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A huge smile appeared on your face when you returned back to the house. "we're back home" your husband wraps his arms around your waist. he's been acting weirdly ever since that double date with his parents. "we should unpack" you said yet he didn't let you go. "don't you think you should move into my room? husbands and wives share a room together" jungkook asked.

"i think it's better if we have separate rooms. im still getting used to this. anyways, i wake up early than you so i'll interrupt your slumber" your eyes widened when you felt a pair of lips on your cheek. "my wife is so caring" he digs his face onto your neck. shivers went down your spine from what he just did. "alright then. we will have separate rooms for now. i wanted to ask you something about your job. what time-" all of a sudden his phone started ringing.

jungkook pulls out his phone and sighs, seeing the id caller. he was going to ignore the call yet he sees you walking upstairs with your suitcase, making him pick up. "what is it?" he asked. "is that the way you treat your older brother? anyways, we were invited to go eat with nancy and her father. our wives won't be going since it's business matter. you will see you at the restaurant soon. don't be late" junsu said before hanging out.

the young man runs his hairs through his black hair, annoyed that he was to attend a dinner and leave you alone in the house. "(y/n)" he heads upstairs to your room where he saw you unpacking. "im going out for a couple of hours. i'll try to come home as soon as i can" jungkook said. "no need to worry about me. im fine being myself. i have been living alone for a long time" you smiled. he gives you his bunny smile before walking out of your room.

after a few minutes of unpacking, you laid down on your bed, scrolling through your phone until your husband came inside wearing a tux with rings. "i will be heading out" he said standing by the door. "be safe" you replied. jungkook stood there, waiting for you to get up and give him a peck before he left yet you remained in bed. he walks towards you, cupping your cheeks and giving you a quick peck on the lips. he chuckles seeing you surprise. "be back home soon" jungkook smiles before leaving you alone.

he gets inside his car and starts driving off. as he was driving, all he could think about was his wife, you. it was like you cast a spell on him to only think of you and nothing else. when he arrived at the restaurant, he saw his brothers already sitting. "you came on time. was (y/n) angry at you for leaving? mina sure was" jungwoo said. "no, she wasn't. i never told her i was going out" jungkook lied. "for sure she will once you get back home. i know seoyeon would if i did that" junsu said.

the three brothers talked until they saw a tall man and a young lady walking towards them. they all stand and bowed. "nice to see you three again. and jungkook, why wasn't i inform that you were getting married. i wished i could attend the wedding" mr. choi said. "my parents and i decided that only family would attend" he answered. the five of them took a seat. his two older brothers were speaking to mr.choi about business meanwhile the young man was too busy in his own world.

"so who's your wife?" he heard nancy asked. "what company does her family own?" jungkook shakes his head. "her family doesn't own a company" he answers. "so why did you married her if she can't help your business?" jungkook was getting a bit annoyed by her questions. "my mother chose her to be my wife so i agreed" he answers. "no wonder why. your mother never liked me. im sure you have no feelings towards her so why not divorce her and marry someone who can actually support you financially. not someone who will be taking your money" nancy said.

jungkook clenched his fist underneath the table, frustrated with the words that were coming out of her mouth. "my mother chose her to be my wife for a reason so i can't divorce her. plus she doesn't need my money. my lovely wife has been able to manage herself and her family with the job she has. she's a doctor by the way" he said. "a doctor you say? you know they often have affairs with their coworkers. how do you know your wife isn't sleeping with another man?" nancy asked.

his eyes widened. you wouldn't cheat on him, would you? normally in arrange marriage, the husband cheats yet he doesn't plan to ever cheat on you. there were multiple times where you could have cheated on him during the trip yet you didn't. or many it's because you have a secret lover? many questions were running through his mind. "you never know what she's doing right now?" nancy smirks as she takes a sip of her wine.

jeon (y/n):
i got paged so im not sure when i will come home

he clenched his fists, thinking that you were lying. he looks at his brothers who were still talking about the project with mr.choi. he really wanted to see if you were lying to him. "just forget your wife, jungkook. im sure she would agree to divorce you" nancy said. everyone looks at the young man who suddenly stood up. "im quite sorry but im not feeling well. i hope you and my brothers will finish the rest of the project without me" jungkook bows before leaving the restaurant.both junsu and jungwoo looked at each other. they were confused about what happen. nancy sighs before taking another sip of her wine. 'thank me later jeon jungkook' she thought.

jungkook entered his car and starts ringing you up, hoping you would pick up. "fuck" he curses when it goes straight to voicemail. he needed to know the truth before his heart starts taking over. he tries calling you again and again yet he got the same results. jungkook then remembers his mother and starts calling her. "mother, what hospital does (y/n) work? i tried calling her yet she won't pick up" he explains. "she works at xxx hospital. why do you sound so scared? did something happen?" mrs.jeon asked.

"do you think (y/n) would cheat on me?" he asked. he could hear his mother laughing. "what makes you think that? and your answer is no. (y/n) isn't that type of person. she's a loyal person" she said. "im not sure. i don't know why but just the thought of her being with someone else makes me angry. she's my wife so she can't be seeing someone when i belongs to her" he explains. "that's jealously, jungkook. it's normal to feel jealous when the person you love is surrounded by people"

"am i in love?" he asked himself yet his mother heard. "im not sure. it's your job to find out yourself. i have to get going dear. take care of (y/n)" and she hangs up. jungkook shakes the idea of being in love and drives off to the hospital, hoping to see you there.

he walks into the ER and sees a nurse. "excuse me, is dr.jeon here?" he asked. the nurse tilts her head, confused about what he was asking. "who?" she asked. jungkook was panicking inside, thinking of the possibility that you're cheating. "i think he's referring to dr.(l/n) and yes she's here. she's in the operating room, performing surgery. i might say, you are quite lucky to marry my dear colleague. she's one of a kind. so if i find out that you're cheating or anything like that, i won't hesitate to end your career, mr.jeon" a female doctor said. "that's not gonna happen...dr.manoban" he reads the name tag.

'she's the one who (y/n) keeps on texting..huh' he thought. "i just wanted to know if she was here. don't tell her i was here" jungkook looks at the nurse and doctor. "no promises" dr.manoban said before grabbing her tablet and heading towards her new patient. jungkook walks back into his car and sighs in relief to know you were working. he tilts his head back as he places his hand on his heart to feel his heart beat slowly down now knowing the truth.

'(y/n) would never cheat on me. she's a doctor and they are loyal to their patients. she said that she would give our marriage a try so i can't let what people say change my thoughts about her. she will be honest with me...she has too. we are now husband and wife' he reassures himself.

"(y/n) will only love me"

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