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TEN year old jungkook has always been cold and quiet towards his schoolmates. they tried talking to him yet he would turn his head, ignoring them. his focus has been in school and his father's company. he knew once he was older he will be working there with his older brothers. jungkook was in his math class, watching the teacher do a math problem. he stares out of the window, getting bored since he has a tutor.

he remembers that his grandmother and aunt would be visiting them. jungkook never liked them. they have always act rude towards him since he's the youngest son. "oh that's all for today class. don't forget we have a test tomorrow" the teacher said as the bell rings. jungkook stands up, packing his books in his bag and suddenly he gets surrounded by kids.

"hey jungkook, do you want to go to the park with us?" a boy asked. "or we can go to the pizzeria? i'll pay" another one asked yet he kept quiet and walked away from them. he was told by his brothers that there was no point of having friends. they were only going to use you because you're rich and he believed it.

jungkook walks outside of the building to see the limo. he gets inside and saw his brothers. the driver takes them to the mansion and they saw a familiar car. the three jeons got out of the limo, heading straight inside the house. they were about to head to
their rooms until they heard a voice. "where do you think you're going?"  they stopped and walk into the living room.

"hello grandmother and aunt hani" they bowed. the old lady glares at her youngest grandson. jungkook looks down at his shoes as she starts criticizing him and his brothers. their parents were out working at the company, leaving them with their grandmother and aunt. "you can go now. dinner will be ready in two hours. come late and you won't eat" their aunt said. the boys nodded before heading up to their rooms.

it was the middle of the night and jungkook got out of bed, feeling thirsty. he walks out of his room, walking down to the kitchen. he grabs a cup and fills it with water, drinking it right after. he walks back up the stairs to go to his room, yet he saw the lights on in the guest room. the door opened a bit, giving him a peek of what was going on.

"mother, what are we going to do? haejoon is going to expose the company. we have to do something or else we're doomed" aunt hani said. "don't worry dear, mother has it all over" his grandmother said as a tall man wearing all black walks into the room from the balcony. "mrs.jeon, what is the reason why you call me after many years" he said. "i need you to do something for me again. i'll pay you double this time" she said with a sinister smile.

"what is it?" he asked. "i need you to get rid of jeon haejoon. make it look like he died by a heart attack. once you do, i'll deposit the money to your account" his grandmother said. "is that all?" he asked and she nodded. "it will be done in two days. expect a call from me" he said before walking out from the balcony.

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