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CHAPTER | 20mature content ahead { ★ }

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THE cold wind was blowing through your (h/c) hair as jungkook holds your hand tightly watching his grandmother and aunt being buried. his brothers were standing behind them with their wives. junsu had his eyes on his younger brother. he was a bit shock to see jungkook cry yet he had an idea that his baby brother had something to do with their death. how could their aunt and grandmother have a heart attack at the same time? junsu had asked medical examiner to send him the reports and yet their records prove that they both had heart failure.

mrs.jeon looks at her sons and senses that something is wrong. she then looks over at you who was comforting her son. she had thought you won't come since you're always busy. mrs.jeon is quite thankful that you made room for her son in your heart. "who's jungkook's wife? i have never seen her before" she heard her husband's cousin asked. it's the first time they have met you because they weren't invited to the wedding. yet they all expected that jungkook marries a woman from a high class.

"im not sure. she's decent looking. he could have done better. yet it doesn't matter though because just like his brothers, he's going to treat her cold" another one said. they look back at jungkook and you, who were walking over to his mother. "mother, we will be leaving now. (y/n) has to go check. she has an important meeting in a hour" jungkook said. "of course. thank you for coming, (y/n). i know you must be very busy as a doctor" she said. "of course, i will make room for you and your husband. you're now my family" you smiled.

your husband smiles brightly as he places his hand on your waist. "we should be heading. i will be visiting you in a couple of minutes" he said before dragging you away from his family. your husband wasn't stupid. he knew what his father's family would say even they get the chance to speak to you. they're just like his grandmother and aunt yet he couldn't kill all of his family or else it would be noticeable. he will just keep you away from them in order to control his jealousy and anger.

once the two of you arrived at the car, you were opened to open the door until he stepped into and took your keys. "i'll drive" he said. "no, i will. my car my rules, mr.jeon jungkook" you took your keys back. "whatever you say, mrs.jeon" he smiles. the two of you enter your car and you drove off back to the house. jungkook grabbed your hand, placing it on his thigh. "what are you doing?" you asked still having your eyes on the road. he looks at you and smiles. "amor, do you have go to that meeting? i thought your boss gave you the week off?" he asked.

"yes, but this meeting is important. plus it won't take long. you can wait in the car for me while i attend" you said. "alright, but don't make me wait too long. i get ever lonely without you" he said. "i promise" you smiled. it has been a bit weird to see jungkook act clingy yet you have been getting used to it. you arrived at the hospital and parked your car at the employee's parking lot. "i'll be back soon" you got out of the car and fixed your dressed. "text me if you need me" you closed the door before you blew him a kiss. your husband smiles brightly as he watches you walk towards the hospital.

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