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CHAPTER | 40non-canon"unofficial" ending

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"unofficial" ending

TEN years has passed since you gave birth to the triplets. jungkook woke up feeling the sun hit his face. he looks down and smiles brightly seeing you in his arms. luckily, you woke up and the two of you have been living a peaceful life. your naked body against his. your husband cups your cheeks, leaving wet kisses all over your face. "jungkook, stop it. im tired" you mumbled but he laughs. "if we don't wake up now, our kids will see us naked and i know you don't want to explain to them what we did last night" he said, making you sigh. you open your eyes to see him looking at you. "god, amor, you still look hot even though you're 36" he said, making you laugh. "get up, jungkook. we have to make breakfast for the kids" you said getting out of the bed. "let's shower together! they're still asleep" he suggested. "hurry up then" you walked into the bathroom.

after showering, you two headed downstairs to the kitchen. jungkook was feeding the dogs as you were making breakfast. "dad!" the ten year old boy shouts as he runs down the stairs. "what is it, junseo?" your husband asked. "my friend asked if i can go ice skiing with him and his family" your son said. "well your mom and i have will have to talk to his parents first. where are your sisters?" jungkook asked. "good morning, dad" his two daughters walk down with their pajamas. they both gave him a peck on the cheek like always. "good morning, princesses. did you two sleep well?" he asked. "yes we did" they smiled. the triplets are now ten years old. the oldest triplet is jeon aera. then it's jeon jieun and lastly jeon junseo.

"dad" jungkook smiles seeing his other son, jeon juwon who's six years old. you walked into the living room to see your kids. "mom, i have a question for you" aera asked. "what is it?" you said. "how are you and dad able to handle six kids? don't you get tired of us?" she asked. you pulled the triplets into a hug and kissed their foreheads. "i can never get tired of you all. but your father on the other hand...he can be hard to handle" you replied, making them all laugh. the six of you suddenly heard crying. "mommy!" you saw your twins crying. "oh no, what happened to my babies" you asked opening your arms. one of them ran to you, hugging you tightly while the other one ran to jungkook. "what happened?" your husband asked yet they just cried. you gave birth to twins after juwon, jeon minjun and jeon misun who are both four. your husband wasn't lying when he said he wanted to have a big family.

"w-we saw a monster in the closet" they cried. "aw, baby. monsters aren't real. if they are, daddy is going to protect you from them" jungkook kisses them. you carried minjun into the dining room and placed him down on his chair. "mommy is gonna get the food" you said as the triplets walked into the kitchen to help you carry the food. "mom, what's on your neck? did you and dad do it again?" junseo is referring that you and jungkook 'wrestle' last night. "yup! your mom went wild last night" jungkook smirks and you smack his ass. "not in here, jeon" you scold him yet he laughs and leans for a kiss. "eww, dad not in front of us" they said and quickly head to the dining room, leaving the two adults in the kitchen. "i still can't believe i had six kids with you" you said and your husband smiles. "we love each other so much which is why we created six beautiful children" he cups your cheeks and kisses you passionately.

you wrapped your arms around his neck, responding back. these past ten years with your husband and kids have been the best. you never thought you would ever fall for someone this hard. jungkook and your kids are your everything. it still surprises you how much the two of you went through in order to get a happy life. nancy, yuki and miyeon are still in prison for everything they did. jungkook's obsession towards you has also grown these years. he learned how to cover his tracks and hide the bodies well. of course, he wasn't gonna stop killing those who could be a risk to his relationship with you. a few days ago, he killed a teacher who was flirting with you. luckily, juwon asked about him so the teacher realized you're married. he plans to love you forever and ever. no one will get in his way. there was no way for you to leave him. the two of you have six children.

"mommy! daddy!" the two of you pulled away when you heard the twins calling for you. "let's go eat amor or are you still full from last night?" jungkook smirks and you rolled your eyes. "im coming babies!" you push him off, heading towards your kids. your eyes widened when you saw the twins all messy. "who did my babies get all messy?" you asked giving them kisses. "mommy, stop that" misun laughs. jungkook smiles brightly, loving this sight. you and his kids, a big happy family. "hey kids, after breakfast do you wanna go to the mall?" he asked. "yes!" they all shouted. the two of you laughed. "i won't be able to go. im taking lisa's shift today. her daughter got sick so she's staying home with her" you said. lisa got married a few years later with joshua and they both have a baby girl. you were so happy for the two of them when you found out. "alright, amor. take care of yourself. me and the kids will have fun" he kisses your lips. "bye babies. mommy will be coming back home later tonight. listen to your daddy" you grab your keys and coat. "bye mommy!" the six of them shout.

jungkook was holding the twins hands while the triplets kept their eyes on junseo. the seven of them together, walking side by side. "oh my! it's mr.jeon and his children" the strangers said. "aw, look at them. they all look like him and his wife. they all look cute together" he heard, making him smile. your husband loves to hear compliments about his family. "dad, can we buy mom a christmas gift?" jieun asked. "yeah, dad can we?" juwon asked. all of his children look up at him with big eyes. "pretty please daddy!" the twins said. he places his hand on his chest, pretending die. "you six are gonna kill me with your cuteness. okay, fine. mommy doesn't like jewelry so we can't get that. how about we buy her a dress?" he suggested and they nodded.

your husband was then dragged by his kids to the dress store, looking around to find the perfect dress of you. everyone in the store smiles seeing them all together. suddenly, jungkook got a called, making his smile disappear. "aera, look over misun and minjun" and she nods as her father walks away to pick up the call. "boss, some woman screamed at mrs.Jeon and threatened to kill her" yeonjun said. his eyes darkened. "you know what to do. bring me the woman" he said. "yes sir" and jungkook hung up. he turns around and walks back inside the store to see the kids holding a navy dress. a smile appeared on his face again. "your mommy is gonna love it!" he shouts.

after a long day at work, you arrive back home to see the lights all off. "jungkook! kids! where are you!" you shout. the lights turned on to reveal your six kids all dressed up wearing dresses and suits. "what is all this?" you asked. "your prince charming is waiting for you, mommy" the twins said as they point at the top of the staircase. your husband walks out with a huge smile, wearing a suit. "go get ready amor. the kids have a surprise for you. it's in our room. go look and get ready. i have made reservations for us to eat at a restaurant with our parents and jia's family" he smiles. you gave your kids all a kiss before running upstairs. you also gave jungkook a kiss and enter the room to see a beautiful dress with handmade card by your kids.

the seven of them were waiting for you and jieun gasp. they all looked up to see you in the dress. your husband felt his heart beating fast. you walked down the stairs and smiled at them. "i love you all very much. i-i have no idea what i would do without you" tears started to fall down your cheeks. "don't cry, mom" junseo said. "t-thank you, jungkook for coming into my life. without you, i would never be this happy. i love you" you cried. "amor, i love you too" he wipes your tears away. "i will always love you and our babies. you and i belong together and no one can ruin our marriage. i promised you ten years ago that i will protect you from danger and i will do that until i die" he said and you hugged him. "i just found out im pregnant again" you whispered into his ear. his eyes widened and pulls away from the hug. "are you joking? amor, please tell me it's not a joke" and you shook your head. "we're having another baby!" he lifts you up and spins you around. "misun! minjun! you're gonna be a big brother and sister!" he lifts the twins up.

"i love you so much amor"

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