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MIYEON was smiling and posing as the camera man took pictures of her. after paying a spy, she was able to get information about you and tonight the news will be releasing those secrets of yours. then the man of her dreams will be hers. "that's it! keep on doing that!" they shout at her as they snap photos of her. 'i told you jeon that i get what i want. i can't wait to see you crawling your way to me' miyeon smirk just the thought of it.

after the photo shoot, she walks inside her dressing room and suddenly the door closes. miyeon turns around, seeing jungkook. "w-what are you doing in my dressing room?" she stutter. he scoffs and makes his way towards her. miyeon walks backwards until her back hits the wall. she felt her heart racing fast about how close he was getting towards. his brown cold eyes staring directly into her eyes. "i came here to talk about something important" he whispers into her ear. he blows inside, making her shiver.

miyeon could feel her legs getting weak. "if you think you can replace my wife, think again. she owns my whole body. she's the one driving me insane. making me do things i never thought i was capable of doing" he whispers into her other ear. she was then feeling a bad aura around him. jungkook forces her to take a seat, grabbing her chin. "let's see if you still want me to be yours after you see what i have been doing to those who want me to be away from my wife" he smirks.

her eyes looks straight at the screen of his laptop. he presses play, allowing the video to play. first the video seemed normal. she saw how much jungkook was smiling and acting clingy towards you yet for a quick second she hear a scream and then it went back to clips of you two. the screen went black for a couple of seconds until more screams were heard. it was on showing how jungkook killed a man who supposedly was checking you out. then it showed his grandmother and aunt. she gasped and looks up at jungkook who was now playing with a knife.

she barf when she saw him smiling so innocently like he did nothing wrong. "i was debating whether if i should kill you, but then i thought about it more and realized you can me useful. now if you want to stay alive, you're going to call that news channel and tell them that it was a prank. if not...well you know what will happen" jungkook said. miyeon couldn't say anything. she was so scared of what he could do to her. "tick tock...you're running out of time" he tilts his head. she gulps and nods.

"good. i will be leaving now. my wife needs me. nice doing business with you, miyeon" he grabs his laptop and walks off. miyeon drops onto the floor with tears falling down her cheeks. 'i-i messed up...he's gonna kill me...my life will be taken at any moment...he's a monster...he's pretending to be an angel to his wife even in reality he's the devil...' she cried.

meanwhile you smiling brightly as you were having a friendly conversation with your mother in law and jungkook's cousin who decided to visit. "(y/n), when do you plan getting pregnant?" jia asked, making your eyes widened. "i know for a fact that my son really loves you" she winks as she was referring to the last time she came here uninvited to see hickeys all over your neck. "i-i don't think we're ready to have children yet. jungkook is busy at the office and im at the hospital. plus it's only been a couple of months since we have been married. too early, don't you think" you said.

the door opens to reveal your husband with a smile on his face and a bouquet of flowers. he walks over to the living room to see his mother and cousin with you. "i got you these amor" he kisses your lips as he hands you the flowers. "you shouldn't have" you said as you got up to put them in a vase. jungkook takes a seat on the couch, smiling at his favorite family members. "someone seems happy. did you and (y/n) do the nasty last night?" jia whispers into his ear. he shrugs, not wanting to tell her. "maybe...maybe not" he replied while his mother sat there confused.

you walked towards them, taking a seat next to your husband. he quickly grabs your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. "has jungkook been treating you, right dear?" mrs.jeon asked. "i have mother. i have been making sure mi amor is being treated like a goddess" he smiles while looking at you. jia then hears her son crying. "oh that's jihyun. ill be right back" she stands up and heads towards the guest room. your husband rests his head on your shoulder, wanting to be very close to you. "seems like my son got very attach to you, (y/n)" mrs.jeon giggles.

"yes, he is" you smiled. jungkook then looks up to see jia with her baby. "let me hold him" he offered. his mother was a bit surprised to see him act like this. jia hands him over jihyun and jungkook starts playing with the baby. mrs.jeon smiles, seeing a change in her son. the door then opens and walks inside yijun with his father. "cousin kook!" he shouts as he runs towards him. "hey there buddy" your husband pats his head. yijun then looks over at you and hugs you. "cousin (y/n)!" he shouts too. "hi, yijun" you replied and look at your husband who was pouting.

"hello. my name is lee hojun" jia's husband smiles and waves. "hyung, this is my wife, jeon (y/n)" he said. "nice to meet the woman who changed his life. welcome to the family" hojun said as he took a seat next to his wife. "cousin kook, when are you going to have a baby so i can play with?" yijun asked. "soon, i promise. we're going to have a bunch of babies for you and jihyun to play with" jungkook replied while looking at you. jia and his mother laugh seeing you get embarrassed by his words. jungkook giggles before leaning towards the love of his life and kissing her.

after a couple of hours, everyone left. you were laying on the couch, hoping tonight you will get the rest you need for tomorrow shift. "amor, are you tired? i shouldn't have todo them to not come. im sorry" he apologizes. "no, no. it's not your fault. i agreed too. plus i love speaking to them. at least i know they like me" you replied. "everyone likes you, amor and if they don't, who cares. all that matters is that you and i love each other" jungkook cups your cheeks.

"did you and nancy talk about miyeon? did she say she is still going to reveal my-" jungkook shakes his head. "no. i got that all under control, amor. no need to worry about a thing. as your husband, it's my duty to protect you from anything that is dangerous to you and our relationship" he kisses your forehead. jungkook lifts you up, carrying you to the bedroom. he places you down and covers you with the sheet. "get some rest" he said. you nodded and closed your eyes, drifting away. jungkook smiles as he takes a seat next to your sleeping body.

his fingers go through your (h/c) hair, watching you sleeping peacefully. 'amor, i hope you like my gift for you. i cant wait to tell you. i know you're gonna love it and call me the best husband ever because i am...and soon ill be the best father ever...' he caress your cheek.

"but first i need to talk to that stupid ex of yours"

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