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JOSHUA was heading towards his office since a nurse told him that someone wanted to speak to him. when he walks in, he saw mr.jeon sitting on the chair. "oh hello, mr.jeon. if you're looking for your wife, she's in surgery right now. i can lead you to her room?" he asked but jungkook shook his head. "i came to speak to you" mr.jeon replied. joshua took a seat and looks at him. "what is it that you want to speak to me about?" he asked. "is it possible for you to give my wife a week off?" mr.jeon asked, excepting him to say no.

"of course. she has been working very hard so she deserves a vacation with her husband" joshua smiles which made jungkook a bit surprised. normally exes are rude or obsess to get them back yet joshua isn't. why? "where do you plan on taking her?" he asked. "i got us tickets to go see her family" jungkook replied, making joshu make a weird face. your husband tilts his head, confused on why he made that face. "is something wrong?" he asked. "well your wife didn't want me to tell you this, but her parents hate you. don't worry, they always hated me too" joshua said.

jungkook's eyes widened. "they hate me? how come? i haven't met them yet" he said. "how would you feel if your daughter married a random stranger without telling you and didn't even invite you to their wedding. it clear on why, but im sure they will like you. you're a nice person so you will be love soon" joshua smiles. "why are you acting so kind to me? im married to your ex" jungkook said. "why shouldn't i? look, if you're worried that i still have feelings for (y/n), i don't. we ended things well and we said we want to keep it that way. plus, she's happier with you and if she's happy, im happy. and if you need an advice, you're free to come to my office" joshua said. "thank you, dr.simon" jungkook said. "no problem. now follow me. ill lead you towards your wife's office and im sure she's gonna love your gift. have fun!" he said.

the next day you were woke up by jungkook shaking you. "what do you want? let me sleep in!" you push him away and tried to go back to bed. "i cant do that or else we're going to miss our jet" he pulls the sheets off of you. "jet?" you stood up, rubbing your eyes. jungkook smiles and kisses your forehead. "yes, amor. jet. we're going on a vacation. i talk to your boss already so everything is prepared. i also packed our belongings so i just only need my wife to get out of bed and change so we can go" he said.

you forced yourself out of bed and make your way to the bathroom to take a quick shower. jungkook has already have your outfit ready so the two of you can match to warn off men that you belong to him. after a couple of minutes, you walked out wearing a white dress. "let's go amor. we can have breakfast in the jet. we're going to run late" jungkook grabs your hand, dragging you out of the room.

once arriving at the airport, a group of men wearing tux came towards you two. "sir, your jet is ready. please follow me" one of them said as the others got your luggages. "thank you" jungkook said in his cold voice. you looked around the airport to see people staring at you. "i forgot that your family owns a private jet. rich people" you rolled your eyes. your husband chuckles and shakes his head. "you married a rich man, making you a rich woman. plus, it's our jet. each one of us have our own, amor" jungkook winks. he grabs your hand, dragging you towards the jet.

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