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ANXIETY was full in the waiting room as your husband waits outside the OR. you lost lots of blood and the surgeons are inside trying their best to save you. tears were rolling down his cheeks as he thinks the worse possible out come. jia comes running towards him and his mother along with yours. "what happened, jungkook?" she asked noticing his tears. "it's (y/n)...she lost a lot of blood when she gave birth" he cried. jia pulls her cousin into a tight hug, rubbing his back. "(y/n) is strong. i know she's not gonna give up. have faith. you should go see your babies. they need you right now. we will stay here and call you if we get any news" jia said. jungkook wipes his tears and shakes his head. "i-i don't want to leave her alone..." he said.

"you're not. she probably wants you to go to the babies too. she knows you're here waiting for her. go see your babies" his mother said. jungkook nods and looks over at your mom. "she loves you, son. she will wake up soon" she smiles at him. jungkook took a deep breath before heading towards the nursery room. he stands in front of the window, seeing the born babies. a huge smile appeared on his face when he saw his children. they were all sleeping, holding each other hands. more tears started to roll down his cheeks, thinking about this beautiful moment but you weren't here to witness it. you caused him to be like this so you can't leave him. you two have a kids to raise now. he loves you too much.

he looks back at his children. they have your skin color and your hair. they have his eyes, nose and lips. they were a complete mixture between the two of you and all of them looking similar. "amor, please wake up. we have three beautiful angels to raise and i can't do this without. i need you....don't l-leave me" he begs. nurse kim walks by and sees your husband. "mr.jeon, are you alright?" she asked and he shook his head. "my wife might die and i have to raise our children by myself. i love her so much...i can't live without her" he confesses. "i assume your family told you this, but your wife is a strong woman. trust me, during medical school, she pushed herself so much even when she was sick. i promise you she will be fine. would you like to hold your babies?" she asked.

"y-yes" he wipes his tears again. "if you can head back to her room, i will be there with the babies" nurse jennie said. he nods and heads back to the room. jungkook arrives back to your room, taking a seat on the couch. his mind won't stop thinking about you. then he hears a cart and sees nurse jennie pushing a cart with his babies. "babies love to hear their parents' heartbeat so if you could remove your shirt so they could hear it" she said. jungkook nods, unbuttoning his shirt. one by one, nurse jennie places the babies on his chest. a huge smile appeared on his face, seeing them slowly opening their eyes. "i will come back in a few minutes" she said before leaving the room. your husband looks down at the babies. "hi angels. im your daddy. i can't believe you are actually here...in my arms. daddy loves you three very much...so does your mommy. mommy i-is not doing so well y-yet she will. i promise you. w-we will live in a big house. you have two pets to play with. i plan to make sure you three and mommy get the life you deserve" he kisses each of their heads. "we love you" he mumbles.

jia was told to take his cousin back home. he was angry with the surgeons. they told him there was a chance that you won't make it. he stated yelling and shouting, demanding them to save you. his world shattered, knowing you will leave him. he did so much things to keep you by his side yet in the end, it was pointless. you two didn't even get the chance to agree on what to call the babies. your husband walks back inside his house, urging to kill those doctors yet he knew he couldn't. jungkook walks toward the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of wine. he opens the wine, taking a gulp of it. after finishing what he could, he makes his way back to the living room, falling onto the couch, crying again.

"p-please don't leave amor. i need you...if y-you leave me...i-i will leave too. y-you're my reason to l-live and if you're not here...w-what's the point of me being a-alive" he cries. yet he knew he couldn't do that anymore. he has his children to raise. he couldn't do that to them. they're too innocent. jungkook gets up from the couch and walks over to the bathroom. he stares at himself. his face all messy from the crying. your husband looks down at his hands before punching the mirror. blood dripping from his knuckles. "amor, if you do leave me, promise me that we will meet again...just know i love you so much" he said.

"news: mrs.jeon (y/n) gave birth to her child. inside source say she gave birth to triplets and that she has lost blood during labor. mr.jeon jungkook has not confirmed it yet we should send lots of support and love to him and his family" the reporter said. a smirk appeared on mr.park's face. "i didn't expect that to happen? i wonder how he's doing? probably crying like a little child" the young man takes a sip of his glass of champagne. the door of his office opens to reveal his father with a young lady. jimin's brown eyes land on the lady. she look quite beautiful for her age. "hello, father. how can i help you?" he asked with a smile. "jimin, this is your fiancée. she will like to speak to you" his father said. "alright. you can leave now" he said.

his dad leaves the room, leaving them alone. "how can i help you, beautiful?" he winks at her. she rolls her eyes and crossed her arms. "don't call me that. i came here because i want to cancel our marriage. we both don't love each other nor do we want to. i still haven't enjoyed my life. im only 20!" she shouts. he laughs and smiles at her. "who said i don't want to. it's the whole reason why we're getting married next year so this year, we can fall in love with each other" he leans towards her face to make her cheeks warm up. "i-i still don't agree to this!" she looks away from him. jimin chuckles at your response. "well, im sorry i can't help you" he shrugs, making her eyes widen. she leans towards his face. "what do you mean!?!" ms.yoo asked. "it's exactly what i said. unlike you, i actually want to get marry to you. it seems like you don't remember me that well. i mean you were a baby when we first met" jimin said.

she tilts her head, confused. "then we met again when you were only ten and i was eighteen. and again when you were twelve and i was twenty. you were such a cute little girl. but now you became a beautiful young lady that will marry me" he said. "what makes you think i will agree to still marry you? i can always run away" she said. a huge smirk appear on his face. "i don't think so" he said.

"a good friend of mine taught me how to keep the person you love"

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