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AGENT kim pulls his hair, looking through the files again. another man dead. this time, each of his body parts were cut off. the body was found by a little girl near the river. the killer changed his tactics again. it is impossible to give a profile about the killer. the only thing he has about the killer is that they kill men that is around mrs.jeon (y/n). suddenly he gets a knock on his office door. "come in!" he shouts and looks up to see agent min with mr.jeon junsu. "hello, mr.jeon. please take a seat. how can i help you?" he asked. "i need your help. i believe my brother is the one who killed those men, grandmother, and aunt"
junsu said. "what makes you think of that?" agent min asked.

"my grandmother and aunt said rude things about his wife and he said something that creeped me out. he said don't think that i don't know what you did to uncle. i can and will do the same thing. the thing is my uncle died when we were younger due to heart failure. he said that he's overprotective about what belongs to him and since he's married to his wife, he will make sure that no one gets near her" junsu said. agent kim looks at agent min. "has your brother been like this when he was younger? was he always this overprotective and obsessed towards things?" agent kim asked.

"we were cold hearted. jungkook never liked socializing with anyone. he was quiet and very intelligent. our mother favorites him since he's the baby of the family" junsu said. agent min started to write down notes. "he did get overprotective about his toys. he never liked us touching them. sometime he would throw things at me and my brother if we play with them. our grandmother and aunt hated him the most" he added. "we will like to ask you a couple of more questions if you don't mind" agent kim said. "i don't mind. anything to prove that my brother has changed when he married his wife" junsu said.

you were in the shower after a long day working. you still haven't told anyone from the hospital that you're pregnant. jungkook suggest you throw a small party to tell them which is what you're doing. you still can't believe you're going to be a mother of three babies. you ran your fingers through your hair as the hot water was hitting your body. shivers went down your spine when you felt a pair of hands on your waist. "amor" your husband groans into your ear. you bit your lip as his hands cup your breasts. "im gonna get jealous that our babies will be sucking on these when they belonged to me first" he said pinching your nipples. you tilt your head back as your husband sucked on your neck. your husband groans into your ear, feeling your ass pressed against himself.

"s-stop...mina is still here" you said in between your moans. "does it look like i care?" he runs his hands down your body. jungkook turns you around, having you look into his brown eyes. he grabs your hand, pinning them above your head. your husband leans towards you, purposely having his muscular body press against yours, making you whimper. "im so addictive to you, amor. i can't get enough of you. i need you every second" he said in a deep voice. your husband then kisses you passionately against the wall as the hot water hits your bodies. with his free hand, he grabs your thigh, caressing it. jungkook licks your lip, asking accesses to enter your mouth which you allowed. you moan into the kiss as his tongue makes its way inside of your mouth. after a while, he pulls away only to give you his adorable bunny smile.

"you look so sexy, i just couldn't control myself, amor" he said and you pushed him off of you. "i was showering peacefully until you came with your horny ass" you said. "it's not my fault my wife looks hella fine" he replies. "plus, i asked jia if it's alright to have sex while being pregnant and she said it's absolutely fine. mina wont be able to hear us. she's asleep and she sleeps like a rock through anything. you can be as loud as you want" he said turned you around and pinning you to the wall. "daddy is gonna make sure mommy gets pregnant again to make you big sisters or brothers" he said. "mommy likes it when daddy is inside of her. especially when daddy goes rough on her, right amor?" he asked as he enters himself into you, making you moan. a huge smirk appeared on his face.

'no one can take you away from me'

jungkook smiles brightly, watching his wife sleeping peacefully after the two of you showered together. he giggles, seeing you holding his hand tightly. "im not going anywhere, amor" he kisses your lips. his heart flutters when he saw you smile. 'ahh! you're so cute and adorable! i love you so much! i cant wait to see our babies in nine months' he smiles. after a while, jungkook removes his hand and changes into his black clothes. he looks back at you before leaving the room. he heads downstairs and sees the bodyguards. "watch over my wife. if anyone tries to hurt her, kill them" he reminds them. jungkook walks out of the house to see a black car. he enters the car to see his worker. "tell me what you have so far?" he asked as he grabs a glass of champagne. "we have trouble, sir. your older brother, junsu has found out that you been involve with the murders of those men. he went to the NIS and told them his theory"

your husband clenched his fists. "i guess it's time to get rid of him. yeonjun, you know what to do. please make sure that you treat him very special after all he is our guest" jungkook took a sip. "yes, boss. i also want to say congratulations on being a father. i know how much you wanted mrs.jeon to pregnant" he said and jungkook smiles. "thank you, yeonjun. you have no idea how happy i am to know that (y/n) loves me so much and that we're pregnant with triplets" his bunny smiles appears. it took a while but they arrive at their destination. yeonjun opens the car door and his boss walks out. your husband walks inside the abandoned building and smirks seeing his victim.

"nice to see you" he said ripping the tape out of their mouth. they scream loud, shouting for help yet jungkook punches their face. "no one is going to save you. it disgusts me you were thinking of cheating on your wife with mine" he said. "and you even tried to convince her that it was okay cheating" he throws another punch. "luckily my wife is loyal and knows only her husband can satisfies her needs" jungkook added. he signals yeonjun to come over. he grabs the gun and looks at the man. "no one is looking for you. your wife is in a better place now. you should have seen her face when she cried out for your name" he shot the man's foot, making him cry out. jungkook smiles brightly, hearing his cries. yeonjun then starts to pour a liquid on the man. "i-im sorry! please let me go!" he shouts yet jungkook shook his head.

yeonjun hands his boss the box of matches. "you see, every time i see someone who is or can be a threat to my family, i have to get rid of them. of course, you won't understand since you wanted to cheat on your wife" jungkook lights the match. "burn to hell. literally" he throws the match at the man. yeonjun and your husband both walked away, leaving the man to burn. he had his men stay behind to put down the fire once the man dies. "thank you for your help, yeonjun again" and he nodded. "i need to get home now before my wife starts to worry about me. please make sure my brother gets here as soon as possible" jungkook said before entering the car. your husband pulls out his phone, smiling. his eyes on a sleeping picture of you.

"im sorry, big brother. it's time for you to go with grandmother and aunt hani"

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