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IT was a windy cold night and there was no lights inside the house. the man walked inside his place after drinking with his friends. he lost his company because of his ex and her friend. "i should have my friends show them. they messed up with the wrong man. maybe that husband of (y/n) will learn a lesson" he said jumping onto his couch. he closes his eyes, wanting to go to sleep yet he heard noises behind him. he opens his eyes and turns around.

"it seems like taking your company didn't teach you a lesson. what else should i do. i know! this" and a punch was thrown at him. jungkook continues to throw punches at the man. "try to harm my wife and you're gone" he growls. the man punches jungkook back and grabs a vase, hitting him. blood drips down from his head. the man gets out and tries to escape when he was given the chance yet jungkook was fast and pulled the man down. "you're not going anywhere! we just gotten started" he smirks.

the man tries to grab another object to throw it at him yet jungkook punches him in the stomach. he groans as your husband punches his face repeatedly. "you touch what's mine and you will see what will happen to you and your family!" he shouts. "my wife belongs to me!" the man kicks jungkook and coughs out blood. jungkook grabs a piece of glass and stabs the man with it. "mine! (y/n) will always be mine!" your husband shouts.

you were in the hospital about to head out the door until you saw jungkook carrying lisa's ex who was unconscious. "oh my! what happened ?" you ran towards him with the nurses following you. "i was walking and saw him on the ground like this. two guys popped out and started to attack me" jungkook said. the nurses took lisa's ex and put him into a room. "dr.(l/n), you deal with your husband and i'll deal with him" dr.lee said as she walks into the room.

you grabbed jungkook's hand, dragging him into an empty room. he takes a seat on the bed as you grab gloves. "you just need a few stitches" you examine his head wound. "what is ethan doing here?" dr. manoban walks in and saw the two of you. "what happened to you?" she asked. "got attacked. if you can leave, my wife was about to stitch me up" he replied. dr.manoban signal you to stop. "i'll do it. you aren't working anymore so be my patient's wife" she said putting the gloves on.

you removed yours and stood by your husband. he holds your hand as dr.manoban stitches his wound up. "you guys can leave now. watch over him, (y/n)" she throws out the gloves. the two of you were left alone in the room. jungkook pulls you towards him, hugging you tightly. "i got so scared. i thought i was gonna die and be separated from you" he digs his face into your neck. "you're safe now, jungkook. im sure the cameras got video of the guys" you smiled.

"(y/n)..." he calls you out. your (e/c) eyes were straight into his brown eyes. he was getting hypnosis by them. jungkook so badly wanted to kiss you yet he knew he couldn't. "don't leave me...promise me that you won't leave me no matter what happens" he begs  as he holds your hands tightly. "of course, i won't leave you. you're my husband" you caress his cheek. he felt so lucky that he married a woman like you. thankful his mother chose you as his wife and that he agreed. "im gonna stay here. dr.manoban is gonna need me when her ex comes out" you said.

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