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JUNGKOOK kisses your forehead before unlocking the car door. "are you sure you don't want to get some rest?" he asked but you shook your head. "im fine, jungkook. i just want to see lisa and right after that i will go home" you told him. "alright but call me once you get home, okay? i love you, amor" he said. you smiled and nodded. you get off of the car and headed towards the hospital. when you walked into the lobby, you saw nurse mira. "dr.(l/n)! you're back from your vacation. i thought you're supposed to come back next week" she said. "i am, but i wanted to talk to dr.manoban. is she in today?" you asked.

"yeah, she's in the lounge" she said. you smiled and walked inside. the nurses and doctors were surprise to see you but knew you were probably here to see lisa. "oh my! you're back so soon!" she gets up from the chair to hug you. "i need you to do me a favor" you said. "what is it?" dr.manoban asked. "i need a check up" you said. "sure...are you not feeling well?" she asked as the two of you leave the lounge. "for some reason, im not yet i have been eating well" you walked into an empty room.

you take a seat on the bed as dr.manoban washes her hand and put the gloves on. "so what's wrong?" she asked. "last night, i started to feel sick. my husband made us food and while he was showering, i threw up. i keep on getting headaches and today i almost fell because i got dizzy. luckily, jungkook caught me on today" you said. dr.manoban nodded and asked, "and this all happened yesterday, right? are you and jungkook sexually active"?

"we are. the last time we had sex was a few week ago back when we were at (your country)" you said. "did you two use protection?" dr.manoban asked. "from what i remember, jungkook didn't use a condom yet im on birth control pills" you answered. "you and i both know that birth control pills are 91% effective. is your period late?" she asked. you sighed and nodded. "i gonna make you take a pregnancy test just to make sure if you really are pregnant. if not, i'll do more tests. it could so be gastritis. lay down and tell me if it hurts when i touch your stomach" she said.

you laid down and closed your eyes. "so if you are pregnant, how do you think jungkook would react? i assume he doesn't want kids" lisa said. "no actually, he has been telling everyone that he wants at least four kids. im the one who does want kids so im just hoping it comes negative" you answered. "really? why not? you both are twenty six and have two successful jobs" and you shook your head. "we have been married only a few months. it's too soon to get pregnant" you said. "do you feel any pain?" lisa ask and you nodded. "ill be back with the pregnancy test. just stay here" dr.manoban said.

'am i pregnant?...it's too soon...'

jungkook enters the mansion to see his sister in law crying along with his mother. seoyeon was patting mina's back. "what's wrong?" he asked. "j-jungwoo, he got into a car accident..." mina cried. junsu glares at jungkook and crosses his arms. "only if someone was here and doing his work, this wouldn't happen" he said. "oh so you're blaming me? im sorry that i wanted to spend time with my wife and get to know her family unlike someone" jungkook replied. "by 'spending time' with your wife, you mean by using her as your stress reliever"

your husband clenched his fist and jaw, angry about what his older brother was saying about you. "shut up, junsu. you don't know anything about what i feel about her!" he shouts. "then tell us! tell us jungkook about how you feel about your wife. tell us that she's just a gold digger and a whore!" junsu shouts back. it took one second for junsu to fall to the ground. the youngest son punching his older brother. "fuck you! don't you dare ever disrespect my wife! i love her so much!" jungkook yells angrily.

seoyeon gasp and tears started to roll down her cheeks, seeing blood coming out of her husband's mouth. "jungkook stop!" his mother yelled yet he didn't listen. jia signals her husband to separate them and he does, grabbing jungkook and pulling him away. seoyeon runs towards junsu and wipes the blood away from his mouth. "what the heck, junsu!?! you shouldn't have said those things about (y/n)! we all know jungkook loves her dearly" jia shouts at him.

two men enter the mansion. "hello, the maid allows us to enter. we're from the NIS. this is agent min yoongi and i am agent kim taejoon, we have a few questions for you" the one with the black curly hair said showing their badges. "what happened to him?" agent min asked pointing at junsu. "a fight between brothers" jungkook answers. "why is the NIS here? i thought this was an accident" mr.jeon said. "this is month we have many deaths that include young men around his age. we're only here to see if this accident is connected with the other deaths" agent min said.

"who's mr.jeon jungwoo's wife?" agent kim asks. "i-i am" mina stands up and wipes her tears. "can you tell me who your husband was friends with? do you think he could have any enemies?" he asked and she shook her head. "o-our marriage is arranged. h-he doesn't talk to me a-about anything. a-all i know is that he talks to his brothers the most" mina answer. "and you two are the brothers" he points at jungkook and junsu. "i would like to speak to the two of you separate. please follow me" agent kim looks at the youngest.

agent kim leads jungkook to the kitchen and had him sit down. "what's your name and where you doing the time of accident?" he asked. "my name is jeon jungkook. im twenty-six and i was with my wife. we got back from visiting her family in (your country). i dropped my wife off at the hospital since she's a trauma surgeon. i then got a called from my cousin, telling me that i needed to go see my brother's house" he answered. "i see...your sister in law said you and your brothers are close. do you perhaps know who could want to hurt your brother?" he asked. jungkook answers all questions that the NIS agents asked.

he was pissed that he was wasting his time since he wasn't here when the accident happened. "thank you for answering these questions, mr.jeon jungkook" agent kim said. your husband quickly stood up and pulled out his phone, wanting to hear your voice. he calls your number, hoping you answered yet you didn't. jungkook started panicking, thinking that you were probably hurt. he calls you again and again yet you didn't pick up. "come on, amor. pick up" he said.

he walks through the living room to see his family still there. "im leaving. (y/n) hasn't answered my calls" jungkook shouts as he walks out. he enters the car and starts the engine. your husband drove off towards the hospital. suddenly he got a called from a familiar id caller. "tell me where my wife is? i need to know where she is" jungkook said. "mrs.jeon is still at the hospital" the person answered, making your husband sigh in relief. "i thought something bad happened to her. i need you to do a favor for me. i need you to pay a visit at miyeon. tell her that i sent you there and give her a 'little' present" he said.

"of course, boss. i will do what you will say" and the person hung up. jungkook tilts his head, smirking. his fingers tapping on the steering wheel. "miyeon, if you think im gonna let you off the hook, you're so wrong. i hope you love the present im giving you" he said. after a few minutes, he arrives at the hospital and quickly runs inside the ER. "where's my wife?" jungkook asked the nurse. "oh mr.jeon, you're here. dr.(l/n) left a while ago. she seem a bit upset so i recommend you be careful. she's very scary when she's mad" the nurse said.

his eyes landed on dr. manoban and calls her out. "dr.manoban! where is (y/n)?" your husband asked. she stops and makes her way towards him. "i sent her home. jungkook, you have to watch over her" she said. "what do you mean?" he asked tilting his head. dr.manoban placed her hand on his shoulder.

"your wife is..."

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