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LOUD knocking was heard from downstairs. you were home alone. jungkook went out to deal with something while mina went to visit jungwoo. the guards open the door and saw two men. you came running downstairs to see the agents you spoke. "hi! we have a few more questions for you, mrs.jeon. i hope you don't mind" agent kim said. "of course, come in" you smiled. the guards allowed them in and quickly closed the door. "so you hired guards around your house" agent min said. "my husband did. i told him about the situation and he immediately hired them to protect us" you replied. "i see...well im sorry to ruin the mood but two more people died" agent kim shows you the picture of the two men.

"do you know them?" agent min asked. "t-this guy was a reporter who said rude things about me. a-and this guy tried to get me to cheat on my husband. oh god" you said. "mrs.jeon, has your husband been acting strange lately?" and you tilt your head. "i guess, but i think it's normal since he's going to be a father" you answered, making their eyes widened. "is there something wrong?" you asked and they shook their head. "no. congratulations. what my partner was trying to say is has your husband been acting overprotective towards you? gets jealous very easily? gets aggressive easily?" agent kim asked. "he does get overprotective and jealous, but isn't that normal for him to feel like that towards his wife?"

the two agents looked at each other and then you. "is it possible to speak to your husband?" agent min ask. "he's not home right now" you answered. "can you call him?" you nodded pulling out your phone. the phone starts to ring and you were feeling a bit worry. a smile appeared on your face when you heard his voice. "amor! i found the cutest thing for our babies" he said with an excited voice. "when are you coming home?" you asked. "im on my way. do you miss me that much?" he replied. "yes i do. come back home soon" you said. "don't worry amor. i will be home and we can cuddle while thinking about baby names for our babies" he said. "i will like that. drive safe" you said before hanging up. "he's on his way home" you look at the agents.

"may i ask why you want to speak to my husband?" you asked. "there's a possibility that your husband is involved with these murders. we want to ask him a few questions and we will leave right after" agent min said. "y-you think he killed those people?" you asked. "there's a chance, but we aren't sure which is why we want to interview him" agent kim said. your heart started to race, thinking that the man you love and the father of your babies could possibly be a serial killer. "oh god, i think im gonna be sick" you said. the door opens to reveal your husband with bags that are full of babies toys. his eyes landed on the two men sitting in front of his wife. "mr.jeon, we have a few questions to ask you" agent kim said. he walks over and takes a seat next to you. he kisses your cheek, noticing that you looked uncomfortable with his kiss.

"is it about that psychopath who has been stalking my wife and killing those innocent men?" he asked and they nodded. "yes it is. mrs.jeon, can you please leave the room?" agent min asked. "she isn't going anywhere" jungkook grabs onto your hand. the three of you looked at your husband. "she has the right to stay here with me" he added. a noise interrupted them. you recognize the sound and stood up. "i just got paged. i will be home soon" you said walking away with giving jungkook his goodbye kiss like you always have. he then knew that these two men got into your head which he never wanted. "can we start the interview now? i don't have all day to-" suddenly a bullet flew across the room, hitting jungkook in the chest. two agents and the bodyguards both pulled out their guns and looked around the house to see where the bullet came. more shooting came, hitting jungkook in his left thigh and hitting a man in the heart. he groans in pain and tries to cover his head. "we need a ambulance here asap!" agent min tells through the walkie talkie. the agents went around the house, hoping to find the sniper yet they instead found a note.

trying to arrest the wrong man, agents. come on, i thought you were supposed to profile me yet you got it all wrong. next time, i will get him. just you watch

dr.manoban sighs after finishing her last surgery. she was very happy that she was able to see you again. she had something important to tell you after your surgery finished. "hey dr.manoban" she turns her head to see dr.simon. "hi! how was the meeting? let me guess boring" and he laughs. "yup. so i was wondering if you-" he was interrupted by one of the paramedics. "we have a twenty six year old man who was shot in his upper righter chest and his left thigh" they shout. the two trauma surgeon looked at the patient and was surprised to see your husband. "take him to the trauma center. dr.manoban, you're going to assist me. no one tells dr.(l/n) until she's done with her surgery" dr.simon shouts at the nurses and runs after the paramedics.

after an hour of standing, you were able to save the little girl's life. as you were washing your hands, you thought of your husband. how could he possibly kill those people? you two are about to start a family. he said he only loves you. you dried your hands and walked out the OR. once stepping out, nurse mira runs towards you. "dr.(l/n), your husband is in the trauma center. dr.manoban and dr.simon are both operating on him" nurse mira said. your heart drop and shattered. tears rolled down your cheeks. "take me to him. please i need to see him" you cried. she grabs your hand, taking you to the room where he will be after the surgery. when you walked inside, you saw his parents. mrs.jeon pulls you into hug. "everything will be okay, sweetie. my son is a tough fighter" you cried on her shoulder as she rubs your back. "he's going to fight for his life because he loves you so much" mr.jeon said. "keep calm. stress isn't good for the babies. my son won't leave you" your mother in law said, helping you sit down.

she takes a seat next to you, holding your hand and caresses it. you knew it was the person who killed those men. this is what you feared. they will kill your husband and probably kill your babies later. soon, the nurses along with dr.simon walk inside, pushing jungkook inside the room. your heart broke, seeing him like this. you ran over to his side, holding his hand tightly. "tell me what happened?" you asked dr. simon. "your husband was shot in his left thigh as well as his chest. it was difficult to remove the bullet because it was close to his artery, but he should be alright soon" dr.simon explains. you nodded and looked down at your sleeping husband. you kiss his hand. "t-thank you...so much" you wipe your tears away. dr.simon smiles and nods before walking away to leave you and your family alone.

"jungkook...please wake me up soon. i need you in my life...i love you so much..." you kiss his lips.

seoyeon was sitting on the couch, waiting for her husband to come back from wherever he was. she gets a notification and pulls out her phone. her heart shatters seeing the message. the door opens, making her stand up and glare at her husband. "you're sick! how could you!?!" she shouts. "what are you talking about?" he asked removing his tie. "this!" seoyeon shows him a video of junsu and a random woman in the bed. tears rolled down her cheeks when she heard them moan. "i-i didn't do that. trust me-"

"be quiet! im done with you. you been acting weird lately. always blaming jungkook for those death. i want a divorce. i will send the papers. by the way, your mother called jungkook is in the hospital. he got shot" she said before walking out of the house. once she left, junsu fell onto the ground.

"bullseye! two jeons down...one more to go. let's see who will get him. me or those agents"

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