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BREAKFAST wasn't what jungkook was hoping it would turn out. his mother keeps on asking him if his sister in law could stay with them and he keeps on declining. there was no way he was going to allow her to stay. "sorry, but i have to go somewhere quick. ill be right back" you said walking into the dining room. "o-oh it's fine. we all know you're need at the hospital" mrs.jeon said. you walked over to your husband and gave him a peck on the cheek, making him smile brightly. you waved goodbye and grabbed your keys. once walking out of the house, you got into your car and drove off to your destination where someone was waiting for you.

you stared at the building before taking a deep breath in. you walked straight inside the office and saw the front lady. "hello. how can i help you?" she asked. "hi, i called asking to make an appointment and you said to come here quickly" you said. "oh yes! please follow me, mrs.jeon" she said as she hands you something. the lady leads you towards the office and makes you take a seat. "ill be right back" she said and knocks on a door. you looked down at your hands, feeling a bit anxious. the door opens and you make eye contact with the person.

"hello there. how can we help you?" they asked. you stood up and said, "i think those men that were torture and murdered have to due something with me", making their eyes widened. "yoongi!" they shout, causing the man with mint hair turn around. he makes his way towards you and looks at you. "she said she might know something about the death of those men" and you nodded. "let's speak in privacy" the man named yoongi said and pointed at the door. the three of you walk inside the room.

you took a seat and the two of them stood in front of you. "i am agent kim and my partner, agent min" the black curly hair man said. "so explain how you might be involved with this?" agent min asked, making eye contact with you. "all of these men have been contact with me before they died. the first guy, he tried to flirt with me. the second guy talked to me and the third guy tried to touch me" you explained. agent kim looks at his partner who was still looking at you. "i understand that you think that you could be involved since you have meet all of these men but-"

"i went to (your country) with my husband. we went to a club and a guy tried to flirt with me again. the next morning, the police found him dead outside. he was beaten to death. as much as i don't want to be involved, i am" you said in a serious voice. "have you gotten the feeling that you have been stalk?" agent kim asked. "no. i have been busy to realize that i am. im a surgeon" you answered. "we're going to have to ask you questions if you don't mind" agent min said and you nodded. "my first question is, what is your name?"

"my name is (l/n) (y/n) or jeon (y/n), wife of jeon jungkook"

after a long hour at the NIS building, you arrived back home to see your husband and mina. "amor, you're back. what took you so long?" jungkook asked as he makes his way towards you. "sorry. the patient need surgery. where's your mother?" you asked. "she went home. mina will be staying with us for now" he said. "oh, of course. if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask. we're family and we're here to help you" you smiled at her. "thank you" she wipes her tears away. "you didn't get enough sleep. how about i make you a tea that will help you rest. ill be back" you ran into the kitchen.

looking up, mina saw jungkook whose face become cold again. his cold eyes glaring at her as if she did something wrong. after a while, you came back with a cup of tea. "here, drink this. im gonna prepare the guest room for you" you said handing the tea to her. "i-i can do it" she stands up as she takes the cup. "oh okay. let me show you the room then" you said and mina nodded. jungkook watches the two of you go upstairs. he also goes upstairs but to their bedroom. he takes a seat on the bed and sighs.

he's upset and stressed that he can't find who was the person who left that box. the fear of you leaving him was growing. jungkook is this close to tell you to stop working. he wasn't stupid though. locking you inside the house would just make you want to leave him even more which is why he allows you to go out but of course, jungkook has bodyguards following you around without you knowing it. and whoever left the box tried to kill you and his brother.

you walk pass the room but stopped when you saw him staring out. "is everything alright?" you asked as you walk towards him. he sighs and nods. jungkook grabs your hand, making you sit on his lap. "amor, i think we should move" he said. "you want to move? how come?" you ask. "im getting tired of living in korea. how about we go live in (your country)? this way we can be closer to your family. i can take over the company there. what do you say?" he looks at you. "i say that you're a crazy person" you tap his nose, making him giggle. "just for mi amor" he kisses you.

"as much as i would love that, my residency is here so i can't. the transfer will take forever. if you can wait a year then we can" your husband pouts. "fine. amor..." he plays with your hair. "yes? what is it?" you look at him. "will you ever leave me?" jungkook asked. "of course, not. what makes you think i will?"
you said. "promise me you won't. promise me that i only belong to you" he cups your cheeks, making you look into his eyes. you could see the fear in his eyes. "i, jeon (y/n), promise to always love you and never leave your side" you said with a smile.

tear started to roll down his cheek. "oh no, don't cry.
i didn't mean to make you cry" you said. "i-im just happy to have you in my life. you mean the world to me. i love you so much, amor" he cried. "i love you too, jungkook" you wipe his tears away. he wraps his arms, hugging you tightly. you smile as your hands run through his black hair. your husband was about to lean for a kiss yet the phone starts ringing from downstairs. "it's my phone" you said heading to the living room.

'i need to find a way for us to leave. i don't trust anyone anymore. mina could in the other side, trying to think of a way to separate me from mi amor. i cant kill them or else it will give me away. leaving the country is the best option for us. we can start fresh and if any other guy there tries to steal her away, i will eliminate them just like i did to those other guys'

your husband runs downstairs and saw you sitting on the couch. tears falling down, making him now worry. "amor, what happened? is everything okay?" he asked as he holds your hand. you stood up and look at him straight in the eye. "j-jungkook, it's my fault...so many people have been killed for being near me. i started realizing it a couple days ago. im scared that they're gonna try to hurt you" you said. "they won't hurt me, amor and they won't hurt. i will make sure of that" he said.

"and what makes it even worse that im pregnant" you cried, making his eyes widened. excitement fill then his eyes. jungkook lifts you up, spinning you around before giving you a passionate kiss. your husband couldn't believe that he's going to be a father. "we're going to be parents, amor!" his bunny smile appeared. "when did you find out?" he asked. "yesterday when you were asleep. i started to feel sick so i took a pregnancy test and it said positive" you said. the smile on his face never disappeared.

he was so happy and excited. his plan worked! you have no way for you to leave him. you're finally pregnant with his child which he won't allow you to take away from him. "how are we going to tell our parents? my mother would pass out when we tell-"
"jungkook..." you interrupted him. "i wonder if it's going to be a boy or girl. i know for a fact, my mom will try to dress them up and-"

"i don't want the baby"

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