building. his brothers stood there confused, wondering why he didn't stop to take pictures. he walks in to see his parents. "jungkook, why are you alone? where's your wife and brothers?" his father asked. "(y/n) is at work. your sons are still outside taking pictures with their wives" he answers.

"and why didn't you stay there with them?" mr.jeon asked. "i want to be with my wife. yet she isn't here so there's no point of taking pictures without her. i need my wife with me" jungkook said. his brothers then walks towards them with their wives. "where did you go? why didn't you stay?" jungwoo asked. "i want my wife with me and she's not so why would i" he said.

mrs.jeon walk walks towards them and hugs her sons. "congratulations my babies" she smiles. then she notices that you weren't by jungkook's side. "let me guess, (y/n) is working?" his mother asked and he nodded as he pouts. she chuckles knowing he misses you. "go greet the guests, boys. then come to us so you can all give a speech" their father said. the three sons nodded and went to every table to greet their guests.

junsu and jungwoo were a bit upset that their baby brother didn't even hide the hickeys on his neck. they noticed how the guests were shock when they saw them and jungkook didn't care. he acted like the hickeys weren't even there. before he could walk back to his parents, mr.park's son walks up to him with a glass of champagne. "i was kinda hoping to see your wife but i guess she isn't here" he said.

"and why did you want to see my wife, park jimin?" jungkook asked. "well, there's rumors that she is beautiful. and that the you two are quite close" jimin points at the hickeys on his neck. "of course we are. we're in love" your husband replies as he crosses his arms. "oh, are really? one of the jeon are actually in love with their wife?"

"i was surprised too when i saw him acting like childish when he spoke to her" nancy walks into the conversation. "it seems like the two of you took the next step" she said. "is it wrong if we do? we are married and love each other so what's the problem" he asked. "there's no problem, jungkook. it's such a surprise to know you're sexually activity unlike your brothers" jimin replied. your husband was getting frustrated by his words.

'why don't they think i would be cold towards my amor? i want our relationship to work. we want a loving marriage. i fell in love with her...'

"don't be surprised then when i become a father"

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