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THE house was empty when jungkook arrived. he knew that you were still out working so he decided to cook dinner. it would be the first time he cooked for someone. he had the chefs at his parents house to teach him when he was younger. he used to cook for himself when he was living alone but now he has you. "i hope she likes the food" he smiles, thinking about his amor. 

soon the front door opens and you walked inside, smelling something delicious from the kitchen. when you walked in, you saw your husband smiling beside the food he made. "i made us dinner. come and eat" he grabs your hand, making you take a seat. he sits in front of you, still smiling. "thanks for making dinner. i didn't know you could cook" you said. "i had the chefs teach me how to. i hope you like the food i made" he said. you took a bite of the food he made and smiled brightly. "it's delicious, jungkook! i never had this meal taste so good" you said.

your husband giggles and smiles hearing your words. "how about i make us dinner? you get back home so late and you're tired from the surgeries. i don't mind cooking for us" he suggested. "are you sure? aren't you tired from working at the company?" you asked but he shakes his head. "i would love to cook for you everyday even if i am tired, sick or injured. im your husband. you, my amor, are my main priority" he said.

you felt a bit worried and weird out about what he just said so you just nodded awkwardly. "o-okay. but you don't need to. i can cook as well. you shouldn't even be cooking if you're sick or injured" you said but he didn't care. "so about that party. why didn't you tell me about it?" jungkook remembers. "o-oh, i thought you wouldn't want to go because jungwoo and junsu said that you don't like parties. i was planning on going with dr.manoban" you explained.

"well you don't need to. i'll be going with you as your date. we are married so it makes sense that i come along" jungkook said. 'plus, who knows what type of men are going to be there. they might try to harm you. i won't let that happen' he thought. "don't you have a meeting at day though?" you asked. he then remembers that he did with mr.park and his son. jungkook didn't want you to go without him but he can't miss this meeting. "i will ask them if we can reschedule. im sure they will-"

"this meeting is important, jungkook. it's fine. i can go with dr.manoban" you interrupted him. "no. you can't go without me. mr.park will understand so don't worry. what you should be worrying is what you will be wearing" he sips his glass. his sudden behavior sent you shivers. "let's finish eating our dinner so you can go to bed. my amor must be very tired" he smiles before going back to eat.

it surprised you that he did do what he said that night. everyday when you came back from work, he has made dinner. eventually he also started waking up at 4am to make breakfast for you. of course, you told him it wasn't necessary but he insisted, saying he's your husband and husbands cook for their wives as well. jungkook said he didn't want you to eat the food the cafeteria gives nor the truck, saying it was bad for you. he would come over during your break and bring you lunch so the two of you can eat together.

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