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YEONJUN sighs, feeling bad for what he did. it was the only way he could help his boss. shooting him in order to fool those agents on believing that someone else is doing these killing. and once they find out who tried to kill you and his brother, jungwoo, all the blame will go to them, allowing jungkook to live his life with his wife and his babies. the young man places the gun on the table and looks at the time. "he should be there soon" yeonjun pulls out his laptop to see if junsu left yet to his surprise, he found him laying on the ground dead. "shit! this wasn't suppose to happen! they got to him before i could" he bit his bottom lip.

"who on earth would want to hurt the jeons?" he ask himself, but then remembers that they're billionaires for their successful company. "this is going to take a long time to find out, but i have to protect mr.jeon and his family" yeonjun then starts searching for potential suspects that would want to harm his boss. "my boss will no let you go that easily...oh no...he's gonna make sure you get what you deserve for trying to harm what belongs to him...i hope you're prepare"

you were sleeping on the chair, sitting beside your husband who still hasn't woken up. the agents came and told you what happened. they recommend that you find somewhere else to stay until they get the evidence they need to find the person who is doing this. these past days, you could barely get any sleep. you been getting the same nightmares. you losting jungkook and your babies because of the serial killer. there were times you question yourself if keeping the babies will put them at more risk. you don't want to lose them yet you don't want them to live in this time where they're a killer that could possibly harm them.

jungkook flutters his eyes and sees a bright light. he then remembers what happened. yeonjun called him a few minutes before you called, telling him that the agents were starting to realize that it was him so he told yeonjun to shoot him. your husband looks down to see you sleeping uncomfortably. he didn't want to wake you up nor does he want you to sleep like this. not caring about his injuries, he gets out of bed and has you lay down on the hospital bed next to him. he wraps his arms around you after covering you and him with the sheet. jungkook kisses your forehead, knowing you have stayed whole time with him.

he knew your love for him is bigger than anything else. he has you wrapped around him. there was no way for you to leave. why would you even want to leave him if he's everything you want in a man? your husband smiles brightly just thinking of you crying when you found out he was shoot. he hears a knock and looks to see your ex. "mr.jeon, how are you feeling?" dr.simon asked. "im fine. when will i be able to leave and go home?" he asked. "well in a few days. we just have to do exams before we can release you. i just very thankful to hear that you're fine. (y/n) cried so much for you. she thought you were going to leave her. she really loves you, mr.jeon" dr.simon said. jungkook looks down at his sleeping wife and smiles.

"but there is another reason why i came here. i received a call from a nearby hospital that states you have a brother name jeon jungwoo. im very sorry to say this, but he died in his coma" the doctor said, making his eyes widened. he was shock but quite delighted to hear that there is one less person that could ruin his relationship with you. "and we received an accident where a man was shot in the head. we found out he is also your older brother, jeon junsu" dr.simon said. now that was a big surprise to hear. he knew that yeonjun wouldn't have killed them. not after he told him the plan where he had someone send seoyeon pictures and videos of her husband cheating with a woman that jungkook hired to drug and sleep with him.

knowing that his sister in law would get hurt, she would want to divorce him. his parents would get to know how disgusting their oldest son is and that fact that jungwoo was still in a coma, their father would have to give the company to jungkook since he is the only one that fulfilled their parents wishes on having a happy family with their wife. he would act surprise yet then rub it to junsu face after making his life miserable. yet he died before any of this could happen. "i am very sorry for your losses. you and (y/n) have the hospital support. if you two need anything, don't hesitate to ask" he bows before leaving your husband. jungkook then looks down at you to see you moving around and opening your eyes.

"jungkook..." tears started to fall down your eyes, seeing him awake. "i-i thought i lost you forever...i-i need you. please don't leave me!" you cried in his chest. "shh...amor. everything is alright. im never going to leave you. got that? we have three mini us to raise. im always going to be with you either you want me to or not. i love you so much, amor" he cups your cheeks, wiping your tears away. you nodded like an obedient child, making him smile. "i love you too" you said before he closes his eyes, kissing you rough and passionately. more tears started to roll down your cheeks, thinking that in any moment, he will be taken away from you and his children. you wraps your arms around his neck, responding back to the kiss.

'we will soon live in peace right after i find this person...just wait a few more days'

ever since jungkook woke up, you been glued to his side. you would bring him food and make sure he gets the rest he needs to heal quickly. you still haven't to anyone from the hospital that you're pregnant with everything that is happening. you think keeping the pregnancy hidden will be safe for you and the babies. you can no longer trust anyone except for your husband and the agents. speaking of the agents, they told you that junsu and jungwoo both died. junsu was shot in the head while jungwoo died in his coma. apparently they found a bullet in the car which caused him to crash his car and flip over. however was doing this wants someone from the jeons to pay.

they showed you a letter they found in your house, asking if you recognize the handwriting. of course, you didn't. it sickens you that they're still out there probably stalking you and your husband. you know that jungkook is the last one left. he is your husband after all, so you know they will go last for him and torture him before ending his life. that's how it usually happens. you walked into your husband's room to see him smiling brightly. "amor! you came! come here, tell me how the appointment with dr.kim went. are our babies still healthy?" he asked pulled you into his arms. "she said that they look healthy. i just need to relax and not stress out" you answered as he rubs your tummy. jungkook knew you were stress about this situation which he never wanted you to be.

"everything will be alright, amor. no one is going to hurt me, you or our babies. once this is all over, we can leave this country and live far away in a small cabin in countryside where we can raise our kids without anyone interrupting us" he plays with your hair. "i will like that...i can open a small clinic there so we can have some money" you play with his big hands. he giggles when he left your lips on them. "i love you so much, jeon jungkook. don't you ever forget that, okay?" you said. "yes amor. i know i only belong in your heart" he places his head on your shoulder. "good" you smiled. "mr.jeon, we need to speak to you again" agent kim and min walk inside.

you got out of his embrace and kiss your husband passionately before leaving. jungkook knew they would come back to question him. he thinks it's about time to tell them about the letter and pictures he received. this way, they can blame it all on that person. "as you know, many murders have occur and those innocent people who died have been near your wife. we believe that the person who is doing this has a huge obsession towards her. stalking her and killing those who are near her which is why you were aim at. you're the biggest target for the serial killer because you took her away from them" agent kim said. "which is why we told your wife this and she agreed to protect you and your children"

"mrs.jeon will be under witness protection and you will not have any contact with her"

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