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"AMOR, where are you going?" you stopped when you heard your husband. turning around, you saw jungkook with his arms crossed and his brown eyes staring straight at you. "i have to go to somewhere. and you can't come along" you said. "but why?" he pouts. "do you trust me, jungkook?" you asked him. "of course i do" he answers. 'it's the person you're going to see that i don't' he thought. "then trust me. im not seeing any other guy. did you forget that im married to you? we promise to make this marriage work so why-" your husband then kisses you.

"if anyone tries to do anything, don't hesitate to call me. i will do anything for you, amor" he said looking directly into yours. you gave him a smile before opening the door. "bye, jungkook. be back soon" you shut the door. he sighs and pulls out his phone to ring up someone. "hello...yes this is jeon jungkook...i need you to do me a favor" your husband smirks as he looks out of the window to see your car now gone.

jungkook walks into the restaurant and headed towards the second floor, getting a better view of downstairs. his brown eyes landed on you sitting in front of a man. his eyes darkened seeing his wife smile. he clenched his fist in anger. then jungkook sees a woman with a toddler walking towards them. "daddy!" the little girl runs to the man in front of you. "hi there baby" he kisses her forehead. you stand up and hugged the woman. "it's been ages, eunbi. you look beautiful like before" you smiled.

"thank you. also, i heard from the news that you're married. why didn't you invite us to your wedding?" she asked, making you chuckle. "well my husband and his family wanted it to be family only. trust me if we could get married again, i would invite you" you said. "she's just messing with you" her husband replied, laughing. eunbi took a seat next to him and the three of you started talking as their daughter was coloring.

jungkook sighs in relief, seeing that the man married and has a family. he smiles brightly thinking about how the two of you would be like once you have a child. "so tell us how you met your husband? you told us before that you weren't planning to get marry at a young age" eunbi smirks. "his mother came to me. it's was an arranged marriage" you said. "oh im sorry to hear that. is he treating you badly? does he act rude to you? are you going to get a divorce? i can help you, (y/n)" she said.

suddenly a wave of anxiety and angry rushed through jungkook's body's. he doesn't want you to leave him. he hopes he has been treating you the right way with love and affection. you're his world. "thanks, eunbi but we're fine. jungkook has been treating me nice. always been cooking for me, giving lots of attention and has been doing the chores around the house. we both decided to give our marriage a try" you smiled. jungkook smiles brightly, hearing your words.

"well then, invite us to your baby shower once you get pregnant" she winks, making your cheeks warm up. "e-eunbi! don't say that!" you said. jungkook giggles seeing how embarrassed you are. 'don't worry, amor. our baby shower party will be the best and big' he thought. your husband stays the whole time, watching and over hearing your conversation with them. there were times where he smiles and giggles. he for sure was falling in love with you even more.

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