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ARRIVING back to busan, you founded out about the death of your husband's brothers. you felt so bad for not being by his side yet he told you that he was fine. you also found out why nancy, yuki and miyeon killed all of those people. apparently, they wanted the company so killing your husband and brothers in law was the only way to get it. yet when they found out you were pregnant, they had to get rid of you too. jungkook rescued two dogs while you were gone to help him cope. a male white maltese name gureum and a male doberman puppy name bam. they have been very overprotective towards you since they know you're carrying your babies. jungkook has been trying to make time for you since his father has no other option to hand him down the family company.

"amor! im home!" he walks inside the house. your husband heard familiar voices and he walks inside the living room to see you talking to your co-workers with a smile on your face. he makes his way towards you, wrapping his arms around you. "welcome home conejito" you smiled. "congratulations, mr.jeon" dr. simon said. "i didn't expect you to go that rough on her to make her carry three babies" dr.manoban laughs. "it's the power of being a jeon" jungkook smirks, looking at you. you rolled your eyes and look back at your guests. "so how is the hospital doing? i know i missed a lot of my shifts" you said yet they shook their heads. "you're fine. we got to know your situation later on which is why we don't expect you to return in a few weeks" dr.simon said. "yup! we hired a new trauma surgeon who's taking your place" dr.manoban smiles.

dr.simon looks at the time and looks back up. "well it's getting late. we should head off. congratulations again you too" he said. "you better invite us to the baby shower" lisa adds. after they both left, your husband pulls you even closer. "you have no idea how much i missed you" he whispers. "how i missed your scent, your warmth...your presence. you drove me crazy, amor" he adds. you turned around and pulled him into a deep kiss. his heart started to race since you were the one who kissed him. jungkook responds back to the kiss, placing his hands on your waist. after a few seconds, the two of you pulled away. "i missed you a lot too, but now you're together and no one is gonna keep us separated. i love you, jeon jungkook" you smiled. "i love you too, jeon (y/n)" he reconnects his lips with yours.

"so why did you kill those men? we were told you were obsessive about mr.jeon jungkook so why kill those men around his wife?" agent kim asked. "i thought he would leave her if he found about men she was around were dying" miyeon answers with a cold voice. "what is it about mr.jeon that you're-" he then gets interrupted. "everything. he's the perfect man which i wanted him" she replied. "why did he chose his wife over you? i mean you are a model" agent kim said. "i don't know. their marriage was arranged by his mother. at first he didn't love her yet he eventually did" miyeon answered. "and that broke your heart, right?" and she nods. "yes it did. i tried to separate them yet they didn't want to leave each other which is why it didn't leave me any other choice but to kill them"

agent min looks at nancy who was looking down at her hands. "so ms.nancy, why did you become a part of this? there was no reason why you would. ms.yuki wanted the company, miyeon wanted jungkook and you-" she then spoke. "i wanted his wife" she answer, making his eyes widened. "and why is that?" agent min asked. "have you seen her? she's beautiful. a true goddess. and jungkook is a god. combine them together and you will have a beautiful gift" she said. "you want her baby" agent kim said and nancy nods. "i can't get pregnant and when i heard she was carrying jungkook's children, i know i need to get them" she replied. "and what were you going to do once ms.jeon gave birth?" he asked. "keep her until the babies don't need her. ill kill her and raise the babies as my own" she smiles.

"i didn't kill those men! i did kill my cousins, yet those weren't me! believe me!" yuki shouts. "you can stop shouting. we know you didn't do it. your friend confessed she did" agent kim said. "s-she didn't do it either. she wanted to leave yet we didn't allow her to. someone is putting the blame on us" yuki said. "she clearly explained to me why she did it. you wanted the company, right? why a stupid family company when you can start your own company" agent min said. "you know what, i get it was stupid of me to do that but im telling you it wasn't us who killed those men who were around (y/n)!" and agent kim shows her pictures. "these things were found in your house. and it has your fingerprints on them" he said. "i want my lawyer!"

jungkook was in his office, finishing some paperwork that his brothers left behind. the door of his office opens and walks in mr.park. "it's been a while" he said. "i heard that your wife is pregnant, congrats. i never thought you would want children. you always prove me wrong" mr.park said. "what is it that you want from me?" jungkook asked. "i want you and your wife to attend my wedding next year" he said, handing a card to him. "who's the unlucky woman marrying you?" your husband asked. "she is the oldest daughter of my father's friend. we met a few times when we were young yet she's still studying in college. eight years apart"mr.park said. "we will not be able to attend since my wife is pregnant" mr.Jeon said.

"but you can have your mother watch over the child" mr.park said. "i would if we were having a child yet my wife is pregnant with triplets so my mother won't be able to handle three babies" jungkook said as the door opens. a huge smile appeared on his face when he saw you walk in. "amor, what are you doing here? didn't i tell you to stay home?" he stood up and walks over to you. "i know, but we missed you. right, babies" you looked at your tummy. jungkook smiles as he places his hand on his chest, feeling his heart race. you're so adorable. "i kissed you too, babies" he kisses your tummy. "oh, mr.park! are you having a meeting with jungkook? im so sorry, i didn't know. the secretary told me i could walk in" you said. "oh no. you're fine. i just came to give you two an invitation but it seems like you can't go" he said, having you look at your husband. "and why can't we go, mr.jeon?" you crossed your arms.

he gulps seeing how your mood changed. "well amor, it's next year and our babies will need their mommy so i think it's better if we don't go. you need your rest to get better" jungkook said. "we will try to make it. i will convince him to go, don't worry" you smiled. "i appreciate it. thank you" he smiles and leaves the room. your husband looks over to you. "amor, please understand that im trying to keep you save" he said and you rolled your eyes. "jungkook, i understand. now come here. i wanna go eat" you said. he smiles and takes a seat next to you as you open the basket of food you brought with you. "we still haven't told your parents about the pregnancy yet...so i had my men pick them up" and you looked at them. "what? they're coming here?" you asked and he nods. "yup! i have the gift ready to give it to them" jungkook said.

you stuffed food into your mouth, making him laugh. he grabs the napkin, wiping your lips. "you're so cute amor" he said. the door opens to reveal yeonjun with a lady. jungkook wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close. he noticed the woman was staring at you. "she's mine so back off" he growls. "i'm not going steal her away from you, but she's quite a beautiful lady" she smirks at you. "who's she?" you whisper to him. "hello, mrs.jeon. my name is park  olivia. im a friend of your husband" she smiles. "the last time someone introduced me as a friend of my husband, they tried to kill me so tell me the truth?" you asked. "don't worry amor, she really is just a friend. she won't hurt us. plus she's married to her wife" jungkook whispers. "oh. sorry. i don't really trust people anymore because of the situation we were in" you said. "it's understandable" she said.

"so why are you here?" your husband asked, upset they ruined his moment with you. yeonjun clears his throat. "amor, can you do me a favor and go grab me something from my secretary" and you nodded. once you left, jungkook looks back at them. "what is it? i was eating with my wife" he said. "it's your sister in law, seoyeon. you gotta stop being charming..."

"she realized she has hidden feelings for you"

"she's just joking, boss. yuki, nancy and miyeon are all in jail for life. everything is done. you can live the perfect life with your wife"

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