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"GOOD morning, dr.(l/n)" nurse mira smiles as you walked into the ER with a cup of coffee. "someone didn't get enough sleep last night. did you two go at it all night?" dr. manoban asked as she walks into the conversation. you rolled your eyes and headed into the lounge. you felt your heart racing fast. the memories of that night came rushing in. the two of you finally had your first night together. it was everything jungkook wanted. it was special and he will never forget it. you felt so embarrassed that your husband saw you a messy. but god, he was good for his first time. you yawned as you placed your belongings in your locker. "good morning, dr.(l/n)" you heard nurse gabe say. "your new chief is here" he said. "really? what's his name?" you asked as you put your coat. "actually he's-"

"it's great to see you again" you immediately turned around, causing a huge smile to appear on your face. "joshua!" you hugged him tightly. joshua laughs and hugs you back. "you're my new boss?" you asked. he smiles and nods. "yup! i already met the others. you were the last one on my list. you look beautiful as ever" he compliments you. "me? bro, look at you! you still look handsome. it's been six years since we have seen each other" you crossed your arms. nurse gabe looks at the two of you confused. "how do you two know each other?" he asked.

you and joshua looked at each other before laughing. "we dated before" the two of you said. "we were together for five years. we started dating when we were sixteen but ended our relationship when we were graduating from college" you said. "yup, but we ended things on good terms" joshua smiles. "so tell me joshua, how have things been going for you" you asked as the two of you walked out of the lounge. "it's been pretty good. how about you? i heard that you're married. i thought you said you weren't going to get married too soon" he smirks. "things changed. how about you? have you settle down?" you asked but he shakes his head.

"no. too soon, you know? the last girlfriend i had cheated on me with her ex so i think im gonna take a break. but tell me more about this husband on yours. is he treating you right? he hasn't cheated, right? if he has, i swear i will beat his ass" he said. you laughed and shook your head. "yes and of course not. our marriage has been going well. he loves me and has been treating me like a queen. his name is jeon jungkook, the son of mr.jeon who owns the jeon company" you replied. "alright, but if he does cheat on you, im ready to throw hands" joshua starts punching the air.

dr.manoban was a bit surprised to hear that your ex is their boss. she noticed how calm and chill the two of you are. to be honest, she thought the two of you would hate each other yet you two are acting so kind to each other. and to her, it only means one thing. he still has feelings for you. "remember when we used to build forts at your place?" you asked, looking at him. joshua laughs and nods. "yup and gaby would always come running in and ruining it. oh hello, dr. manoban" he looks at her and smiles.

for some reason, his smile made her heart flutter a bit. "hello dr.simon" she said back. "well i should be heading towards my next patient. it was nice talking to you, (y/n). see you around, dr.manoban!" he takes his tablet and walks off. you grabbed your tablet and looked through your patient's tests. "how can you act so calm knowing that the person you loved is working with you?" she asked. you turned your head and shrugged. "as i said, we ended on good terms. he already knows im married to jungkook and he's happy for me" you smiled.

jungkook was walking into the lobby and saw nurse lily and nurse gabe talking. "why didn't you tell me that dr.simon is dr.(l/n)'s ex?!?" nurse gabe asked yet nurse lily said, "how was i supposed to know? i wasn't told that too until she told me. i can see why they dated. they look good together". your husband clenched his fist as he walks inside to find you. why is your ex here? do you plan on going back to him? do you still love your ex? 'there's no way she can... my wife only loves me...i won't allow her to leave me. she's mine...after everything i did, im not letting her go'

he sees you talking to dr.manoban, laughing and smiling. "amor" you turn your head to see your husband and he kisses you on the lips, making your cheeks warm up. he wraps his arms around your waist, resting on your shoulder. "enjoy your lunch date" dr.manoban waves before walking out. jungkook grabs your hand, dragging you out of the ER room. he tries to hide his jealousy yet he was craving to find out who is your ex. the two of you walked into the cafeteria and your husband pulled out the box of lunch he made for you. "i told you that you don't need to make me lunch. there's food here, jungkook" you said yet he shook his head.

"i cant risk you getting sick. how do i know their ingredients are fresh? i don't mind making your lunch, amor. i want you healthy and safe" he rubs your hand. "now eat up! i made you your favorite food" he smiles. as you started to eat, jungkook stared at you with loving eyes. you looked so cute while eating. "so...i overheard that you have a new boss?" he asked. "yeah i do. his name is dr.simon" you answered. jungkook was hoping you would tell him instead of him finding out. "i want to be honest with you...he's my ex but don't worry! he knows im married to you! i have no feelings towards him. i only have feelings towards you" you confessed, making your husband giggle and smile brightly.

"good to hear that. i don't want to lose you, amor. you're mine forever" he said, making your heart race. you quickly looked away from him and ate your food. he smiles brightly, knowing that you were falling for his charms. "amor..." he places his hand on your thigh, making your eyes widened. of course, no one noticed it because they were busy doing their own thing. "j-jungkook, what do you think you're doing?" you whispered into his ear. your husband leans back and shrugs. "im just making sure everyone knows that dr.(l/n) is my beautiful and adorable wife" he smirks, seeing the doctors and nurses looking at them.

jungkook was about to kiss you until he saw your attention moving away from him. his brown eyes landed on a doctor with dirty blond hair walking towards them. jungkook crossed his arms, examining the male doctor. 'is he her ex? what did she see in him? he's so ugly. no wonder why she picked me' he thought. "jungkook, this is my boss, dr.simon joshua. and this is my husband, jeon jungkook" you smiled. joshua and jungkook both looked at each other. your ex gave him a warm smile while your husband just glared at him. "you're very lucky to have a wife like (y/n). she's an amazing person" joshua said.

"i know i am" jungkook responded. dr.simon just laughs awkwardly and looks back at you. your husband squeezed your thighs, making you gasp. "you okay?" joshua asked. "im fine" you smiled before looking back at your husband who had his cold face on. "well it was nice to meet you, mr.jeon" he said before walking away. "jeon jungkook! what was that for?" you glared at him. "i don't like him. he seems like bad news" jungkook said. "you're only saying that because he's my ex. trust me, we both don't have feelings towards each other. i love you, not him" you said looking directly into his eyes.

jungkook cups your cheeks, kissing you passionately.  he was so addicted to you. he can't get enough of you. you are driving him crazy. the memories of that night of the two of you having sex came rushing into his mind. he badly wanted to claim you now. his lust for you was growing. he wanted to be part of you forever. after a few seconds, you pulled away from the kiss and looked at the time. "i gonna go now. take care" you said yet he grabs your wrist and pulls you back down. he leans towards your ear to only whisper...

"amor, you better be prepared for tonight because i will be ruining you inside and out"

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