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YOU headed downstairs to go off to the hospital yet when you walked into the living room you saw jungkook sitting on the couch, crying. "jungkook..." you called out. he turns his head, making you see his watery eyes. "father called...he said my grandmother and aunt died..." tears rolled down his cheeks. you took a seat next to him, cupping his cheeks and wipe his tears away. "im so sorry for your losses, jungkook" you pulled him for a hug. he wraps his arms around you, hugging you tightly as he cried.

it broke your heart a bit to see him cry. you might not have liked his grandmother or his aunt, yet they are still people. "don't leave me! please don't go!" he begs. "i won't leave you, jungkook. i will always be here for you" you said calmly while rubbing his back. after a few minutes, your husband stopped crying. it took a while for him to calm down yet he did. he was sleeping peacefully on your lap as your fingers were playing with his hair. a smile appeared on your face, seeing his adorable face.

you had already called the head chief that you will be missing work. you sighed and tilt your head back, thinking about your feelings. none of you have confessed about your feelings. part of you wants to talk to him about it yet you are a bit worried. you giggled as he snuggles up to you. "sleep well" you kissed his forehead. you pull your phone out when you felt a vibration in your pocket. a incoming call from your mother in law.

"did jungkook tell you what happened, dear?" she asked. "yes, he did. my condolences to mr.jeon. he must be heartbroken that his sister and mother died" you said. "he is...he's already speaking to his aunt and uncles about the funeral. how is my son doing?" mrs.jeon asked. "he's sleeping. he did cry a bit but he's calm now" you caress his cheek. she was a bit surprised to hear that. she remembers that he had a bad relationship with them. "oh...well thank you for being with him" she said.

your husband slowly opens his eyes and sees you on the phone. he rubs his eyes, and gets up. he wraps his arms and legs around your body, leaving wet kisses on your neck. your cheeks warm up when he starts sucking on your skin. "jungkook..." you look at him yet he still continues. you bite your lip, trying to control yourself. "take care of yourself" mrs.jeon said before hanging up. he pulls away, licking his lips seeing his fresh new hickey on your skin. "amor, im hungry" jungkook said.

"what do you want me to cook for you?" you look at him. he smiles brightly and rests his head on your shoulder. "anything. i will eat anything you cook" he confessed. you nodded and was about to stand up yet he grabs your hand. "wait, let's go eat outside today" jungkook said. "you wanna eat outside? after hearing what happened to your aunt and grandmother? you sure you want to? we can order take out instead" you suggested. he looks down and starts thinking. "yeah, let's order take out instead. this way, we can cuddle while the food gets ready" jungkook pulls you back into his arms.

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