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"N-NO. you can't do that...i need her. we need each other!" jungkook stands up from the hospital bed to find you yet agent kim pulled him back. "she should be gone by now, mr.jeon. please lay back down and calm down. your wife is doing this to protect you and our babies" agent min said. jungkook fought back, wanting you to stay with him. "n-no! you don't understand, she's my everything! she has to stay with me! she can't leave me!" your husband shouts. agent kim then spoke. "she's not leaving you. she's just going on a little vacation without you. she will be back once we catch the person behind this" he said.

jungkook fell onto the ground. these agents were driving him crazy. part of him wants to slice their necks for taking you away yet all the blame will go on him and he would never be able to see you and the babies again. tears started to roll down his cheeks, missing your presence. the two agents looked at each other. "we will come back once you're calm, mr.jeon" agent min said and they left. jungkook then pulls out his cellphone, ringing yeonjun. "tell me that you're following my wife?" he asked in a deep voice. "like always, sir. i have already made a list on who could be doing this. i have sent you the list" yeonjun replied. his boss smiles brightly. "thank you so much. you have no idea what this means to me" he said. he pulls out the list and smirks, seeing the names. "i guess, we're gonna have fun this week"

after a week of being discharged from the hospital, he decided to get this done so you can back into his arms. he has missed you crazy. constantly, looking at the wedding pictures and other pictures he has of you. and when he missed you even crazier, he felt the need to ruin something. the death of people started to rise. not only that, he even stared to hurt himself. he's constantly thinking you would leave him for someone else. that you think he's not worth your love. he would get jealous seeing couples together since his wife was gone. so he killed them. the agents still haven't caught up to him which was good for him. that's how he wants it to be. seoyeon and mina left and went back to their parents after their husbands funeral. he knew they would no longer want to be part of this family after everything has happened.

yet everyday yeonjun keeps him updated. he found out that you are staying in jeju. he told your husband that you're working at small clinic there. your baby bump was showing a bit but not too much. he can't wait to hug you tightly and kiss you passionately, telling you that everything is done. the two of you can finally live in peace. one thing that annoyed him though was the fact that there is a doctor trying to flirt with you. he already sent yeonjun to kill him yet yeonjun couldn't find a right time to get him so it's taking longer than expected.

currently jungkook was standing, happily seeing his contestants. all of them tied up to chair, blindfolded.
"let us go!" one of them shouts. "we did nothing wrong!" another one shouts. "you're crazy!" shouts one more. "i know i am" he whispers into their ear. he removes their blindfolds to reveal who they're stuck with. "j-jungkook?" and he smiles. "surprised? you shouldn't be. i know one of you killed my brothers and tried to kill my wife. tell me who you are and the rest of them can go" he looks at each one of them. "it seems like you didn't know about his side of me. you can say thank you to my wife who made me like this. im so badly in love with her that she makes me want to hurt myself and others if anyone tries to touch, flirt or even speak to her. she's mine and mine alone" he said pulling with the knife he suddenly pulled out.

"do you wanna confess now?" your husband asked. yet they allowed cried out for help which jungkook was annoyed about. "i guess we're gonna do this the hard way" your husband said pulling out a gun. without thinking, he shot one of them in his foot. a smirk appeared on his face, hearing them shout. "i will give you five seconds to confess before i kill this man. five...four...three...two...one" he shot the man in the head as blood went everywhere. jungkook grabs the neck of a woman, choking her. "i won't stop until you speak" his grip on the woman got even more tighter. the face of the woman started to turn blue. "you really want everyone to die, huh? fine by me" he smirks. after a few minutes, the woman stopped breathing. "who's next?"

the victims all looked at each other. "please! do what he said! i have a family!" one of them begged. after a while, jungkook chose his next victim. one by one, he killed them. only leaving three of them left. "p-please jungkook. i-i did everything you asked me to do" yet he grabs her by her hair, pulling it. "yet you tried to ruin my wife's life. you think i haven't forgot that? you tried to separate us from each other other" he growls. "what the heck is wrong with you, jungkook! how could you do that! kill this innocent people! do you have no shame!?!" your husband sighs and turns around to face nancy. "says the one who told me that my wife could be cheating on me. im doing this to protect us and our children" jungkook explains. "i stopped when i saw how you changed when you're around her! why would i hurt her or your brothers?" she asked.

jungkook looks at the only person who hasn't spoken. "you think that im stupid, cousin? i want to hear it from your dirty mouth" jungkook said. "if you knew, why kill those people?" yuki asked. "to show you that you're weak compare to me" he smirks. "im the one who tried to kill your wife and those brothers of yours. my mother said that the company was supposed to be hers yet our grandfather chose your father instead. i knew i had to kill each one of you so i can own the company since no one of you have any children. i decided to kill your wife because i wanted you to suffer before i killed you-" he slapped her. "i even had nancy and miyeon helped yet miyeon started to be a bitch and tried to back out. i never understood why until now. so what are you gonna do with us? kill us like you do with them?" yuki asked.

"i would, but i can't. trust me, i would love to kill you all just like i killed my own grandmother and aunt" he said, making yuki frustrated. "you killed her!?! i fucking knew her death wasn't an accident! i swear to god, im gonna-" but jungkook interrupts her. "do what? you killed junsu who was this close to reveal my true identity yet because you killed him, the agents will never know. it's your fault, not mine. if you excuse me, it's time for me to act. see you three later!" jungkook waves goodbye. "come back here! im not done with you!" yuki shouts yet his men walk out wearing a face mask as the sudden smell fill the

you were cooking food for yourself since you been getting hungrier every day. the tv was on so as you cooked you would watch the news. you constantly thought of your husband. you missed him so much. you wish this was all over and the two of you could live happily yet if might never happen. you know that lisa and everyone else at the hospital will be worried sick about you. you missed them all. "i miss your daddy, but im sure he's trying his best to get this solve so we can all be a family again" you rub your tummy. "and im definitely sure he misses us like crazy too" you smiled.

"breaking news: the NIS arrested three people for the death of more than 30 people. the NIS still hasn't released anymore information about it. many people are here demanding they pay killing their love ones. we will keep you updated more about this topic" the news reporter said. your heart dropped when you saw the three people agents kim and min arrested. you couldn't believe it was them all along. the door bell rang, making you go open the door, thinking it was your neighbor. when you opened the door, tears rolled down your cheeks.

"let's go home, amor"

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