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CHAPTER | 26mature content ahead { ★ }

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YOUR mother was smiling brightly as she watches you and jungkook were looking at each other. "you may kiss the bride" the priest said. quickly, your husband pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arm around your waist, grabbing your chin and tilting your head back in order to kiss you passionately and deeply. your guests started to clap and cheer for the two of you. jungkook pulls away and smiles. "i love you so much, amor" he whispers into your ear. he grabs your hand and the two of you walked out of the church.

"congratulations" your sister said as she walks towards you. "thank you so much" you smiled. jungkook places his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. "you better be the one giving mom grandchildren. i already told her i won't be the one" she said. "don't worry. she will probably have around four grandchildren, right amor?" jungkook smirks and you push his face away from you. "it seems like they're having their first argument" your mother said walking with your aunt. "we will be meeting you guys at the reception. we have to take pictures" you said.

jungkook leads you towards the limo and helps you get inside. once you two go in, the limo started to move. "how did you plan all of this?" you asked him. "while you were out working. i wanted to remarry you and make it special. then i thought of your parents so i decided that i would marry you here so your family can see our wedding. i knew you would say yes so i had the mass and the reception paid" he said. "wow. what if i said no" you replied, crossing your arms.

"if you said no, well then i would have force you to say yes" he smirks, leaning towards your face for a kiss yet you placed your finger against his lips. "not so fast, jeon. don't forget we're taking pictures" he sighs. "fine, but just so you know, i won't be going easy on you tonight. im gonna make sure you won't be able to walk for days" he whispers into your ear, sending you shivers.

after the photo shoot, the two of you arrived at the reception to see your guests there with your parents. "let's give an applause for the married couple, mrs. and mr. jeon" the dj said. everyone clapped as the married couple walk inside. jungkook smiles, happy that he was finally part of your family. he leads you to your seat which was with your parents and grabs the microphone from the dj. "i just want to say thank you for coming. you all know we were already yet i wanted to marry (y/n) again because our first wedding wasn't the way i wanted to remember it"

"she has truly made me become a better version of myself. i was a cold and selfish man before she came into my life. i never thought i would be this crazy over someone like her, but god im so happy that it was her. she's irreplaceable. i truly love you, (y/n). i can't wait to grow old with you and have a beautiful family together" he looks deeply into your eyes. the audience clapped and adored the speech he gave. the dj then starts playing a song.

jungkook makes his way towards you, still with his bunny smile. "may i have this dance, amor?" he asked extending his arm. "yes" you smiled as you place your hand on top of his. he pulls you towards the dance floor and the two of started to dance. the lights were dimmed and smoke was appearing. the guest watch as the couple shared their first dance. everyone happy that you finally found the love of your life. the person that will love you until death.

you walked out of the bathroom from a hot shower while jungkook was showering in the other room. he then walks inside the bedroom to see a towel wrap around your body. your husband bites his lips, trying to control his hormones yet it was getting difficult for him. he makes his way behind you and spins you around to kiss you roughly. you were shock by the kiss yet soon responded back. his arms wraps around your waist, pulling you closer. his hand going down, squeezing your ass. you moan and his tongue slides inside your mouth, exploring each corner.

jungkook lifts you up, placing you down onto the bed. your body was feeling excited. his lips move away from your lips traveling down towards your neck. he places his lips onto your skin, sucking on it. you could feel yourself getting needy by the way he was touching you. he left so many hickeys around your neck and collar, wanting to make sure you know you belong to him. he removes the towel that was hiding your body, throwing it aside.

your husband licks his lips seductive, ready to devour his precious wife. his fingers found their way down, rubbing your aching pussy. "fuck~" you moan. your legs starts to move around as he started to rub you. jungkook could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter for him. god, you were making him want to skip this and go straight into it.

jungkook opens your legs widely, getting a perfect view of what belongs to him. leaning towards your wet pussy, he gives you clit a light soft kiss. you arch your body when you felt his tongue moving up and down your clit. his hands on your thigh, preventing you from moving and keeping you in one spot. you started moaning loud and loud, feeling his tongue now moving around in circles. "oh god~" you rolled your eyes.

his brown lustful eyes were looking at his messy wife who was moaning his name. with one of his finger, he thrust it deep into her. you grabbed onto his wet hair as jungkook started thrusting his finger faster and harder. "jungkook~" you moan. his lips found their way onto your clit, sucking on it as his finger fucks you. "don't stop~" you ran your fingers through his hair. your husband could feel your wall tighten, signaling him that you were about to reach your climax.

after a couple of strong thrusts, you came all over his finger. he licks off your delicious juice, ready and excited to feel himself inside of you. your husband removes his towel, putting his hard dick on top of your pussy. he starts rubbing himself against you, making the two of you moan. jungkook slowly makes his way into you, making him groan as he feels your insides. quickly he places his big hands on your waist, preparing himself to fuck you hard.

jungkook pulls himself out and starts pounding into you deeply. he groans, loving the feeling of being inside of his wife. you were moving your hips up and down, wanting him to go deeper. "faster~" you moan out. this drove him crazy. he starts fucking you rough, sucking on your neck while you squirm and whines. he asks you if you were close but you lets out a shaky no and gasp when he goes faster.

"you're mine" he growls as you scratch his back. "you feel so good" jungkook groans. you could feel your climax coming. he then thrusts his hips a certain way, hitting a sensitive spot making you scream his name loud. "do you like that?" and you nod with a whine. he thrusts back in and abusing that sweet spot of yours. you grabs onto his back, digging and scratching. "you're doing an amazing job" he groaned. you tilts your head back as you could feel him going deeper than before. jungkook loved the way you were screaming his name. "jungkook~"

"hang on, i'm not done with you yet" your husband said thrusting himself deeper as he slaps your ass. you arches your back while screaming his name. skin slapping, moans and groans were filling up the bedroom. the bed shaking to the point that it was about to break. "amor~" he groans, feeling your walls clenching his dick. "i love the sounds you make when im inside of you" he growls as he holds down your shaking legs. "don't stop~" he heard you moan. "i wish i could be inside of you forever, amor" he moans. you rolled your eyes back, loving the feeling your husband was giving you. "fuck. right there. don't stop" you moan.

his hands grabbed your breasts, squeezing them as he pounds himself in you. your hands were roaming around his chest as your legs shake. "im gonna cum" you cried as you release the knot you had in your stomach. jungkook groans loudly, feeling himself release inside of you. he runs his fingers through his wet hair as he pulls himself out. he breaths heavily, seeing his precious semen dripping out of your pussy. he runs his finger along the inside of her thigh with a smirk.

you closed your eyes, trying to catch your breath. all of a sudden, you gasped and looked to see that your husband was inside of you again. his hands on your waist, repositioning himself. he thrust himself into you, making you moan.

"im not gonna stop until the bed breaks"

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